Ajman Hotel 5*– Reviews

Rating 7.510
based on
24 reviews
№4 in the hotel rating Ajman
7.8 Rooms
7.6 Service
8.3 Cleanliness
8.0 Food
8.0 Amenities
Ajman Hotel is located on the coast of the Persian Gulf, 26 km from Dubai Airport and 5 km from the city center of Ajman. The hotel was opened in 1998, the last renovation was carried out in 2014. This hotel is suitable for both families with children and business travelers.More →
аватар bujibydk
 •  traveled 3 years ago
Rating 8.0
They rested as a couple. The hotel is excellent. Very polite and educated locals. The leadership of the country is just great, if they have achieved this. But we were extremely unlucky in that we came through the tour operator Corel Travel. On the cover of their brochure it says: "Your holiday is in good hands with us. … More ▾ They rested as a couple.
The hotel is excellent. Very polite and educated locals.
The leadership of the country is just great, if they have achieved this.
But we were extremely unlucky in that we came through the tour operator Corel Travel.
On the cover of their brochure it says: "Your holiday is in good hands with us. " From this tour we realized: “It’s the other way around and even much worse. They only have our money in good hands! And it's all! "
I warn everyone who also comes to the UAE from Corel Travel in the UAE, be careful. See how and what we did. .
Our guide was Inga. At the meeting, upon arrival, with Inga they told her that they had come a second time because they knew in advance that there was a real opportunity to get to Abu Dhabi. We asked her to solve this and organize this trip for us.
It turned out right away that she knows less than us . . It was not she who told us, but we explained to her how this happens according to the rules of the UAE. She said she would figure it out. They gave her, just in case, two phones, and spouses, and mine.
Then they constantly reminded her of our request. In response, she constantly wrote: "I understand. " A week later, she writes: "It will cost $ 550. " We answer: “OK. Good. " In response, silence. Again and again we remind you of our request. And silence again. .
And so on until the very end of our trip!
And two days before departure, we accidentally find out that literally everyone in our hotel has already traveled to Abu Dhabi and is very pleased with the trip. It turns out that a young man appeared at the hotel with a third-party service for ordering excursions. He sits near the stairs, in the lobby of AJMAN HOTEL. By the way, such a trip costs 450 dollars, not 550. At the same time, everything is clearly scheduled. Today we pay, tomorrow the test for covid, the day after tomorrow the trip. And no problem!
Oh! ! Well, Inga! ! I wonder if Corel Travel knows how it actually works? ! Or is it their system of "service"?
At the first and only meeting, Inge was paid $170 for a trip to the MOL shopping center in Dubai.
The driver, apparently from India or Pakistan (car number 39343 L), pretended not to understand good English, even through an online translator. It is impossible to believe in this, since it has been verified thousands of times before.
The behavior of the driver from the first minute was some absolutely wild, literally some kind of hatred. It was read in every action. From the first minute we clearly felt it. We drove 2.5 hours through traffic jams, both there and back. He turned on the strongest blowing of the air conditioner, directed directly at us, at 18 degrees! And that's all, with terrible force it blew on us all the way! ! They asked me to do 22 degrees. For some reason, he made 26. We explain to him that we are asking, by no means, not 26, but 22 degrees. He pretends not to understand. But after 3-4 minutes, it returns the strongest airflow at 18 degrees, directed at us! And categorically refuses to raise the temperature and reduce the strongest airflow! He pretends not to understand "please, put twenty-two degrees on the air conditioner" (please put twenty-two degrees on the air conditioner). They included, among other things, a hundred times and an online translator. No way! Allegedly does not understand and that's it!
During a long trip, through endless traffic jams, he constantly (!! ) talked on the phone, while holding the steering wheel with only one left hand, even at a very high speed! At the same time, he repeatedly performed simply incredible tricks - at speed he clamped the steering wheel with his left elbow, while holding the phone with his left hand, and dialing the numbers of the phones he needed with his right hand. And all this at a good speed and in the dark!
Probably, what he spent hours discussing on the phone was much more important than our safety! I have never seen such "driving"! It was REALLY VERY DANGEROUS!!
After this trip, we both caught a cold. Really hurt for a few days! And this is during the holidays!
We are surprised by literally everything in the behavior of the guide Inga! It is also infinitely surprising, among other things, why she did not explain to us that such trips should not be made on weekdays! In order not to drive in a car through traffic jams for 5 hours, there and back. What's this? Incompetence? ! Or frankly disregard for customers?!
