Good holiday with children (2 years old, 4 years old and 6 years old)

Written: 6 june 2013
Travel time: 17 — 28 may 2013
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For families with children
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 8.0
Service: 9.0
Cleanliness: 7.0
Food: 9.0
Amenities: 10.0
Our composition is 2 adults, 3 children (almost 2 years old, 4 years old and 6 years old). Rested from 17.05 to 28.05. 13. Fifth trip to Turkey.
It so happened that we went to this hotel. I didn’t have to choose much, the price of the hotel did its job. Under other circumstances, I would not even pay attention to this hotel... And the reviews for last season were already very negative.
But my sister and I bet on the mini club and just decided to enjoy the holiday (come what may). Of course they were very worried.
But our worries were completely in vain.
We liked the hotel.
The hotel is focused exclusively on Russian-speaking tourists (99%). Therefore, those who prefer not to collide with compatriots on vacation - this is not your option! The audience is different (there were also not very cultured fellow citizens). And of course, in terms of the level of service, this is far from deluxe. Very budget five with its pluses and minuses.

Territory. Very pretty and neat, well planned. Doesn't look bald. In the coastal zone, there is mainly a lawn and rare palm trees (perhaps because of this, the territory does not seem very green in the photo).
But in the area of ​ ​ the villas there are pine trees, beautiful galleries entwined with bougainvillea bushes (how I love them!!!! ).
Many decorative elements "antique": columns, arches, fountains, shell lamps. It looked nice.
On the territory of 2 large swimming pools, one with slides for adults. There is a closed one - we were rescued in cloudy and cool weather. There is a Jacuzzi indoors.
3 children's pools (2 bass next to adults), one on the territory of the mini-club with slides (we'll talk about the mini-club separately ☺ )
The Internet is caught throughout the hotel (free of charge), including the rooms.
Number. We had a family room booked in the villa. They settled us almost immediately (at the beginning of the eleventh morning we were at the hotel). We went to have breakfast (brunch) and literally within 10 minutes after breakfast we already got a room. This is what I am for. To the fact that it is not necessary to corrupt the staff with money for the speedy issue of a number. I mention this every time. If there are rooms available at the time of your arrival, you will be checked in at 6 am... Since the hotel was not yet full, everyone was settled within an hour after arrival. We are no exception. If the hotel was 100 percent full, the money wouldn’t help much anyway… By the end of our stay at the hotel (95% full, people were already waiting for the room…

I got a room in a good villa on the ground floor (there are villas that are not very good - in particular, this is a villa that is opposite the animation field, where they play mini-golf and archery: next to the restaurant, cars, carts, smoke from grill right out the windows, and of course everyone walks past along the path and looks into your balcony). The room is large and spacious. Everything worked properly. The AC worked well, but we didn't use it. More precisely, they used it once and no matter how funny it sounds - for heating ☺ (in the first couple of days it was cool at night). The rooms have been renovated. Some rooms, like the next one, were completed even with us.
Of the minuses - many rooms are damp. People complained. Very humid. Even the linens on the beds were damp. But we put it down to the beginning of the season (did not have time to dry out after the winter), because in the last days of our stay (it was already hot) the room became noticeably drier. Well, the second minus - there is no grid on the balcony. Accordingly, be prepared for the appearance of living creatures in your room. Don't forget fumigators.
Who has small children (and got the number on the first one), watch the children - they can climb through the "bars" on the balcony. So it was with our shilopop - they caught it on the territory, it was good not far away I managed to escape.
The girls had a bunk bed. For the kid a bed playpen.
Cleaned - so-so (we always leave a tip). Swans were twisted, decorated with flowers ☺ , but the quality of cleaning left much to be desired.
There are many Russian channels on TV (for those who like to watch TV on vacation)
Mini-bar: a liter package of peach juice, water, cola, fanta (but I don’t remember about the sprite). Replenish as needed.
Restaurant. Don't expect frills. There will be no lobster-squid-shrimp. But at the same time, everything is edible, tasty, a sufficient selection of dishes. Meat is enough (turkey, chicken, lamb, beef, liver). A lot of stew (I prefer it more than any grill). Grilled meat happens - but the choice is not large (one kind will be for sure! ). Plenty of fish. Yes, it is of “simple” varieties, but it is cooked very tasty - you will find both fried and boiled ☺
It can be seen that the chef is very fond of spinach - it is found in a variety of options in many dishes
Carving in the restaurant is not fond of ☺

