2 weeks in paradise!!!

Written: 11 march 2012
Travel time: 25 february — 10 march 2012
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from 10
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We stayed in hotels for 2 weeks with my wife. The plane took off and arrived on time. At the airport, the representative of Anex Tour tried to paste a visa for us for $ 17, but I categorically refused him, and bought a visa after 20 meters for $ 15. We went through customs very quickly, and we were taken to the hotel in 30-40 minutes, while we stopped at 4 hotels along the way, and tourists were dropped off. There were 10 people in our hotel. We were settled very quickly, within 10 minutes, while they settled closer to the sea in a good room with a sea view, thanks to 20 dollars in the passport. The other couple was placed at the other end of the hotel. They took me to my room in an electric car. After 10 minutes they brought our luggage to the room. Very clean and well maintained area. When settling in, 90 percent of tourists were foreigners (mostly Italians), everything was beautiful and decorous. People came to the restaurant in normal clothes, everyone smiled at each other, and there was a quiet calm atmosphere. On the beach, everyone behaved with dignity, and the Egyptians rustled like electric brooms. But closer to March 1, the contingent began to change, and approximately 85 percent of the hotel's population began to be our audience. Mostly Russians, Ukrainians and some Belarusians. There were also Poles, Austrians, Latvians and Germans, but there were very few of them after March 1st. Immediately the atmosphere changed. For dinner, our aunts came in worn-out slippers and nightgowns (thinking they were dresses), people put a liter bottle of Nemirov vodka on the table, although there were no restrictions on drinking from the hotel, everyone could take several servings at once. And the attitude of the attendants to our tourists immediately changed. For two weeks we could compare what was and how it became. As for the service, I was satisfied. On the second day of our stay, the water in the washbasin began to drain badly, I went and reported this to the reception, did not have time to reach the room, and the repair team was already working for us. After 5 minutes, all problems were already solved. After a week of our stay, the cleaner of our room was replaced, so after a slight cleaning of the brain, he understood what they wanted from him, and everything began to work out for him (they said that he was one of the new ones). The main thing is not to spare 1 dollar, and they will do a triple somersault))). But these are all trifles, if you are in the mood to relax normally, then such trifles will not spoil your vacation.
About nutrition. I do not agree that the food was not varied, you just had to come early and not be lazy to look under different covers. There were kebabs, shells and squid, and grilled sausages, liver, but I generally keep quiet about beef and chicken. From vegetables, except cucumbers and tomatoes,
there was cauliflower, radish, lettuce, all kinds of beans and all sorts of oriental greens. It’s just that our audience was not used to many plants, and out of habit they took only tomatoes and cucumbers for themselves. Another very striking thing was the huge number of rolls that our people carried on plates))). I would like to note the huge selection of yogurts and dairy products, I constantly got myself cheese (delicious). All products were fresh and tasty (there were no stomach problems during the entire stay). In terms of the variety of products, the hotel draws a solid 4 plus on a five-point system. Regarding the work of the waiters, then again there was something to compare. When there were foreigners, they rustled, and ours themselves came up and stood in line both in bars and restaurants. Each time they were surprised that our compatriots cannot do without queues even on vacation))).

At the end of the holiday, we couldn’t look at food, we didn’t eat bread, pasta and pastries, we refused sweets and tried to limit meat, mainly focusing on fish and vegetables.
As for the sea, the hotels have 3 beaches. Of these, only one was always filled, near the pier, people were in line from 7 in the morning. They lay like sprats in a jar, although the neighboring beach, 20 meters away, where all the foreigners lay, was full of free sunbeds. On vacation, it’s a pleasure to walk an extra 20 meters and look at the public for me)))
Conclusion: the hotel is very decent, quiet (family friendly), whoever travels with the mood to relax will enjoy it immensely. Be sure to visit the rooftop bar, it is located above the reception desk, open from 17 to 22 hours. It offers an amazing view of the sea and the hotel, and a very beautiful order of the sun, you can also smoke a hookah there. If you choose this hotel, you will be satisfied!! ! Have a nice holiday.
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