We told the tour guy about this amazing trip (sitting near the stairs at AJMAN HOTEL). He was very surprised. He asks: “They don’t have feedback ?! ” No, we say that Inga is not interested in this at all. It turned out at the same time that for this guy such a trip costs not 170, but 80 dollars, and such excesses simply cannot be. Because it takes into account the day of the trip, so that there are no traffic jams, and the attitude of the driver to customers, and the attitude to driving safety. He says they are very strict about it.
Back to the airport from the hotel, we booked and paid for an individual transfer.
The same driver arrived. And everything was repeated exactly! ! Again, the strongest airflow directed directly at us, 18 degrees. Again we ask 22 degrees. Again he deliberately puts 26. After 3 minutes, everything returns back, by 18 degrees. But this time we were taught by compatriots permanently living in the UAE how to deal with such people. We just opened the windows in the car near us. The driver immediately closed them. We reopened. He closed again. Then he began to actively and angrily swear, and in earnest. We explain that we are cold. But he stubbornly closes the windows. We keep opening them. And so many times! ! We really did not want to catch a cold and get sick a second time, on the day of departure, because of the openly hating attitude of the driver.
Well, service from Corel Travel! Simply amazing! After fifty trips abroad, we have something to compare. Pay attention, because literally everything that came from Corel Travel confidently draws on the concept of "disregard for customers and their safety. "
This impressed us so much that we and our loved ones decided FOREVER, henceforth, to refuse Corel Travel services.
But, literally five months ago, in the month of May this year, we were in the same hotel, but from another tour operator Royl Park, with exactly the same maximum package of services. And everything was just fine, and an individual transfer from the airport and to the airport, and the polite behavior of the drivers, and excursions, and explanations, and the responsiveness of the guide, and the safety of driving.
As it turns out, the tour operator can thoroughly ruin the rest of their customers! We will definitely never forget it. But we paid Corel Travel a lot of money for our tour!
The wonderful country of the UAE and the wonderful AJMAN HOTEL have nothing to do with it, of course, but the negative from the monstrous service from Corel Travel turned out to be so strong that we somehow got sick of going to the Emirates again. It is a pity, of course, that we never saw Abu Dhabi.
 •  traveled 5 years ago
Rating 5.0
We have been here twice already and each time our stay leaves only positive impressions. Sea view rooms are always clean and tidy. Russian-speaking staff helps to resolve any issues. Nutrition is generally a separate issue, here anyone can eat plenty and with appetite. The variety of cuisine is impressive. The first time we flew to the UAE, we took excursions from a tour operator, but the second time we were stupid and bought already in place. … More ▾ We have been here twice already and each time our stay leaves only positive impressions. Sea view rooms are always clean and tidy. Russian-speaking staff helps to resolve any issues. Nutrition is generally a separate issue, here anyone can eat plenty and with appetite. The variety of cuisine is impressive. The first time we flew to the UAE, we took excursions from a tour operator, but the second time we were stupid and bought already in place. I want to say right away that I do not recommend the Al Saqr company, they lure you with prices, and then they have no change, etc. We never got on a sightseeing tour in Dubai, the car broke down. The day essentially fell out (((There are no complaints about the hotel and its level of service!
Review from — vOtpusk.ru
аватар myflat1
 •  traveled 8 years ago
Rating 3.0
I decided to take the time to describe how the Kempinski Hotel ruined my vacation with a child. I'm not a picky person, everything that concerns me personally, but as far as my child is concerned, I'll just write the whole truth. We checked into this hotel on August 24.2016, we checked in as soon as we arrived at 8 am, and if it had been otherwise, it would have been surprising, since the hotel was half empty. … More ▾ I decided to take the time to describe how the Kempinski Hotel ruined my vacation with a child. I'm not a picky person, everything that concerns me personally, but as far as my child is concerned, I'll just write the whole truth.
