Bad vacation in the mountains

Written: 30 september 2008
Travel time: 1 — 8 september 2008
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
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Hello! Just arrived from this hotel. We rested there from 21.09. 08 to 29.09. 08. It’s impossible to say something good about this hotel, and there’s nothing... Everything is pretty terrible, both accommodation and food, but there is no service at all. One thing, but this is the surrounding nature, mountains, sea... During the week of rest, three rooms were changed, the last one turned out to be better, and the first one was immediately abandoned. What is typical for almost all rooms is dampness, mold, etc. , etc. Hot water was available only when the sun was shining, and the rest of the time they were engaged in winter swimming. everything is very diluted . . although you can’t drink a lot of such swill. What I would like to say to everyone who is going to this hotel, believe the reviews, I personally read a lot of bad things about this hotel, but I decided to check it personally for myself, which I immediately regretted... Have a wonderful memorable holiday for everyone...
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