Attractions Uzhhorod

17 attractions And 10 reviews

Best природные достопримечательности Uzhhorod

Sakura-Fest in Uzhgorod
Rating 8.0
Entertainment, Nature
Linden alley
Nature, Streets, squares, viewpoints
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Uzhgorod Botanical Garden
A wonderful botanical garden with wonderful rare phenomena. Very beautiful. Located in the center of Uzhgorod. The only drawback is that it closes early. It is still dark, when it is pleasant to wander...
 •  7 years ago
Sakura-Fest in Uzhgorod
Cherry blossoms are why hundreds and thousands of travelers flock to Uzhgorod for the May holidays. The largest concentration of sakura trees can be seen on Pushkin Square and Rakoczi and Dovzhenko streets...
 •  9 years ago