We checked into this hotel on August 24.2016, we checked in as soon as we arrived at 8 am, and if it had been otherwise, it would have been surprising, since the hotel was half empty. The receptionists dig like sleepy flies, draw up documents for half an hour - I have never seen such slow receptionists. With an almost empty hotel, they settled in rooms in a row, they could have done it at least through the room, given the lack of soundproofing. The rooms are gloomy, the floors are ceramic tiles, the air conditioners are old, noisy (when we were in the room, they always turned it off, but it cooled the room very weakly), sometimes something turns on in the air conditioner (and in the lamps too) and it is turned off makes unpleasant noises, to remove this noise, you need to turn the device on and off several times. The soundproofing in the rooms is disgusting, every evening I had to listen to how in the next room we talked on Skype for an hour and even the TV turned on quietly was audible. Cleaned the room badly, despite the 5 dirhams. left almost every day, all over the room and in the bathroom upon arrival and for several days there was someone's black hair. After dinner, the room was serviced at most a couple of times in ten days, but this is still 5 stars !!! . Leaving after dinner on the beach, they always hung a sign for service, but after 2-3 hours this sign still hung on the door, but as soon as you entered the room for 10 minutes, another sign immediately appeared with regret that it was not possible to clean the room. Televisions are antediluvian, but this is not my topic - I have not turned it on even once in 10 days. Apparently due to the small number of vacationers, the Hotel also decided to start repairs on the 6th floor: for two or three days there was such a stink of acetone, acrylic or something similar (considering the fact that there was a "second world" near the elevator to the entire height of the hotel - it stank at all floors, some more, some less). People living on the 6th floor even demanded a transfer to another floor.
I almost forgot: in the evening around 8 o'clock - apparently when the bulk of people begin to wash (although given that there were very few residents, what is the water pressure at the hotel populated? ), On the 7th floor, the water pressure was very weak .
On the issue of nutrition is a separate issue. The breakfast is very monotonous, for children there is nothing but oatmeal (even sausages are tasteless), there are few highchairs for children (apparently there are 3 pieces in total) and they are so old and dirty !!! ! Tables in the restaurant are apparently also washed rarely, all in circles from glasses. The restaurant staff is friendly and smiling, but I didn’t pay them for smiling, did I? Dinner for the first three days was a buffet - everything was tasteless, and nothing for children either, but still my child ate at least some fish (they don’t know how to cook salmon at all, dry as a sole). And if it were not for the next step of the hotel, I would never have started writing a review: on the fourth day we come, and for dinner a customized menu !!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! from five positions. It turns out that there were few visitors at the hotel and the hotel, at its discretion, decided to abandon the buffet????????????? ? After my child was left hungry (even the pasta was inedible, where did you see a hungry child refuse pasta? ), in the morning I arranged a delivery in a restaurant and for dinner my child had an individual order (not from the menu), and if at least it was further like this, otherwise it’s on the trail. day again, the child was served a half-baked piece of fish drenched in ketchup, despite the fact that I focused on the fact that neither ketchup nor tomato sauce was watered. I had to go to the reception and yell there. It turned out that not only Russians, but also Germans were swearing. And, oh Gods, they returned the buffet again and even made it tasty. True, it was delicious only once : (
Regarding the beach: the beach is large and huge, there are about a hundred umbrellas, you take as many towels as you want, but the beach is cleaned very badly. There are a lot of cigarette butts and skewers in the sand from the watermelon baskets ordered at the bar, the skewers hurt very painfully if you step on them. In the morning at 7 o'clock, a car rides (it rides) along the beach and allegedly removes the sand, but apart from the noise, there is no result. Another unpleasant moment: crows, whole flocks of crows fly along the beach and as soon as vacationers leave their sunbed with a bag, they fly into this place and start gouging things, delving into bags to find food, behind the next sunbed they gouged the trunks left on top of the trunks. It is necessary to hide bags under a towel, which is also an unpleasant moment. And crow-stained towels and personal items also do not honor a five-star hotel. In the evening, at low tide, there are a lot of crabs and crabs that are larger - they bite, especially if you sit with your child by the water and your hands in the sand. There are small slopes in the water at the bottom, if you step on it, it will unpleasantly gouge.
Conclusion: I will not recommend anyone with a child (and without) to go to this hotel.
аватар Volga6963
 •  traveled 9 years ago
Rating 5.0
In the room fund there are smoky, smelly rooms. The hotel has a big problem with baby cots and baby bedding. On the territory of the hotel, the vegetation is watered from the sewer, which in some places causes a persistent sewer smell. It violates the harmony with nature! … More ▾ In the room fund there are smoky, smelly rooms. The hotel has a big problem with baby cots and baby bedding. On the territory of the hotel, the vegetation is watered from the sewer, which in some places causes a persistent sewer smell. It violates the harmony with nature!
