Attacks of naivety or "female look".

18 July 2009 Travel time: with 13 June 2009 on 20 June 2009
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"Packing your bags? Read the reviews of tourists before you go on vacation! Experts, experienced travelers and housewives share their impressions of hotels and resorts on TurPravda. This is the motto of this site, so I want to reflect on the other side of travel.

When you go on a trip, you often don’t think about the consequences, and sometimes you just don’t know about them. You are fascinated by a beautiful country that you have not yet visited, and if you have such a shortcoming that passes quickly as youth, “rose-colored glasses” do their job - you are enthusiastically naive and open to impressions. Sometimes a mature age does not save, it is enough that you are a woman on vacation in a Muslim country. And here they are waiting for you. “You are beautiful like an angel”, “Your eyes are like stars”, “You are graceful like a cat”, “Habibi”, etc. etc. Even the presence of a husband does not save from obsessive local residents - they always hope and wait. They are "habibchiks" - gigolos and just ". . . ". You communicate with our young ladies and it becomes scary from their naivety and you want to shout: “Where is the fool? Come to yourself! This animator (bartender, etc. ) uses you only for "habibany"! And then - only disappointment, grief and tears, a feeling of dirt and a long treatment from the “gift of a Khabibchik”.

Girls! In order not to spoil your vacation, think about what the morning will be like after the tour ends. For example - you "at random" stayed with your chosen one. He turned out to be (suddenly! ) not a gigolo, but practically a “prince with serious intentions”, they extended their journey in a mysterious country and are full of joyful expectations. Although, there are no “princes” in the resorts... But, tourism is different from emigration, as they say in one old joke.

So, the journey through the Arab country begins. We look around (photo attached).

The Egyptian (and Turkish) people are very friendly and everyone pays attention to you. A lot of attention! It immediately upon arrival surprises and excites. In the beginning, it's exotic, but then it starts to get on your nerves. You can't walk down the street calmly without being pestered. And they will pester you, since you are dressed in a European way... And the merchants become unbearable, pester, grab your hands. As long as you live in a hotel, everything is fine (you are only “devoured” by the eyes), but in another case....It's just a nightmare.

Do you think that the sun, the sea and fun parties are provided for you here? Oh, holy naivete. Only public (i. e. not equipped) beaches will be at your service, and you have to pay for a hotel beach. In addition, you also need “arbeiten”, which takes a lot of time, and there will be no strength left for the beach. Hangouts without the accompaniment of a “prince” are excluded. After all, decent women (according to Muslim standards) should not go without a male escort (especially in the evening), wear miniskirts and open tops, even talk to strangers men (and you can’t look them in the eye! ). Of course, you can't smoke or drink either!

According to the Muslim religion, a normal woman should: stay at home, wear a veil (arms, legs, neck, shoulders cannot be opened) and give birth to children. Everything else is an exception. You will most likely have to communicate with people like you, if possible. Maybe in the presence of your man in a cafe you will be allowed to chat with his friends, but that's all. Gradually, loneliness in paradise begins to oppress. There are problems with phones here - it's expensive to call mom at home. So the vacuum can be complete: you sit at home, you can’t go out and there is no one to talk to. By the way. . . they speak Arabic here. . . only TV and internet. Although, no - you have to work! Even if you are a housewife. By the way, it is not customary to open the door in a dressing gown. And in general, it’s better not to open the door: a girlfriend may not be approved by your man, and letting in a strange man (a master, for example) in the absence of a spouse is generally a crime. The consequences in the form of punishment will not keep you waiting - you are spoiling the reputation of a man.

And how hard life can be here. In the resort towns there are no consumer services. It is difficult to get proper clothes (t-shirts for tourists with camels cannot replace everything) and furniture. Everything is done by "masters" in an artisanal way and the quality can be very low. As for household appliances (and their repair), this is a problem in the resort town: neither buy nor repair. For normal things - welcome to the capital. Can you imagine how much it will cost? Cool? What about cosmetics? Have you seen the prices? How do they drive on their roads? And what is the “cleanliness” in ordinary, not tourist areas? Theft is also an issue.

Food. Forget about black bread, buckwheat, currants, blueberries, etc. You will have to relearn how to cook local food for the "prynets" - goodbye borscht! Start loving local food.

You have to pay for everything (even if the quality is low): medicine, schools and services. And more. So you have to work. And you will need a work visa, not a tourist visa, which is hard to get. But, forget about your diplomas (accountant, engineer, technologist, etc. ), they will not be needed here. If you know foreign languages, this will facilitate the search, but there are no employment services - it's all a matter of chance and the help of friends. Our pull, compared to theirs....just jokes. And the salaries are low - 300 dollars is very good, but usually not more than 100 (remember how you huddled on a tip in a hotel? ). What is this work? Getting a job as a tour guide is prestigious, but problematic, and the work is nervous - tourists often quarrel and take a lot of time. And the salary depends on the season and can drop to hundreds. Well, at the reception in a hotel, you can get a job - the work is not difficult, but not monetary either. Or vtyuhivat excursions on the beach. And this is at best. Because not every Arab "prince" will allow the lady of his heart to work in tourism, but only at home. It’s also better not to remember about family relationships....Our mothers-in-law, just "darlings"... and then wait for everything! And this is in the best case scenario.

And about the worst, it is better not to remember. All those short holiday romances for a week. Not more. If you're having fun like that, it's up to you. But, many of our girls simply do not understand that they are “meat”. Yes, another victim who can fall into "sexual slavery" from which they cannot escape. A courteous handsome man turns into a terrible "monster", clubs and discos into dirty dens, and you... The pink fog will dissipate and reality will become unbearable. Just look around - dirt, poverty, squalor outside of hotels and tourist areas. Do you want such a life?

So that your trip does not become a nightmare, remember where you will never meet a normal man - a beach and a diving center, a disco, a market or a tourist shop. Here the locals "shoot" women. In addition, if he immediately compliments you (how beautiful you are, sexy... ), touches you (for example, grabs your hands), offers to “drink”, or go somewhere with him - beware! The consequences can be dire, despite his "beautiful eyes".

I'm certainly not convinced. Thank God, all this is far away and there is nothing to do with all this, so no one will believe. I like "hot countries" and usually write rave reviews about my travels. But, the story of a journey through a Muslim country would not be complete if the conversation was only about the sun, the sea and the sights. There is always another side that you think about sooner or later, especially if you visit the corresponding site. A real kunstkamera of moral freaks from resort towns who seduce our simpletons: horror stories are countless. And there is no strength to read the rave reviews of girls, for whom the mothers did not see (or also got stuck themselves) “about the animators”. I just hope that women will be prudent and careful in their journeys, which can last a lifetime. Maybe it would be necessary to remain silent, but this is also a false truth, which you need to be prepared for.

Translated automatically from Russian. View original
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