A good city

14 November 2019 Travel time: with 03 November 2019 on 06 November 2019
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There was a desire to go somewhere on my own, so as not to depend on anyone. Here, by the way, an offer turned up - tickets to Europe for 200 UAH. Well, why not buy? We chose the nearest city from Zhytomyr - Warsaw. Everything was for the first time for us (we haven’t traveled ourselves yet, it’s easier to go to Turkey – I got on the plane and everything, back – the same way). We chose a hostel (did not want to live in a multi-bed room) and booked a 3-bed room with its own bathroom. The hostel with the funny name "Tatamka" turned out to be quite good both in terms of location and the services it provides.

What can I say about the city itself? In principle, it is quite clean, beautiful (buildings, roads, etc. are being repaired and repaired). There are many parks and squares for recreation. Excellent public transport (buses, trams, metro). There are many tourists (Chinese and Russians were especially frequent). "Cops" (i. e. cops) on the streets are imperceptible neither during the day nor in the evening, but quietly and calmly.

What surprised me: for the most part, everyone (almost everyone) follows the rules of the road - both pedestrians and drivers. The absence of "cool cars" is also striking - in fact, we, in our "ridiculous" Zhytomyr, have more of them. It suggests that their officials probably do not steal. There were, of course, homeless people (well, these are the realities of any capitalist state).

We walked and traveled a lot, managed to visit the Wilanó w Palace, Lazienki Park, the Royal Palace on the market square in the Old Town. Wilyaniv simply struck me with the evening illumination - thousands of lamps glow and blink to classical music - well, great! Here we were lucky, this spectacle is only in November. An interesting museum of the Polish Army with an exhibition of military equipment on the street. People's Museum - a good exposition of paintings and a hall of medieval religious art, just lovely! We also went to the famous "Stalinka" - there, from the observation deck, a gorgeous view of the surroundings opens. Buildings next to it are all high-rises-skyscrapers (when you walk nearby, you have a strong feeling that you are somewhere in America - everything sparkles everywhere, glows, signs in English, well, not bad).

You can talk for a long time, it's a pity we didn't see even half of what we wanted in three days. Well, there will be a reason to return.

Translated automatically from Russian. View original
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