аватар 3018886
 •  traveled 11 years ago
Rating 8.0
We have been to the UAE countless times since 1995, visited many good (Jumeirah) and not good hotels, so there is something to compare with. 1. The hotel is a bit old but well-trained in the best traditions of Arab ethics 2. Amazing breakfasts - everything is there and everything is very tasty 3. All rooms with sea view - it is better to take a higher view - the view is better 4. … More ▾ We have been to the UAE countless times since 1995, visited many good (Jumeirah) and not good hotels, so there is something to compare with.
1. The hotel is a bit old but well-trained in the best traditions of Arab ethics
2. Amazing breakfasts - everything is there and everything is very tasty
3. All rooms with sea view - it is better to take a higher view - the view is better
4. The rooms are immaculate
5. Small pool - not at all modern and did not want to swim in it
6. The beach is great - plenty of sunbeds and umbrellas
7. Hotel security is serious - although friends came to visit and entered the hotel and the beach for free (entrance 120 DH)
8. When the hotel is full there is not enough transfer - a taxi to Dubai is very expensive - 150 derhams
9. Being at the extreme point of Ajman and you can’t do without a rental car - they took 100 derhams a day for 7 days, free gasoline for all the time dashed off 120 derhams. The deposit for the car is 200-300 dollars, but they give it back next time upon arrival although they promise to send, but as a rule they pull and reluctantly give the deposit.
10. SPA in the hotel did not watch, the shops are so-so
11. The reception is kind of gloomy - we tried to quickly run through it
12. The hotel is generally not bad, but children after 12 years old are no longer accommodated in a room, which became the reason for refusing it, and in a week the family is already flying to the chic ultra-modern Ajman Palace 5 *** that has just opened next to it for $ 1.400 for two and which is $800 even cheaper than this outdated hotel.
13. The price of Kempinski is constantly kept at the level of 1000 dollars per person.
аватар sistematour
 •  traveled 11 years ago
Rating 9.0
First coastline. Hotel where there is alcohol. There is a bowling alley on site. The hotel has one of the best beaches in Ajman. Swimming pool for children with a canopy. Deposit 300 $ Internet in the lobby is free. Free mini bar in SUITE. … More ▾ First coastline.
Hotel where there is alcohol.
There is a bowling alley on site.
The hotel has one of the best beaches in Ajman.
Swimming pool for children with a canopy.
Deposit 300 $
Internet in the lobby is free.
Free mini bar in SUITE.
DBL вид с номера боулинг пляж
аватар creative_
 •  traveled 11 years ago
Rating 9.0
Hello guys! We were just recently on vacation in this hotel and decided to share our impressions! I WILL SAY ONE ONE ONE: WE DID NOT TAKE EXCURSIONS IF YOU KNOW ENGLISH WELL AND ARE NOT HESITATED, IT IS CHEAPER AND MORE INTERESTING TO TRAVEL SEPARATELY AND NOT WITH A GROUP. WE DID IT, WE DEVELOPED A ROUTE AT HOME, AND IN THE UAE IT WAS COOL! SO: 1. … More ▾ Hello guys! We were just recently on vacation in this hotel and decided to share our impressions!
1. The hotel in appearance and in the photo may turn out to be so-so, in fact, it is beautiful inside, the rooms are good, clean, modern. The staff is trained to keep at the level of the Keminsky hotel chain.
2. Plus the hotel is very big and nice BEACH! However, some wrote about fuel oil, etc. It was such a thing, well, literally a drop remained on their feet on the last day, and so the whole rest the water was gorgeous, clean.
3. Minus the building on the left, the building on the right (active), there was no noise, but still not very comfortable.
There is not a single living soul in the area, the nearest so-so cafe is about 15 minutes on foot : (
4. Simple bottled water is free in the room, tea and coffee is brought to the room for free (since they do not have kettles and tea / coffee in the room, like in most hotels, so whoever eats use this opportunity).
5. wi-fi is paid almost everywhere in the UAE, it is very expensive in the hotel.
5. Tomorrow is so-so, quite meager (standard set - pancakes, cakes, etc. don't wait, but delicious + beautiful view of the Persian Gulf. Once again, one huge plus is a big chic beach!! ! ! ! )
Take a hotel either in Dubai or closer because it takes about 40 minutes to drive from Adman to Dubai without traffic jams (this is mostly at night after 10:00 and at any other time it is 1.50 hours). The farthest point is "Emirate Mall" - by the way, if you buy any of the things, it's worth it there, because there are the most reasonable prices in stores.
Therefore, who wants to save money should go to the nearest metro, and from there by metro. By the way, to get to the "Emirate Mall" you don't even have to go outside, the entrance is straight from the metro station.
The price of a taxi to Dubai (the nearest point is 80-100 dirhams, which is about 30 dollars), at night the same distance will cost 150-170 dirhams, which is 50 dollars).

