Gornye vershiny 2*– Reviews

Rating 5.610
based on
7 reviews
№3 in the hotel rating Dombay
4.3 Rooms
4.5 Service
5.0 Cleanliness
5.8 Food
4.3 Amenities
The International Tourist Center "Mountain Peaks" previously belonged to the "Sputnik" system of the BMMT of the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League, to this day it is a favorite place for young people.More →
аватар Aleksey84684641
 •  traveled 5 years ago
Rating 1.0
The hotel has about five renovated rooms. Photos of these rooms are posted on the sites. The remaining two hundred rooms can be described as "grandfather's shed. " When we arrived at the hotel, we were offered to choose a room that we liked. We examined a couple of dozen free rooms and were horrified! There are no decorative ceilings. … More ▾ The hotel has about five renovated rooms. Photos of these rooms are posted on the sites. The remaining two hundred rooms can be described as "grandfather's shed. " When we arrived at the hotel, we were offered to choose a room that we liked. We examined a couple of dozen free rooms and were horrified!
There are no decorative ceilings. Instead - painted peeling plaster. Particularly large holes are sealed with square foam panels, straight white on blue, without frills.
The doors of the cabinets are attached to the cabinets, there are no door hinges. Hangers on the walls are mostly absent. Screws are screwed in instead.
The rooms have two sockets. One is in the bedroom. She only worked in one of the rooms we examined. The second is in the bathroom. Works in about half of the rooms.
Hot water is available in almost all rooms. Almost! In some rooms, plumbers made two cold water, compensating for this inconvenience with large heating radiators.
In some rooms, there are wooden circles on the toilet, like in village toilets. In the rest - plastic, shabby, from the time of communism.
Somewhere water drips from the ceiling.
Showers or baths are not available everywhere. There are deluxe rooms that have only a sink and a toilet.
Almost everywhere there is a smell of rot. Sometimes it is so strong that it is impossible to enter the room.
Wi-Fi is missing. Everywhere. And, according to the staff, for a long time.
We refused to check in and expressed our dissatisfaction with the staff and the director. They suggested that we wait a bit until they find us a place to stay in some other hotel. And then, closer to the night, we were told that there were no places anywhere and that now they would return the prepayment to us, however, minus one day of accommodation.
We complained to booking, phoned the support service, after which the prepayment was returned to us in full. And then, at night, with ski luggage and suitcases in hand, we were forced to go wandering around the city on foot in search of a new home.
аватар vladimir_k_2001
 •  traveled 9 years ago
Rating 4.0
The hotel looks like a haunted house. Dark long corridors with shabby walls will lead you to a small and cramped crypt called the standard room, where you will find two small beds, a bedside table and a tiny TV that most likely will not work. Heating in the hotel is excellent. The batteries remain hot around the clock, but they cannot create heat in a standard crypt due to the presence of huge gaps in the wooden windows of the 70th year of manufacture. … More ▾ The hotel looks like a haunted house. Dark long corridors with shabby walls will lead you to a small and cramped crypt called the standard room, where you will find two small beds, a bedside table and a tiny TV that most likely will not work. Heating in the hotel is excellent. The batteries remain hot around the clock, but they cannot create heat in a standard crypt due to the presence of huge gaps in the wooden windows of the 70th year of manufacture. This problem could be solved by taking an electric heater with you on vacation, but it was not there. After 11 p. m. , all sockets will be successfully de-energized until the morning and only a light bulb under the ceiling can warm you up. Of the pluses, I can only highlight a huge balcony with a beautiful view of the mountains.
аватар ControlK
 •  traveled 10 years ago
Rating 3.0
The hotel was terrible. Firstly, having arrived at seven in the morning, we stood on the street for another half an hour - the hotel was under conservation, and the watchman was just sleeping and did not react to the noise from outside. It was quite cool and "fresh" outside. Finally, when we got inside, we felt all the same coolness and "freshness" of a cheerful morning - the heating did not work)) We were settled on the eighth floor, without hot water, with the heating not working, breakfast was not provided upon arrival (they had not yet hired cooks). … More ▾ The hotel was terrible. Firstly, having arrived at seven in the morning, we stood on the street for another half an hour - the hotel was under conservation, and the watchman was just sleeping and did not react to the noise from outside. It was quite cool and "fresh" outside. Finally, when we got inside, we felt all the same coolness and "freshness" of a cheerful morning - the heating did not work)) We were settled on the eighth floor, without hot water, with the heating not working, breakfast was not provided upon arrival (they had not yet hired cooks). I must say that in the future hot water appeared (despite the brown tint, this was a plus), but there were problems with heating for the next two days. As it was possible to find out from the administration, the boiler house was in an emergency condition and could not cope with the heating of the hotel. I especially feel sorry for the elderly women from Yeysk, who traveled on a tour with us - if we could still somehow warm up and endure the night, then it was really hard for them to sleep in jackets and shoes (in the morning we shared our impressions of spending the night). I hope they didn't get sick after the trip. They settled us on the eighth floor. The rooms were shabby, the TV did not work, the elevator broke down from time to time.