The drinks. Breakfast is orange juice. I can’t vouch for the fact that it is freshly squeezed (I don’t like orange juice) - I’m not special in it. But for the sake of interest, I tried it - it tastes like natural (at least packaged), and orange “pieces” float in it (well, you understand what I mean). Therefore, everything is possible, as natural, but rather packaged.
There are transparent coolers with juice (lunch and dinner) - there the juice is packaged, but very diluted. But in the vending machine where the bar (next to the children's restaurant) is the same packaged juice, but no longer diluted (we saw how the vending machine was filled several times - they were filled from large factory packages like we have wine, no water was added). Conducted an "experiment": I took juice from a cooler and from a machine at the bar - just heaven and earth. 4 types of juice: pineapple, apple, cherry, orange.
At breakfast there is compote (where the jam is): apricot, peach, cherry and, in my opinion, pineapple.
There are a lot of fruits (but there are also not very ripe ones): watermelons, melons, apples, oranges, pomelo, medlar, bananas, peaches, apricots, nectarines and others I don’t know what they are called. But at the same time, they save on seasonal fruits: there have never been strawberries or cherries (although the season has always been in abundance in other hotels)
On a birthday, a cake is brought as a gift from the hotel (it was my sister's birthday)
Minus - dirty dishes. Naturally, not all, all, but I came across...
The children's restaurant is open for breakfast, lunch and dinner (in many hotels only for dinner). 3 types of cereals: semolina, rice, hercules. Semolina is quite decent (our children don’t eat other cereals, so we haven’t tried it). Puree soups, broth (to which you can already add anything you want - show your imagination, dear parents ☺ ). In the general restaurant, there is always borscht for lunch and dinner (delicious by the way, but for me it’s more cabbage soup than borscht). Well, dear parents, do not cycle on the children's table - for crumbs, everything can be found on the common table (a lot of stewed vegetables, meat, boiled or stewed fish, which you will not find on the children's table! ) Or on the diet.
The children's restaurant has a blender and a microwave.
There is a TV that shows cartoons

I also liked that on the children's table there are salted sticks (which many children love so much), bread sticks, regular liver and waffles
The waiters are very accommodating. There are no complaints about their work.
Ice cream at the hotel is served from 16-00 to 18.30. In the end, there are no people at all and you can safely take ice cream without a flea market.
The snack restaurant bakes gozleme during the day. Again with spinach ☺ But I still love them very much, even with spinach. In the food court they make hamburgers, bake pizza.
As for food, you can eat non-stop in the hotel. You certainly won't leave hungry.
Beach. I did not like it (there is something to compare). The entry into the sea is steep, after 10 steps it is up to the neck. At the entrance there is a strip of pebbles (from 2 to 4 meters wide) - when more, when less. Pebbles - different from small to large. It is very unpleasant to leave the sea, especially if the sea is a little stormy. Of course I understand that this is nature, but for me a disadvantage...
There are a lot of sun loungers. But the hotel is very big. At the beginning of the holiday (we arrive at the beach at 9-10 am) there were plenty of sun loungers, even occupied on the first line (but it doesn’t matter to us). In the end, when the hotel was full (and even then not completely), there were already few sun loungers left. Those who came a little later got sun loungers without mattresses, and those people who came even later were left without sun loungers. Plenty of sun loungers in the afternoon.
Plus - there are awnings. Minus - very few taps for washing feet (there are only two for such a large beach and one next to the mini-club on the beach)
Because of the river flowing into the sea right next to the beach (and at an angle - just the beach washes) the water is cool (colder than in other places) and muddy (in other places, even where the sandy beach is clean, you can see about 2 meters, yes and you don’t have to go far - on an adult beach, the water is much cleaner and more transparent)