7. We went to Ferrari Park
(reviewed by Ferarri World) BY YOURSELF, BY TAXI, it cost us 65 dollars an entrance ticket per person. and taxi $140. one way. It turned out to be profitable for us, because we were traveling with a group of 4 people, and it was better than taking an excursion that cost from Tez Tur: visit only to the park + transfer 110 dollars. , and + a visit to the Zayed Mosque and Museum 165 USD.
I liked the park, only there are only 3 high-speed rides, all the rest are 20 with something for children under 14-15 years old, we were no longer interested in 24-25 years old.
But the park is really cool.
Ride on a Ferrari kart costs 40 dirhams per person. 15 minutes. -10dol. per person COOL!
Plus, there is a track where you can ride with a professional driver, as well as driving yourself on the Formula 1 track, on any car from Camaro to Ferrari racing Formula 1 car, the price is from 200 dollars. per person
But given the fact that we rode somewhere on 5 slides, but spent the whole day. From Ajman, the road there takes 2-3 hours, how lucky with traffic jams!
Who wants to go to Abu Dhabi after the park, keep in mind that this is another plus 40 kilometers away.
By the way, they have a lot of accidents on the roads.
Anyway, we expected more from the park than 3 high-speed slides : (

8. RECOMMEND!!!!!!! ! ! !
Go to the Atlantis Water Park + plus visit the aquarium there! The aquarium there is just an explosion of the brain! What you see in the Dubai Mall is just rubbish in comparison.
Ticket price: KOBMO water park + aquarium 275 dirham-75 dollars.
just an aquarium 100 dirhams-27 dollars.
water park - 250 dirhams - 68 dollars.
The water park is also very cool, you don’t need to get out of the water at all, everything is done so that you are rolled around in a circle, and along the course you have the choice to swim on the slides where the escalator takes you, that is, up the stairs or drag the circle on you need.
If you decide to visit the water park, take your TOWELS WITH YOU! ! ! Otherwise, they charge $10 for a towel. from a person. The safe is the same. It’s better to decide right away what you are taking, because if you take a COMBO ticket, you need to stand at the ticket office of the water park and immediately say that you want to put money on the bracelet, take a safe and a towel. Otherwise, then you will have to stand in line again if something happens.
DO NOT confuse the aquarium has a separate box, but taking a COMBO ticket at the box office of the water park is cheaper!

9. Climb to Bursh Haliva and singing fountains!
WE RECOMMEND ordering tickets in advance on the Bursh Khalifa website (there you simply choose the day and time and pay by card, such as how to top up your mobile phone. ) Everything worked out for us, the cost of a ticket if ordered via the Internet cost us 20 dollars. per person if you buy at the box office on the spot, it will cost $ 100. The choice is yours
http://www. burjkhalifa. ae/language/en-us/observation-deck/ticket-information. aspx
Who wants to follow the link, just type in Google: reservation burj khalifa

Entrance, in order to go up to the 124th floor from the shopping center, we recommend as soon as you get to Duby Mall - TAKE THE MAP of the shopping center (they are in Russian, the shopping center is not really big and you can wind circles there for a very long time)

WE ADVISE you to see the fountains from the FRIDAYS restaurant located on the 3rd floor of the Dubai Mall. The view from there is steeper than from below, and than from Bursh Khaliva, where you can’t see a damn thing : ) The prices there are normal, as is the food. They have an open terrace right along this fountain, places on the street for registration are free, just sign up and in 40 minutes come up and you will be seated at a table.
Dine where 60 dollars. will be for two.

