There is no chance of not having fun!

Written: 14 august 2008
Travel time: 14 — 21 august 2008
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For a relaxing holiday; For business travel; For families with children; For recreation with friends, for young people
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 9.0
Service: 10.0
Cleanliness: 10.0
Food: 10.0
Amenities: 10.0
Review of Grand Hotel Sharm El Sheikh.

- Period of the trip - August 2008. We flew from Dnepropetrovsk on 03.08. 2008 with TezTour - the operator is really proven, this is not an advertisement, if I didn’t like something, I would do it without hesitation, as in previous reviews of other operators.
In Egypt for the 5th time, were in Hurghada, Safaga, passing through El Gouna, Cairo, Alexandria, Rashid, Taba and now in Sharm. It would seem - you won’t be surprised by anything, they were everywhere, sometimes several times, we know all the charms and negativity are full - but Charm compares favorably with everyone else!
Only sick people or who have absolutely nowhere to put themselves, and they need to take a vacation - they go to the peak of the heat in sandy Egypt, where there are no clouds, and it rains 2-3 times a year for 1 minute and therefore there are no roofs on houses!

The heat in August is over (+38 in the shade and above), and it is not easier to bear than in Ukraine, the climate is severe and dry.
And if you go to cold restaurants / hotel several times a day, then your eyes change any color to red from such drops.

- Description of the hotel. Very new, opened in May 2008, construction completed, something next to the reception is still under construction, but does not interfere. Tipping does not work in the hotel at all! Do not give anyone money - it will not be better. When settling, I used to usually give $10-40, depending on what I wanted. Once, in Hurghada, at the reception he himself changed a single Standard room with cockroaches (albeit small ones) to a seven-bed suite (with huge and smelly ones, there were a lot of them - it’s not boring to hunt alone). And here, TezTour booked standard rooms for Russo tourists and I gave money and got ready to fool my head and boil water. But the system is set clearly and you are allowed to cook as much water as you like, but within the same class of rooms that the tour booked. company.
So, we reviewed three standard rooms and chose one with a large bed and a view of the pool, on the left we saw the sea, on the right to the bar and without noise. They didn’t let us go to another class, and they didn’t even give us a chance closer to the sea. And thank God, we felt the delights of choice when we had to go to the beach along the long territory of the hotel, and we would have been tired of running back to restaurants for lunch and dinner. So, we stopped near the reception, the main restaurants are there, and one morning we went to the beach through the entire hotel and dined on it. And they serve real Italian pizza, not the one in fast foods! Who wants - sandwiches with grilled vegetables, pancakes with anything or grilled meat and salads.

The hotel is truly the best we've ever seen. These are not emotions, these are facts:

- Meals: the whole hotel works exclusively in the "all inclusive" or "well, absolutely all inclusive, especially orange juices, but without foreign alcohol and without hookah. "

You can not wear a leash on your hand - do not spoil the tan. There are 7 restaurants and bars, there is a chance to stay hungry if you have a strong craving for food after something active or drugs from 18.00-19.00, when the bars with sumptuous pancakes are already closed and dinner has not yet begun. Beware the tourists of this hungry hour!!!
The most luxurious table for dinner, the choice is so great that it is impossible to taste everything on a spoonful. And if you succeeded and your friends help you out of the restaurant, then go to the next one - the menu is slightly different. The beauty of August is all existing fruits and vegetables on the table. From fruits, everything from two types of melons, guava, peeled watermelon, dates, pears, mangoes, apples, two types of grapes and to pomegranates with pineapples!! ! Everything is. This is the beauty of August. Tea - of course Lipton, coffee - traditional crap, but not far from the hotel they opened a rather big entertainment center - a mini-town with boutiques and cafes, among them two Starbucks'a and Costa Cofee.
I took a kilo of coffee home. As a coffee lover in the third generation, I declare - you can drink coffee there !! ! And if you bring your own, then in Turkish you can ask to cook in a nearby cafe, Arabic-traditional. You can also drink fresh pineapple, melon, orange, guava, mango or strawberry at 8-10 pounds / glass (USD1.5-2.0)! Hookah also costs about 8 pounds. (Course 1USD-5.35 pounds).

