Egypt Airport! Visa-not-visi-I'm taking-not a visa!

25 January 2014 Travel time: with 01 March 2013 on 10 March 2013
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First time in Egypt! Therefore, I will say without prejudice - Egypt is not at all what it was, but in its own way, it is very interesting and amazing!

Let's start at the airport! Guys, this amazing and even delightful scammer! From the plane you go into an interesting shape, the airport building is a kind of avant-garde! - Where to run? – Come here! Four or five Egyptians sit first, to whom is the turn, frightened tourists who are glad that no one shoots at them, but just as it should be with signs of the names of travel agencies (it’s not clear why) they sit and do something “necessary”. Let's go to this one first! - we approach a dark-skinned man with the inscription “Pegas stupid” - it turns out that he issues cards that are issued by neighboring guys for entering the country, and fills in two lines there for 10 bucks !!!!!!!!!! ! Just two lines - in English letters the name and date of birth, oh yes, three more inscription RUS! Lucky with us was a girl who said: guys, wait, don't pay - I'll explain everything to you! We tell him we will fill it ourselves - he threw us our 4 cards with displeasure - they filled it in five minutes, watching how compatriots stupidly fill the pocket of guys who sit and think - here you are Russian suckers !!! , then TURN 2! - VISA! - Everyone is standing in line (25 people), - the visa is not expensive - 30 bucks - I prepared 120 bucks for 4 - well, 3500 rubles! Well, it’s necessary, it’s necessary!... And again, our wonderful companion says - you don’t have to pay! We have round eyes, how come all the travel agencies in Russia say nada!! ! And you say no! What is that! ? But the strength of adventurism and the desire to restore justice and save three pieces for children overpowered and we do not stand in line with a visa (the thing is that if you are not going to leave the territory of the Sinai Peninsula, then a visa is not needed! ). SO, we go to QUEUE 3 - huge and scary - most likely it coincided that several planes arrived and we, with 2 children and a pregnant wife, after a 7-hour flight, stand at the end of a queue of 300 people !!! ! This is a terrible dream! But we did not stand, but went to the front of the line, let 3 or 4 Russian bulls through (who recognized themselves hello! ) and here we are on hot Egyptian soil !! ! And here you think! - Egyptian force! - The Russian girls reported that the Pegasus were on the bus 11. We found the bus and sat down! And then I thought, I'll ask our guide far to the hotel and how much it costs in a taxi - the answer is - it costs about 10 bucks to go five minutes no more! Realizing that the bus will be filled for about an hour, I go to the taxi drivers - the first Arab says 40 bucks, the second 30, the third 20, they didn’t let me in until the fourth, but “politely” put me in the car and we drove up to the bus - my wife said we won’t go to taxi, and the taxi driver sadly left home. Sanity and prudence reigned in the hotel! To be continued!

Translated automatically from Russian. View original
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