Very bad hotel

Written: 3 july 2010
Travel time: 8 — 22 june 2010
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For families with children
If you want a good and relaxing holiday after hard work, this hotel is not for you!
HUGE area. But there are no normal walking paths, only narrow paths along the restaurants. Drag in the Egyptian summer heat for 10-15 minutes from the room to restaurants, a water park or reception is an unpleasant task. A LOT of vacationers with screaming small (from 6 months) children. By the way, if you are going with a small child, you may like this hotel, children have something to do. But the animation is in German. With German kids are worn, perhaps for an additional fee. In Russians, fuck everyone. Evening programs in German.
The hotel is probably farthest from all other hotels in Hurghada from the sea!! ! It's just line 4. The bus runs for free, but rarely, tiny, all broken-down. At rush hour, it fills up like a jar of sprats (including screaming children in strollers who occupy the floor of the bus). Walking to the beach is unrealistic, especially back.

The rooms are cleaned terribly, although we left tips regularly (not greedy), a week before departure there was something like a dust storm. The whole room was covered with a thick layer of sand and dust, so we had to wipe all the dust ourselves, the cleaners just swept the floor hastily, everything was left in the corners. The balcony was not touched at all.
Food in restaurants for the first 3 days, then it doesn’t fit into your mouth. I managed to lose 6kg. True, there were a lot of watermelons and melons, and one more plus - you can take out any food from the restaurant and carry it to your room. Drinks, including Coca-Cola, Sprite... are poured not from bottles, but from the type of cooling machines, and there they are frankly diluted, sometimes almost to pure soda. The only place where they did not dilute was the bar at the reception.
There are no shops. And you don't always want to go somewhere.
There are almost no Russians. With all due respect to the German nation, after this hotel I start to feel sick at the sound of German speech.
Foreigners smoke almost without exception. Picture: a husband and wife (Germans) are sitting at a table at the reception, waiting for the bus, and both smoke right in the face of their own small children, in the amount of 3 pieces.
Another plus is a pretty decent room, the hotel is new, everything is new, clean and working. Each bunch of bungalows has its own small pool.
Perhaps someone will go in the autumn-winter period and they will like it, but in the summer it is simply impossible.
The water park quickly gets bored, 1-2-3 times and no longer interesting. An artificial river was seen, but artificial waves on it were seen only once (for 21 days).
The attendants are rude and arrogant (not all of them, for the truth), they tried to steal the ball from my child twice, as soon as he was distracted.
This time almost no photos were brought, only videos from excursions, there was no mood to take pictures in this hotel. I'll post what I have later.
I do not advise you to go to a bungalow, not on the first line, even with a water park, and even for such a price. A ticket to Dana Beach 5 * on the first line cost exactly the same.
Translated automatically from Russian. View original