Spoiled holiday!!!

Written: 24 august 2019
Travel time: 17 — 24 july 2019
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
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Chose the hotel on the basis of reviews were neither good nor bad. We thought the hotel was C grade, but it's not even one star. About the room - everything has already been written, I’ll add from myself - unsanitary conditions, under the bed the socks of the previous guests. Food....if you like cheese and greens, this is the place for you!! ! There is no meat at all, rice and pasta that they ate in the morning and in the evening, meat - soy cutlets of various shapes, there were burnt fish and grilled chicken twice and all this in endless lines hoping to get a plate... It's just a tin hotel on 90% is filled with locals who do not hesitate to occupy all the sun loungers, listen only to Turkish music and smoke right at the table in the presence of children. Yes, we expected hospitality from Turkey, but received negativity and undisguised hatred for the Russians... I would never return to this hotel even if they paid me, a terrible vacation and a spoiled impression of Turkey...
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