аватар turbo
 •  traveled 12 years ago
… More ▾
аватар levayanatalya
 •  traveled 13 years ago
Rating 10.0
I decided to go on vacation to Dombay with my family! I chose a hotel for a long time! Decided to choose an inexpensive, but decent! As soon as we arrived, we were met by the staff, everyone was so hospitable, polite! The director himself was constantly interested in how we rest, how the service... We stopped in the Standard rooms - everything is very clean, tidy, cleaning every day. … More ▾ I decided to go on vacation to Dombay with my family! I chose a hotel for a long time! Decided to choose an inexpensive, but decent! As soon as we arrived, we were met by the staff, everyone was so hospitable, polite! The director himself was constantly interested in how we rest, how the service... We stopped in the Standard rooms - everything is very clean, tidy, cleaning every day. Before that, we went to an inexpensive hotel - there was no electricity or water! But here! there was always hot water in the shower, electricity, TV worked, elevator.... beauty! and what kind of cuisine!!!!!!! ! not cooks, but just some kind of artisans !!! ! children couldn’t be torn off! In the hotel itself, you could find everything! The pool is a different story! I got used to it so much, the water is constantly heated, so clean, and it is huge! Now I miss it very much... I can’t walk at home like that! cold! my husband was addicted to bowling - he took us there every evening! The massage therapist pleased, forgot about the pain in the spine! In general, we rested and improved our health! We began to look for where to book excursions - it turned out we didn’t even have to leave the hotel! As they say, everything is at hand! In general, FANTASTIC!!! ! I WILL DEFINITELY RETURN TO THE MOUNTAIN PEAKS!!! !
 •  traveled 13 years ago
Rating 9.0
Rested with a friend in the mountain peaks-everything is fine! I was pleased with the service - everyone is friendly, helpful! They say that it used to be a nightmare, but now the bosses have changed. I stumbled upon them by chance, I was looking for dombai hotels, where it was cheaper, and found http://www. … More ▾ Rested with a friend in the mountain peaks-everything is fine! I was pleased with the service - everyone is friendly, helpful! They say that it used to be a nightmare, but now the bosses have changed. I stumbled upon them by chance, I was looking for dombai hotels, where it was cheaper, and found http://www. dombai-peaks. ru/, it turned out cheap and high quality. The rooms are not chic. but we also rested in standard rooms, but heating, electricity, hot water are all in place! I’ll be back for the holidays, we’ll go skiing there!
Review from — vOtpusk.ru
 •  traveled 14 years ago
Rating 9.0
In the hotel "Mountain Peaks" I rested with my friend from May 1 to May 3. The hotel is great and the people who work there are very cordial and friendly. This is the most beautiful place on earth. I will definitely come here again. … More ▾ In the hotel "Mountain Peaks" I rested with my friend from May 1 to May 3. The hotel is great and the people who work there are very cordial and friendly. This is the most beautiful place on earth. I will definitely come here again.
Review from — vOtpusk.ru
 •  traveled 15 years ago
Rating 3.0
arrived on 11/05/2008 for one day with my family at 15.00 we checked into the room the room is terrible heating no hot water no TV does not work the food is terrible at night cold dog 06.11. … More ▾ arrived on 11/05/2008 for one day with my family at 15.00 we checked into the room the room is terrible heating no hot water no TV does not work the food is terrible at night cold dog 06.11.
Review from — vOtpusk.ru

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Международный Туристский центр "Горные вершины" ранее принадлежал системе "Спутник" БММТ ЦК ВЛКСМ, по сей день это любимое место молодежи.

Location Находится в центре курорта Домбай. Расстояние до маятникового подъемника - 50м, кресельного подъемника - 200м.
In a hotel

  • столовая
  • ресторан
  • два бара
  • кафе
  • чайная с каминным залом
  • закрытый бассейн (25м) с подогреваемой водой и вышкой для пряжков в воду
  • сауна с купелью и входом в большой бассейн
  • медпункт
  • кинозал
  • дискотека
  • лифт
  • настольный теннис
  • казино с баром
  • боулинг
  • бильярд
  • междугородние и международные телефоны-автоматы
  • обмен валюты
  • аптека

  • Description of rooms

  • 2-х и 3-х местные номера (в номере: туалет, душ, балкон);
  • 2-местные 2-комнатные номера "люкс" (туалет, ванна, цветной телевизор, холодильник, телефон, балкон).

  • FAQ