Mislivskii dvir 3*– Reviews

Rating 8.410
based on
5 reviews
№14 in the hotel rating Kyiv
9.0 Rooms
7.8 Service
7.6 Cleanliness
9.2 Food
9.6 Amenities
The private hotel and restaurant complex "Mislivsky Dvir" is located in Kyiv, on the left bank, in the park "Partisan Glory".More →
аватар Travelme
We chose the most expensive suite, a very beautiful stylish room with the largest jacuzzi. In reality it is more beautiful than in the photo. It turns out that the jacuzzi is a problem, you have to constantly call the maid, turn it on, turn it off and constantly watch it so that the water does not pour over the top. … More ▾ We chose the most expensive suite, a very beautiful stylish room with the largest jacuzzi. In reality it is more beautiful than in the photo. It turns out that the jacuzzi is a problem, you have to constantly call the maid, turn it on, turn it off and constantly watch it so that the water does not pour over the top. The expensive suite has a good bed, but the duvet cover has a hole in it! (There is a photo) everything was fine in the bathroom, a lot of snow-white towels and everything you need, a shower cabin with a massage and everything works well, but after the second cleaning they took away a spare roll of toilet paper from us, and left a small one that was almost over. I understand that you need to save money, even on the most expensive suites. Lunch when they brought us to the room was all super, no complaints. But if you go to a restaurant and say that you have a discount and you live in a hotel, you will have to wait a very long time and always check the check, we had a discrepancy twice. There was an opinion that tips do not reach the staff. Because the bigger the discount, the more tips we leave to the waiters. We checked with a good tip and this did not affect the service in any way. Breakfast, then no bread, then something else. Waiters are usually sleepy and sleepy in the morning.
Spa is great! Very well and tastefully built. But we had to take our bathrobes from the room there and for some reason they didn’t give towels in the spa. Drawers are closed, which is very convenient. The problem with clean drinking water. It can only be found in the lobby. The spa has only a paid bar.
We encountered the biggest problem when leaving. We booked the hotel a long time ago and asked the price several times for the entire tour, along with the weekend club. From the day you check in to the last day you leave. At the entrance, too, the girl remembered me and counted everything again. They reminded the date and time of departure in order to pay for the entire tour. We all paid what we were told, but for some reason we were not given a check. They gave 4 discounts for 15% and two lunches for two days off as a gift, for some reason we did not demand a check and could not think that there could be problems in such a hotel.
When we left we were asked for money! 2750 supposedly we didn’t pay for one day, we had to pay and also without a check (!? ). We travel a lot and we have never had such a strange vacation. Beautiful place and design of the hotel, forest, nightingales sing, squirrels run, delicious cuisine, but it seems that the staff there is not trained at all, probably (except for the cook and his kitchen assistants! )
If you decide to choose this hotel and not spoil your vacation, I can advise the following recommendations.
When booking, ask to send you a printout with prices, what would you have, what to provide if the prices do not match. At the entrance, ask for a printout of the oblate with a signature and dates, how much and for what you paid. Take clean drinking water with you. I would never tip in a restaurant again. The more tips, the worse the service was. It is best to order food in the room, then you can give a type. Check receipts. Especially in the evening when it's dark there are inconsistencies.
I do not advise the oriental suite, it is problematic to get a jacuzzi. It is necessary to move the steps, close and open the faucets and constantly call the maid.
There are many photos from the hotel, the place is really quiet and very beautiful near 3 lakes and you can swim.
С другой стороны отеля вход в ресторан, но через лобби тоже можно пройти не выходя на улицу. Вид на ресторан. В ресторане по вечерам громко играет музыка, поэтому, если хотите не только покушать, но и пообщаться, закажите столик зараннее подальше от колонок или у ручья.  Внутри  очень жарко, похоже нету кондиционера, зато в туалете есть всё для детей, сиденье на унитаз для малышей и подставки и поют соловьи. Для детей много аттракционов и развлечений в выходные дни Неприятный момент, самого дорого люкса. Зачем такое белье вообще хранить в хорошем отеле? Такая хорошая чистая, отутюженная и накрахмаленная постель, когда гладили дырку должны были заметить. Первая страничка меню Вход в ресторан В лобби очень тихо, бывает повеевает сигаретным дымом. Вход в гостиницу
аватар lisakovskaa
 •  traveled 9 years ago
Rating 10.0
09/12/2015 We celebrated the wedding. Oh my god what a restaurant! From start to finish everything was top notch! The dishes are mouth-watering, especially the grilled fish (I usually don't eat that : ) but this one was just super). Dishes were taken out on time, the waiters were always on hand and in any situation kindly tried to help. … More ▾ 09/12/2015 We celebrated the wedding. Oh my god what a restaurant! From start to finish everything was top notch! The dishes are mouth-watering, especially the grilled fish (I usually don't eat that : ) but this one was just super). Dishes were taken out on time, the waiters were always on hand and in any situation kindly tried to help. The design of the restaurant and hall (royal hunting) made an indelible impression on the guests. As a gift from the restaurant, we received a suite of extraordinary beauty and luxury, but most importantly - BED!! ! What kind of bed was there, I slept just like a baby. I would like to express my special gratitude to the art director Antonina for her responsiveness and warmth, to the florist Tatyana for the simply gorgeous decoration of the hall, to the restaurant administrators and waiters for their professionalism, literacy and competence !!! !
Здесь даже есть отличные места для фотосессии ))
аватар akivv
 •  traveled 13 years ago
Rating 9.0
… More ▾
аватар oleg8518
 •  traveled 15 years ago
Rating 7.0
The first impression on me was made by wonderful Girls at the reception. There was a wonderful room with a view of the forest (the only caveat - the hood is noisy). Delicious breakfast served. The staff is friendly. … More ▾ The first impression on me was made by wonderful Girls at the reception. There was a wonderful room with a view of the forest (the only caveat - the hood is noisy). Delicious breakfast served. The staff is friendly.
аватар kristofff
 •  traveled 15 years ago
Rating 8.0
fabulous. … More ▾ fabulous.
номер спа

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Частный гостинично-ресторанный комплекс "Мисливський двір" находится в г. Киеве, на левом берегу, в парке "Партизанской славы".

Location 15 минут до центра города, 12 минут до исторического заповедника «Киево-Печерская лавра», 10 минут до международного аэропорта «Борисполь», и 20 минут до авто и ж/д. вокзалов.
In a hotel

Спорт-бар, бильярд; 4 ресторанных зала на 600 человек, летняя площадка, каминные залы, беседки у озера.

For kids
  • playground
Entertainment and sports SPA-салон, бани: русская, финская, турецкая (хаммам, японская), массажист, косметологический кабинет, бильярд, кальян.
  • Spa or wellness center
  • sauna/bath/hammam
  • billiards
Description of rooms

28 номеров разных категорий (эконом, стандарт, полулюкс, люкс, люкс плюс), выполненных в индивидуальных стилях.

The address г. Киев, ул. Славгородская, 49, Парк партизанской славы (Левый берег)
Phones: +38 (044) 501-35-30 - бронирование номеров
+38 (044) 562-63-27
+38 (044) 507-13-29 - SPA-центр
Website: Mislivskii dvir
Какие развлечения есть в отеле?
Отель предоставляет услуги сауны / бани / хаммам. . Для ценителей тишины и релакса есть Спа или велнес-центр. Вы можете прекрасно провести время за игрой в бильярд.
Какие возможности для детей есть в отеле?
Отель располагает детской площадкой с горкой и качелями.