10. Temperature in FEBRUARY DAY 24-27. NIGHT 18. WATER SOMEWHERE 18 degrees. COLD at night! Take warm clothes!

11. Eating is expensive, at least 60-70 dollars for two. and this despite the fact that they have no alcohol in restaurants, only in hotels! ! ! !

Good luck to everyone and HAVE A GOOD REST! Hope the review is helpful! ! !
Вид из ресторана FRIDAYS restaurant fridays
 •  traveled 12 years ago
Rating 5.0
Were from 11/7/2012 to 11/21/2012. The only good thing is the sea and the beach. But if you haven’t taken a sunbed until seven in the morning, then you’re superfluous on the beach. There isn't enough room for everyone. The food in the restaurant is indecently poor. We had breakfasts and dinners. Sometimes everything already modest was generally eaten. … More ▾ Were from 11/7/2012 to 11/21/2012. The only good thing is the sea and the beach. But if you haven’t taken a sunbed until seven in the morning, then you’re superfluous on the beach. There isn't enough room for everyone. The food in the restaurant is indecently poor. We had breakfasts and dinners. Sometimes everything already modest was generally eaten. There was enough fruit for two or three. There was practically no meat. But a lot of fried tomatoes. Only after the remarks were brought to eat, otherwise you can generally leave hungry. And this is for very decent money. At the entrance to the hotel there is a black security guard who takes away all food and drinks bought in city stores, including fruits and baby food.
Review from — vOtpusk.ru
 •  traveled 12 years ago
Rating 7.0
We rested for the first time in the UAE and were very pleased with this country. Excellent service everywhere, from the airline to housekeeping. The hotel is located away from civilization and if you are interested in a beach holiday, then you are there. In the evening, if you return from Dubai constant traffic jams in the direction of the hotel, the road takes 1. … More ▾ We rested for the first time in the UAE and were very pleased with this country. Excellent service everywhere, from the airline to housekeeping. The hotel is located away from civilization and if you are interested in a beach holiday, then you are there. In the evening, if you return from Dubai constant traffic jams in the direction of the hotel, the road takes 1.5-2 hours. Very calm, one might even say boring. Nice rooms, clean and beautiful area, huge beach, nice staff. Well organized tours, great guides. The hotel runs a daily bus towards Dubai / free /, . Everyone is very punctual, everyone except our tourists. The kitchen leaves much to be desired. There is nothing special. Maybe I'm exaggerating, but the food is not at the level of 5 stars, especially not at the level of Kempinski hotels. In general, man does not live by bread alone, the trip was a success
Review from — vOtpusk.ru
аватар Elina_2005
 •  traveled 12 years ago
Rating 8.0
The first day. Checked in the night before. It was already dark, but, passing by a neighboring construction site, something bad crept into my soul. 9 am. We sleep with an open balcony, but we came to the sea - it takes 7 days to breathe in the breeze, iodine, and what else they breathe on the coast))) We woke up from the creak of working construction equipment. … More ▾ The first day. Checked in the night before. It was already dark, but, passing by a neighboring construction site, something bad crept into my soul.
9 am. We sleep with an open balcony, but we came to the sea - it takes 7 days to breathe in the breeze, iodine, and what else they breathe on the coast))) We woke up from the creak of working construction equipment. Rocks are thrown along the pier. Husband's question "Maybe they don't bring them down all day? ". Hmm... If we were in Spain or Italy, then of course we would bring down 3 hours a day, because there is either a siesta or lunch, then it is already dark - who in the dark brings down stones. Not here, they work.
Beach. 500 meters. Lots of space, enough for everyone. But it’s somehow suspicious that everyone is bridged in the middle. Here it is. On the left - the construction site is heavily hammering piles or yards, something metallic. To the right are stones. I read somewhere that they are quietly building in the Emirates. Do not believe, as elsewhere.
Waiting for the wind from the sea)))
Evening of the first day. They built them all day long. The winds from the sea waited - the red flag was hung out. Storm, tomorrow +20 and windy.
Second day.
Storm again today, sunny but strong north wind - brrrr. Very northern people sunbathe, and I even froze in a blouse. Let's go to the mall in Dubai.
I didn’t like the observation deck of Burj Khalifa, the part from which you can see the palm island, Atlantis and Burj Dubai is glazed from bottom to top with dirty glass, and it’s almost impossible to take a good picture of it. I did not think that the number of tickets per day for viewing is so limited that if you have not booked in advance, then they will offer a visit for tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Urgent - 400 AED. And this is for a minute more than 100 ye. Well, I guess there are crowds. Whatever. There are dozens of times more queues for the Eiffel Tower. And this is pure speculation. Of course, how many millions did they invest to build IT?
