Trip to Stradch, Lviv region

20 January 2012 Travel time: with 16 June 2010 on 16 June 2010
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Stradch is an ancient village in a picturesque hilly area. Stradch is located in the Yavoriv National Park. For Greek Catholics, it is a place of remission of sins, comparable in importance to Zarvanytsia and Univ. Located 17 km. from Lviv. According to legend, Stradch was founded a long time ago: "Once two princely archers from Gorodok went hunting. Hunting for prey, they went all the way to Stradetska Mountain, covered at that time with dense forest. There they were caught in the night, but they decided to catch a lynx. At dawn, when the lynx came out of the cave, the archers killed it, and even during the Mongol-Tatar invasion, the village would be burned and destroyed.

Made in ancient times by monks who founded a monastery. The Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (1795) is located on Stradetska Hill.

), which, according to the papal decree, has the right to serve daily. In the church there are: a copy of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God of the Immovable Wall, icons of the work of Anton Manastyrsky, the iconostasis of the brush of Oleksa Novakivsky. During your stay in Stradch, you can walk the Way of the Cross, which Pope Pius XI in 1936. granted the status of Jerusalem, ie participation in the Passion Procession is equated in its importance to participation in the Jerusalem Procession, which was once passed by Jesus Christ. There are 2 icons carved into the rock. The Way of the Cross with monuments of the last way of Christ was laid on the Suffering Mountain. Near the temple is a cemetery, there are burials of different centuries.

Among them are two graves of my father's father Mykola Konrad and deacon Primi Volodymyr, who died a violent death at the hands of the NKVD.

On June 26.1941, they went to confession to a very sick woman, returning home, they met a patrol, which brutally beat them to death. During his stay in Ukraine in 2001, Pope John Paul II beatified them.

Translated automatically from Ukrainian. View original
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