Distracted from the hotel.
- The service is amazing! Neither in the Hilton network, nor in Movenpick, nor in others, we have seen such a service! On the beach, waiters come to the sun lounger for free and bring unlimited any cocktails, juices, drinks, beer whenever you want! Three times a day they bring cold, folded, damp terry towels into the heat - to wipe the face and anything else from salt and dryness! Everyone is friendly and treats you as if you were mentally ill - they calm you down, smile, greet you, pretend to respect and love you. Sometimes it even works out.
Several pools - a complete buzz for vacationers with children of all ages! Lots of families with children. Depth 60 cm, 90 cm, etc. - they didn’t look much, it wasn’t interesting so far.

- Beach. There were always enough sun loungers for everyone. Even at 12.00 they came, looking at the beach, pulls the bag out of their hands (by the way, the bag and towels are all given to the rooms, and while you use it on the beach, your room is cleaned and clean beach towels are put. At the same time, you get 2 towels per person. On the next day, when you go to the beach with new ones, the old ones are exchanged for new ones again. And such is the cycle of towels in nature). The sun loungers are new, not torn, they will always find a place for you and lay towels, even if you do not want it. Tipping if you want, again they work just as well with or without them - verified. If you are not a Redneck, give $1, if you are a Redneck, then let the non Rednecks feel cheated by getting the same service as you, but without money.
There is sand on the beach, the entrance to the sea is by stairs, one staircase. From the shore to the water - a cliff of 1-1.5 meters, rocky. Crabs crawl along it and are thrown from the carelessness of the fish to the next wave. As soon as our (from Ukraine and Russia - they do not differ in behavior) tourists see this, they forget about the seven restaurants and bars and want to catch crabs and just destroy something or tear off the tail of a beautiful fish that has thrown itself out. They put on coral slippers and begin to climb down onto the coral from above, scratching their beer belly and clinging to the golden cross. Moreover, there are also enough women-cattle from our countries. Hotel workers are monitoring the situation and guarding the fish, crabs and corals from Rousseau Touristo. But our icebreakers do not stop the whistle signals and the screams of the Arabs, and the coral, which grows 1mm per year, is completely trampled by our feet.

-Reef. The reef is still very much alive. There are almost all fish, for the sake of the reef we went there, and we didn’t make a mistake with the choice!
We met twice a black meter-long moray eel (in the morning it combs the entire coast at a depth of 5-7 meters in one direction, and in the evening it returns. It can be seen simply from above). We saw a turtle, a lion fish (Scorpionfish), all colored, striped fish, especially the rather big Stingray! Here is the beauty! Everything except sharks, but, they say, sometimes a reef shark comes up or emerges, after all, the reef is more than 30m deep. I dived to 13.5 meters several times, with a depth gauge - but I did not see a shark. Unfortunately . . The reef is worthy, but after a couple of years of such exploitation, it will not exist.

- Tourists. Hotel visitors - 40-50% from Ukraine and Russia, 20-30% Germans, the rest from Poland, France, Italy.

It is sad that the audience flew worse than before - on the plane, a pot-bellied man in tattoos with smelly legs in sandals flew with a well-groomed young girl, golden-toothed toxic-smelling grandmothers with their grandchildren, our men are always drunk, forcing the whole plane to wait until they finish smoking a cigarette, etc.
But I especially want to note the Germans on the territory of the hotel. They come to the beach before everyone else and occupy the first sun loungers near the sea. When the wind blows from the sea, everyone behind them breathes their cigarettes. Moreover, German women fall asleep after 40 years of beauty, they lose their shame and begin to take off the top of their swimsuit. So, every day you will enjoy smoking grandmothers with visyuki to the groin and proudly raised chins. Well, they don’t have complexes - but it wouldn’t hurt to have them! It's really bad when German grandmothers gather in small herds and huddle on the beach. This is a whole cloud of smoke and a struggle against the beauty of the body!!!
All nations have their defects, whoever has worse - you need to arrange a competition.