But the plus of the hotel is that there is an adult beach behind the river. I liked it better there. But even there, at the end of the holiday, all the sun loungers were already occupied (in the beginning - it’s good if a couple of fungi). The water is cleaner, warmer, the sunset is more gentle. But a little further from the coast there are natural “platforms” with algae (I don’t like it when something touches my feet in the water).
Children are not allowed on the adult beach. Even in the evening, we somehow wanted to go see the little mermaid (there is a sculpture), but the guard did not let
Animation. The team is good, there are a lot of fun activities (yoga, dancing, fit-ball, volleyball, water competitions, etc. ) But the evening show shows that the guys are trying. But as they say, they have seen better and more interesting... All sorts of Miss Mr. Hotel, a couple of hotels, comedy shows - I don’t like anywhere, all one at a time and stuffed my mouth... Visiting shows - 2 pieces in 12 days. But I blame the fact that the season is not yet in full swing, maybe later there will be all sorts of dances-circuses-tricks (well, what usually happens at evening animations)... Parties are held (like red, white, when everyone should be dressed in appropriate colors) - on such days there is no evening animation in the amphitheater, all the action is transferred to the “dragon bones” (where there is a disco by the beach). Minus - of course, their music yells very strongly (in the sense that you can simply go deaf on the dance floor).
The amphitheater itself for animations is a big minus. Not designed for such a number of hotel guests. If now it no longer accommodates everyone, I'm afraid to imagine what will happen later...
The biggest and boldest plus, for which you can forgive all the disadvantages of the hotel is of course a mini-club. This is just a wild delight for both children and parents. A large territory, beautifully decorated houses, wonderful animators, a lot of children's entertainment... I just can't describe it!!!!
They are constantly engaged with children - they draw, sculpt, bake, play games. In the morning, children's gymnastics and children's yoga (outdoors under an awning).

Then there are musical games. Adult children (from 6 years old) are taken to swim in the sea and pools. Toddlers (up to 6 years old) are taken to the beach to sculpt castles, have fun games in the pool, which is on the territory of the mini-club, ride from the water slides (in the same pool of the mini-club). They bake pizza, make crafts, beads, caps, toys (primitive but funny), paint pasta (then make beads and bracelets). Play Indians and Pirates
Somehow they made floating lanterns and then in the evening after the animation they were launched in the pool - it was very beautiful.
Face painting at 14-00 is absolutely free.
The mini-club has two rooms with all sorts of loopholes (like our St. Petersburg Jump-Skok or Jump). Of course free. Our girls, and the little one, just couldn't get out of there.
Very good playground for crumbs under the awning.
Next to the mini club is Tarzan's House. Children love to run and play.
There is a trampoline (next to Tarzan's house) - naturally free of charge.
At 4 p. m. , children drink juice with cookies and pies.
There are birthday parties ($40) for children - my niece had one.
For money, they paint T-shirts, pillows, handbags, paint with sand.
For a fee - a carousel, cars and slot machines
In the evening, a standard mini-disco. New songs (not all, but still) - a plus... Animators dress up as puppets of Disney heroes (Goofy, Donald, Ponochka, Mickey, even Shrek once) - the children are completely delighted.
But the parents were very annoyed by the fact that they stood close together along the stage to take pictures and take pictures of the children. And so not a damn thing is visible (I wrote above that it was a small amphitheater) - there are a lot of children on the stage, a flea market... And then there are the parents who also interfere with watching. You can take pictures and shoot perfectly from a place in the amphitheater (even better seen from a height) - which I actually did. Requests from animators for parents to disperse are ignored.
After the mini disco, you can take the kids to watch cartoons in the mini club.
The shop at the hotel sells baby potties - I didn’t look at the price (but it’s probably not cheap ☺ )
Outcome. We liked the hotel. Those who rely specifically on children's holidays (do not care about everything else) will not lose by choosing this hotel.

BUT! Now I would not go to it (during the season). A LOT of people and children (which is understandable with such a mini-club). Queues began at the restaurant. Baileys began to be diluted... The problem with sun loungers begins...
Well, do not forget that where there are many children, the likelihood of epidemics increases very much (tonsillitis, rotavirus). There have already been complaints. Thank God we are gone.
That is, if I return to this hotel, I will return at the very end of the season (end of September) or again I will go in mid-May.
I can only return to this hotel for the sake of my daughter. In my personal opinion, there are more interesting hotels... But here the mini-club simply cannot be compared with anything...
I will make comments to fellow citizens... I apologize if I offend anyone.
If a table in a restaurant is occupied, it means it is occupied (do not ignore other people's things, and then say, “and my table was ALSO occupied”), and even more so sit down without permission. The restaurant is large and there are plenty of tables for everyone. I also don’t understand the principle “we ALWAYS sit here” - tables are not personally booked for anyone.
Moms! Well, wear diapers for Basik when you swim in the pool. There are announcements about it all over the place! They are sold in pharmacies and even in the hotel, you don’t have to pretend that you hear about them for the first time (although everything is possible - there are a lot of vacationers from the outback in the hotel). And of course, putting a child to pee in an indoor pool on the floor is just beyond my understanding. But in my opinion, that mother did not understand what she did so terrible (it must be a normal situation for her) when my sister and I began to look askance in her direction and make comments...
Translated automatically from Russian. View original