ruined vacation

Written: 24 november 2010
Travel time: 14 — 21 november 2010
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 2.0
Service: 2.0
Cleanliness: 3.0
Food: 3.0
Amenities: 3.0
Rested in this hotel from November 14 to November 21.2010. I will say right away, if you want to completely ruin your vacation, then this is just the hotel that suits you.
I had a ticket for one person - all inclusive. They brought me to the hotel on November 14 at 18.00. I waited for the room at the reception until 20.00. There I expressed the wish that the "single" room should not be on the first floor. I was given a room for four people on the first floor, although I requested a single room, as indicated in the ticket. They apologized to me, referring to the fact that there are no such rooms at the moment and that tomorrow they will change my number, taking into account my wishes. They asked not to unpack the suitcase and be at the reception at 12.30. I agreed because I didn't have a choice. The next day, November 15, I arrived at the appointed time. They immediately took away the keys to the room in which my things and money were located. After an hour of waiting, I was taken to look at the room. It was located on the second floor and the view from the window overlooked construction debris from where it smelled of bitumen and gasoline. I refused this room as a smoker and used to smoke on the balcony. I also said that I needed fresh air, and it is not possible to ventilate the room in this room because there is an unpleasant smell from the street. I was again taken to the reception. There, waiting for another room, I sat until 16.30. During this long period, I repeatedly approached the reception staff and asked them to give me the keys to the room in which my things were located. But the workers suddenly stopped understanding me. I could not leave the reception to my 4-bed room to take a swimsuit and go sunbathing to the pool. After all, this is why I came to Egypt. Then I began to ask to be connected with a representative of the Novaturs company, from which I came, but the workers ignored this too. Then I approached the representative of the Panther company, who was at the reception desk at that moment, and asked for help with the translation of my request. He kindly agreed to help me, so I found out that I could find the phone number of the Novarur representative on the notice board, which is located in the corridor around the corner, not in a visible place. Only after the reception staff saw that I was talking on the phone with representatives of the travel company from which I came, they called me to the counter and took me to the room. It was already 4:30 p. m. on the clock. I was taken to the building where the room where my things were located and on the third floor there were as many as 4 free rooms with a beautiful view of the pool. Finally they settled me. But during my sitting at the reception desk, lunch passed, and I had breakfast at 7.00. Having laid out my things, I again went to the reception to ask where I could eat. I was told that in the bar by the large pool, forgetting to say that it would be lunch on my account. I ordered food and waited for an hour. Only after that I managed to eat for 22 USD. That's how much a dish of 4 shrimp and fish cost.
On the evening of the same day at 23.00, a representative of the tour operator Linda arrived at the hotel and I told her my misfortunes, saying that I would ask for compensation for the lost day and hassle. She promised to look into this and on November 16 in the evening she asked me to come back to the reception at 19.00. I came in the hope that they would at least apologize to me. But this did not happen. Linda said that the travel agency was not to blame for my misadventures, and she would not quarrel with the hotel workers.

So I went back to my room and decided that I would give a damn about everything and I would finally enjoy the rest of the remaining days. Especially since November 17 was my birthday. In all the hotels in which I rested before, the employees congratulated their clients on their holiday. There is no such thing in this hotel. So on November 17 and until the evening of November 18, I rested. But on the evening of November 18, having come from dinner at 19.30, I found that water was dripping from the ceiling of my room. I immediately called Linda, saying that I was already afraid to go to the reception, that they would not understand me again. She replied that she could not help me. I had to go without support myself. This time they immediately sent a boy with me to see what happened. He immediately contacted the receptionist from my room and explained to me that an engineer and workers would come and fix the breakdown. Had to wait 30 minutes. Two hotel workers came and with them I was waiting for the workers who were supposed to fix the breakdown. Only after the hotel worker himself, having lost all patience, began to call on his mobile phone and shout, after another 30 minutes had passed, the workers finally came with a ladder and began to look at what the problem was. I was asked to leave the room, which I immediately did. The breakdown could not be fixed and I again had to pack my things in a suitcase in order to move to another room. How much my nerves again ruffled with the provision of a normal number, I will not describe. I will only say one thing, bringing me to tears, I was given a normal number. At 23.00 I was able to unpack my suitcase again. And so on November 19 and 20 I had a good rest. November 21, I left home. So out of 6 days of stay in this hotel, only three days I was able to relax, and not sit at the reception.
If you want such a vacation for your own big money, then the hotel "Charm Holiday Resort" will provide you with no doubt.
I wrote all this so that those who go to this hotel have an idea of ​ ​ what kind of vacation they can expect there.
Translated automatically from Russian. View original