- Tours
Previously, they were everywhere, so they took the ascent to Mount Moses and to the Monastery of St. Catherine. This is for active people who challenge themselves or are very religious. The rest will not understand the buzz. The tour was taken not from TezTour, but on the street for $30/person. We saved $5/person and were very sorry. At 22.00 a minibus called in and 250 km. for 5 hours, while everyone was barely able to reach the foot of Mt. Moses. The guide is not Russian-speaking, but English-silent. The dude didn't say anything at all! He handed us over to the hands of a Bedouin at 03.00 at night. The Bedouin is also English-silent. We barely demanded 3 flashlights from him for a group of 12 people and went along a 7 km long stone climb to a 2.380 km high mountain. (checked by GPS at the top).

In the middle of the night, after the minibus, without sleeping, constantly bumping into dormant camels and all-selling Bedouins, bypassing shit and lagging behind / overtaking groups of the same crazy, the three of us with my wife and a lad from Russia, with one flashlight, broke away far ahead of our group . I especially liked the drug-smoked Bedouins selling tickets to a self-made toilet on the mountain, I took a picture of them - look. The Bedouins also offer camel rides - we haven't tried it so I can't say. At the end, they offer to help everyone get there for $5. If you pay a Bedouin to help you get up, he will either grab your hand and pull you up behind him, or he will push you from behind! That's where the service is! How many people were overtaken - not a single Russian / Ukrainian! We are alone, probably idiots - this thought has stuck firmly! Already before the summit they caught up with some Russian-speaking group and it turned out that the Russians, it turns out, are the most undermined and go first!
I was relieved from the heart, because the three of us were traveling on the bus talking, and the rest were all from Holland, etc. with African appearance and South American.
Not everyone reached the top, but we were there and met the dawn at 05.50! This dawn was the beginning of my wife's birthday - she will never forget it! Especially the sequel. Going down, we chose - to go the same 7km or take a short path of 4km, but go down 3200 steps. Of course we chose the steps!! ! Stunning views of the canyon, no tourists, only 10 people out of the whole stream decided! They walked almost without stopping, because when they stopped, their legs were cowardly, and this is ugly!
We reached the Monastery and waited until it opens at 09.00. We didn’t have the strength, we looked at the monastery a little, but were unable to perceive anything.
We went to have breakfast in the hellhole, where our half-dead Dutch colleagues found a dead cockroach in oil and we all left with a scandal.
We drove 3 hours ago, it was light and drove everyone quickly to the hotels, but we were dead. We were promised a big bus, a Russian-speaking guide and flashlights when we bought a tour from a girl, Oksana from the Donetsk region, who works in a tour shop near the hotel, but there was none of this. There was no strength to go and swear in order to take the money, as well as the desire to spoil the mood and waste time. Therefore, we celebrated our birthday with champagne, blue caviar from home and Borodino brown bread at 15.00 and went to bed until the evening.

- Prices. Exchange rate in banks $1=5.35 ea. pounds. At the hotel $1=4.80 ea. pounds.
The hotel has only orange fresh - 20 pounds, a hookah is more than $ 5.
If you leave the hotel - fresh pineapple, guava, strawberry, mango, etc. - 8-10 pounds, hookah from 6 pounds, depending on the filler.

- Conclusion

We liked the hotel very much, now we are spoiled and nauseous, because we know how good it can be! The trip cost $1670 for two people with the DBL STD all inclusive.
Be sure to take a mask, snorkel and fins with you, even for those who are afraid and do not know how to swim - you cannot drown in such a dense / salty sea, there are no shops in the hotel, and everything outside is of low quality and expensive. Take protective creams, but still burn out, the Arab sun in August meant all your creams - it has been tested many times! Swimming upside down won't help. Let's tip at the hotel without expecting to get anything in return - only if you are not a goon and want to thank. They don't clean the rooms better than the left dollar, they don't make swans and hippos out of towels, don't wait. Only from the heart and nothing in return! Get ready to endure tourists, do not pay attention to anyone or flippers in the face if you are bored! There are a lot of excursions, there are no queues like at the Hurghada airport, air conditioners are everywhere, everything looks new and expensive. The resort is an order of magnitude higher, more comfortable than Hurghada.
A little due to the loss of local flavor, but you can go to Naama Bay or the Old Market for it - eat it up in full. Have a nice rest!
Translated automatically from Russian. View original