Day three. Sunny, the wind is not so northerly and strong. In a leeward place you can sunbathe. Basically, everything is by the pool, on the beach, vacationers have built barricades of sunbeds. A tractor carries sand to the beach. They brought a camel to work, rides children and adults.
There are no camel races at this time of the year, and a laser show at a desert hotel on Fridays.
Day four. The service at the hotel is good: 2 times a day they change towels in the room and make a marafet. In general, they are afraid if you tense up once again. Passing by the bar, the husband asked for ice in order to drink a cocktail from the rum he had brought with him in the room. They poured a glass of ice on him, but asked him to call the room service next time, otherwise they would be reprimanded. The next time room service carried ice for 20 minutes. And the pipes were on fire.
The food is like everywhere else. From the unusual earlier for breakfast: carrot, cucumber fresh; gazpacho. Desserts based on yogurt and cream prepared in front of you. A wide selection of teas, you can brew yourself in a teapot, and if you are too lazy, the waiter will do it for you.
The staff is polite and helpful.
Day five. Sunny, windless, beautiful waves and great mood. But... Part of the beach was blocked and tractors are leveling / heaping / pulling out the sand. Beach renovation. They are buzzing.
Day six and seven. It's good to jump on the waves. The beach here is one of the most beautiful I have ever visited: the beach is wide, white fine clean sand, warm water of the Persian Gulf, waves with white lambs, but without fear that corals are under your feet. And what amazing sunsets! Golden pink with orange halo and water trail. Charm! The surf threw out small crabs and they buried themselves ridiculously in the wet sand.
On the day of departure, we checked out according to schedule, at 12. At 16, we have a transfer to the airport. We were allowed to leave our things in the luggage room and freshen up before the road in the wellness center.
There is an Indian party on the beach, either they have a national holiday, or just a day off. Everyone is in lilac and dancing folk dances under a local DJ))
Conclusions: Nevertheless, the weather in March is not very beachy. It is hot in the sun, cold in the shade in the wind.
The hotel is good in all respects, service-food-sea. Entertainment - bowling, bars with live music. Gym, sauna, steam room, jacuzzi - free of charge.
Perhaps the minus of the hotel is the distance from Dubai. Somewhere 45 minutes by car to shopping centers. There is a free shuttle bus from the hotel, which carries on schedule 3 times a day, the travel time from the hotel to the extreme point of the Emirates Mall is almost 2 hours. On the way, he stops at Deira, Sharjah, Gold Souk, Dubai Mall and Emirates Mall.
Deposit upon arrival - 300 ye, it is also given upon check-out, pay for everything in local currency or by credit card.
I don't know why, but in the hotel 90% are families with small children and the same 99% are Russian-speaking tourists. Russian speaking staff is in the main dining room, towels and a waiter in an Indian restaurant.
What in my opinion is good for children is a sandy beach where you can rummage, build pyramids and so on, a swimming pool - a paddling pool, a children's room, a nanny. No - children's menu, high chairs, animations. By the way, no one really bathed children in the sea, either because of the waves, or because of the wind. And in the cold wind, few people left their child in the sand to play.
R. S. Construction and "rolling" of stones continued throughout the week of our holiday.
Невероятные по красоте закаты! Вид на море с балкона 3 этажа Строительная техника, которая валила камни Трактор обновляет пляж Стройка по соседству Лягушатник Крабик
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avatar olsher08
We are going to the UAE for the first time. I'm going with my mom. I choose between Dubai (GLORIA HOTEL MEDIA CITY 4* or CORAL DEIRA HOTEL 4* or FLORA GRAND 4*) or Ajman (KEMPINSKI HOTEL AJMAN 5*) I have a few questions 1) Is there really construction going on near KEMPINSKI? 2) Is everything so sad in Ajman with leisure after 17.00? 3) If you still choose Ajman, how much will a taxi cost, if we say go to Dubai every day and how long does it take? Thank you in advance!
11 years ago  •  11 subscribers 13 answers
avatar aluhamalova
And do they provide drinking water in the room?
13 years ago  •  3 subscribers 3 answers
avatar naiti.e2
do i have to pay for the beach
13 years ago  •  4 subscribers 3 answers
Ajman stables
Rating 9.0
UAE, Ajman
Leisure, Nature
Al Nuami Mosque
UAE, Ajman
architecture, religion
Ajman Museum
UAE, Ajman
Museums, Story, architecture

