For the money, it's ok.

Written: 14 april 2009
Travel time: 1 — 7 may 2008
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
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The hotel is ok! Cozy close to the sea. Perhaps this is one of the advantages of this hotel. The room is cleaned frequently. But the situation that happened with us is probably the fault of the tour operators. Firstly, we took off 9 hours late. Accordingly, the hotel was a day later, settled at 02 am the next day. It was a long drive from the airport. But another plus on arrival was immediately fed. There were no return tickets. They offered to go to the reception every day and look at the lists of who flies when. They fed poorly, there was no meat on the tables, in the evening they fried soybeans, passing it off as meat. The director of the hotel, turn on the fool when they asked him for something, although he understood Russian. Eugene was also there, like the head of the reception. This frame is still the same. He cheated at every turn. We wanted to rent a car, he gave us such a price, and then when we refused to know us, he did not want to. I also feel sorry for the woman who broke her arm, and she was not even given first aid, although she had insurance. They made plaster at her expense. There is nothing in the bar besides beer and sour wine, so stock up on duty free. The view of the hotel is really cool. It’s bad that they close the exit to the sea in the evening, you have to go around it, although it’s not great, it’s dark behind the hotel and there are a lot of bushes, so it’s not very pleasant. Come to the "Russian House" there are cool guys. We visited them almost every evening. The beach is not very, a lot of algae, garbage. Side view of ogre stones. There is a 5 star hotel nearby, they had an animator, but we didn’t have it, so when we managed to go to play with them. And so nothing at all. Not expensive and angry. But not a freebie. So you can probably find something better. Yes, and when we left, we were told that it was closed for repairs, they would build something else in this place. Have a good rest everyone.
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