Rest on Azov or how to spoil your vacation

25 august 2010 Travel time: with 16 July 2010 on 31 July 2010
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Impressions from a summer holiday on the Sea of ​ ​ Azov in the city of Berdyansk - The park of the Soviet period is resting!


Considering the crisis and upcoming expenses, I decided to save on vacation. I opted for the city of Berdyansk. Firstly, because I was there as a child and I wanted to be nostalgic, and secondly, to see relatives living there.

As a result, he left for the sanatorium "Azure" for 14 days. It's just a nightmare! The Soviet period of the era of late Brezhnevism. Service, in the modern sense of the word, - NO.

However, the location of the sanatorium is very convenient - the base of the Berdyansk Spit. Thus, there are two seas to choose from. The beach of the sanatorium is located in the bay, very shallow, almost a "paddling pool". Great vacation with kids. Only a lot of people, because there is no access system (as, for example, on the nearby Red Carnation Beach), and people from all over the area are teeming with indiscriminately. Despite the presence of a footwash, there was almost never any water. On the way to this "near" beach there is a market where you can buy everything - from consumer goods and beach equipment to food, etc. I really liked pasties near the Uzbek cafe.

"Far" beach - super! Located on the open sea near the sanatorium "Berdyansk". Firstly, there are cool waves that you can ride on, the sea is an order of magnitude cleaner, there are showers with water and everything you need.

On the way there is a large very salty estuary. It is also good to swim there, and most importantly, it is useful. It is from it that sanatoriums take water for iodine-bromine baths. And then healing mud "for free. "

Cyclo rickshaws run from the main entrance to the resort to the "far" beach. You can take the phones from the guys and call them when you need.

Nostalgia for the past was caused by the cries of beach vendors "shrimp, corn, baklava... ". Loved the local beer.

Some vacationers saw snakes in the sea this year. Especially a lot on the spit from the bay. Locals claim that these are vipers and that they do not bite in the water.

He lived in the 19th building (12-storey building, visible from any point of the Resort "Berdyansk"), on the 8th floor. Mosquitoes almost did not fly, but there are a lot of huge spiders. Before going to bed, I had to arrange a hunt. I do not recommend going out in the evening without an anti-mosquito cream or aerosol.

Water (both hot and cold), firstly, on schedule, and secondly, it did not reach my 8th floor at the most necessary moments (in the morning, before lunch). Even the cold water was turned off at night.

The furniture is old and dilapidated. One familiar woman, sitting on a chair, fell, as the leg broke, the chair practically crumbled under it. When I complained, I didn't get an apology.

It was very annoying that there was no refrigerator in the room. True, in the lobby there is one public refrigerator for the entire giant building. Immediately turned to the so-called reception... was sent to the administrators. They shrugged, said that "they will put them in line, when they are released at the box office, they will report. " I went to the director. Then to the head physician. divorced

hands. Well, really, where to get it, if not? . .

The food is terrible. The dining room is very stuffy: until you wait for "custom meals" you will all sweat. The kitchen is disgusting. It was a pity for the waitresses who, for a penny, are forced to run around in this hell and listen to complaints from almost everyone, sometimes in a very harsh form. The leaders of this sector are to blame, in my opinion - neither the kitchen, nor the process, nor the conditions have been modernized since Soviet times. If, nevertheless, fate forces you to go to "Azure" - insist on a ticket WITHOUT FOOD!! ! Cheap and delicious food in the resort is no problem. On the second day, we refused to visit the torture canteen and began to go to the one-story dining room, which is located behind the main dining room. And the conditions and cuisine are much better. Why wouldn't the director of the Lazurny canteen walk 100 meters and see how it should work?!

Cafes in the area are plentiful and varied, each with live music. At the main entrance to the Berdyansk Resort there is an Italian fest-food type restaurant, they cook very tasty pizza (I didn’t like it with seafood) and lasagna.

Treatment is the main factor that keeps the few vacationers away. And also the habit of going to the same place year after year. Of course, the level of the same 80s. It's amazing how they managed to keep the base, probably only on the enthusiasm of individual fans of their business.

Again, do not step on our rake: DO NOT PAY FOR TREATMENT either in the cost of a voucher or in the form of a separate course. You should go to a paid appointment with a therapist who will prescribe you the procedures that you need and want. Then, pay for these appointments.

As a result, it turns out 2 times cheaper than all at once. And even better - directly to the middle medical staff in the pocket.

In the nearby sanatorium "Berdyansk" the cost of consultations and all procedures is 30 percent cheaper, which is significant.

An ideal option if you want to get cheap treatment and relax in Berdyansk without emotional trauma - you need to live in the private sector, eat in cafes and be treated at the Berdyansk sanatorium, and not at Lazurny.

About the Internet in general - I am silent. Not that there is no wi-fi zone, the nearest Internet cafe is in the center of Berdyansk. I used a cafe near Schmidt Park, the speed is good. And there is also a barrel with very tasty kvass near the park, natural, reminiscent, again, of ancient times.

Prices are somewhat lower than in Russia, but not as low as expected after studying the issue on the Internet. Fruits are all imported, prices are slightly lower than in Moscow. If you leave by train, then for the remaining 100 hryvnias at the first stop "Pologi" you can buy locally produced fruits 2 times cheaper.

I have never seen such evil people as in Berdyansk. Moreover, the locals hate everyone, not just visitors. "Come in large numbers" You can hear in the minibus and in the market and in the store and on the beach and anywhere... Drivers of minibuses are especially aggressive, ready to strangle beneficiaries who pay not two, but one hryvnia for travel. Trading on the market is impossible for the same reason. Having visited eastern countries, I realized the pleasure of the bargaining process. . . Any attempts to reduce the price in Berdyansk cause the fury of traders.

You can probably understand... all summer - hard labor without rest from morning until late evening - so as not to die in winter, to feed the children. Working without days off against the backdrop of HOLIDAYS, having fun, relaxing, in my opinion, also paints the emotions of the natives in dark colors. For my part, looking at this, I personally experienced a feeling of mixed pity and disgust for the local population. I think that the rulers of those territories and the inhabitants of Berdyansk themselves are to blame.

If possible, it is better to spend more money and relax in comfort, and not with the thought: when is the departure date...

PS. Immediately upon arrival, FOR ANY VACATION, buy a SIM card of a local mobile operator, better of the same name as the one whose subscribers you are going to call. Usually in the south, all mobile hucksters offer resort rates that are 2 to 10 times more profitable than any roaming. Roaming and scams based on it are the first source of income for companies. Don't let yourself be fooled.

Translated automatically from Russian. View original
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