Ajman Hotel расположен на берегу персидского залива, в 26 км от аэропорта г. Дубай и в 5 км от центра города Аджман. Отель был открыт в 1998 году, последняя реновация проводилась в 2014 году. Этот отель подойдёт как для семейного отдыха с детьми, так и для делового туризма.

Location Международный аэропорт Шарджа расположен в 14 км.
Description of the beach Собственный песчаный пляж протяженностью 400 м. Зонтики, лежаки, матрасы, пляжные полотенца представляются бесплатно.
  • 1st line
  • private beach
  • sand beach
  • sun loungers  FREE 
  • umbrellas  FREE 
  • beach towels
In a hotel

Работает круглосуточная стойка регистрации. За услуги прачечной взимается плата.

  • restaurant
  • A la carte restaurant
  • cafe/bar
  • open pool
  • conference hall/banquet hall
  • business center
  • parking  FREE 
  • car rental
  • free wi-fi
  • laundry
  • hairdresser/beauty salon
  • facilities for people with disabilities
  • non-smoking rooms
  • currency exchange
  • payment by payment cards
For kids
  • children's swimming pool
  • playground
  • kids club
  • children's chairs in the restaurant
  • cot  FREE 
Entertainment and sports В отеле проводится тематические вечера, кулинарные масстер-классы, играет живая музыка. Есть также библиотека и караоке (платно).
  • Spa or wellness center
  • sauna/bath/hammam
  • tennis court
  • disco club
  • animation
  • organization of excursions
Description of rooms

В отеле 182 номера.

In the rooms

В номере есть кондиционер, бесплатный Wi-Fi, телевизор, телефон, мини-бар, набор для кофе и чая, сейф, балкон или терраса. Ванная комната с феном и туалетно-косметическими принадлежностями.

  • bath / shower
  • hair dryer
  • slippers and bathrobe (not in all rooms)
  • safe
  • air conditioner
  • cable/satellite TV
  • phone
  • internet wi-fi
  • tea/coffee maker (not in all rooms)
  • fridge (not in all rooms)
  • balcony/terrace
The address Sheikh Humaid Bin Rashid Al Nuaimi Street, PO BOX 3025, Ajman, United Arab Emirates
Phones: +971 6 714 5555
Website: Ajman Hotel
Какой пляж у отеля?
Отель располагается на 1-й пляжной линии. У отеля собственный песчаный пляж. Пляжные полотенца в отеле (бесплатно).
Какие развлечения есть в отеле?
Отель предоставляет услуги сауны / бани / хаммам. . Для ценителей тишины и релакса есть Спа или велнес-центр. Вы можете прекрасно провести время за игрой в теннис. Танцы-шманцы до утра или как позволит администрация отеля, вот что Вас ждет в Диско-клубе. О том чтобы Вы ни минуты не скучали позаботится анимация. В отеле присутствует организация экскурсий, упрощает выбор и дает советы специалист по туризму.
Какие возможности для детей есть в отеле?
Отель располагает детским бассейном с небольшой глубиной, детской площадкой с горкой и качелями. Чтобы взрослые могли отдохнуть, детей каждый день развлекает детский клуб. Детские стульчики для кормления Ваших малышей всегда под рукой.