Pretty decent hotel, but there are some drawbacks.

Written: 30 august 2015
Travel time: 29 august — 8 september 2015
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For a relaxing holiday; For families with children
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 9.0
Service: 8.0
Cleanliness: 8.0
Food: 6.0
Amenities: 7.0
I am in this hotel at the moment (I live the second day), I write in the room (in all rooms, as well as throughout the territory, there is a good catching Wi-Fi, the speed is quite high).
The location is not bad, near the center of Alanya (30 minutes walk to the port with a child of 6 years old, an excellent wide promenade with parks and fountains, playgrounds).
The check-in was, as expected, at 14:00, but they started to feed and drink from the moment of arrival at the hotel (about 11:00) - well, the Turks generally do this. Understand, indignant gentlemen: if there are no free rooms in the hotel, there is NO WHERE to check you in if you arrived before the check-out time. This is not a hotel problem.

The food is quite satisfactory - vegetables, greens, chicken, turkey, fish, sweets; from fruits, alas, only watermelons and apples. Nothing spoiled did not notice; however, out of habit, I don’t take any salads, except for vegetables (they are made in all hotels, not only Turkish ones, from what, in restaurants, however, too).
Minus: they do not cook anything hot (in the sense, right in your presence on the fire, for example, barbecue, pancakes, etc. ). Yes, and beef with lamb something has not yet noticed.
The restaurant is large, there are always enough tables for everyone. From alcohol while drinking only quite decent beer and more or less (you can drink, any better store) decent red and white wine.
The beach is wide, there are enough sunbeds, umbrellas, sunbeds and mattresses for everyone. To the beach - 25 meters from the pool through the underpass. On the beach there is a non-alcoholic (even without beer) bar - water, "juices", cola, fanta, sprite (the last of the factory bottles).
There is a joint on the beach: when entering the water, you walk on concrete slabs, which are uneven, with pits (but, fortunately, without sharp edges) - with a strong wave it is annoying, but you can get used to it (daughter 6 years old adapted in 3 calls).
Everything in the rooms is new (renovated in 2015), everything is in working order, the refrigerator cools 1.5 liters of water at room temperature to almost zero in 20 minutes. walk in the room in a jacket, while almost silent.
Big plus: the hotel is very quiet. We hate brutality (so, it seems, the word "animation" is translated from the word "animal" - a beast, yes))), and so, it does not exist at all. So it is quite possible to sleep both day and night. In general, for those who like to be brutalized and drunk to yell under the windows until 4 in the morning, this hotel is not suitable. Yesterday there seemed to be some kind of disco until 01:00 in the bar (above which our room is located), so we didn’t really hear it (maybe soundproofing? ). The hotel has a lot of families with children, including Turks. Young people are few (or not visible). It is quiet in the corridors at night, no one makes noise in the rooms, which, again, is important for couples with children.

Everyone in the hotel speaks Russian; in general, the national composition of vacationers is as follows: 90% Russian, 10% Turks. It comes to the point that you automatically speak English, but the staff does not understand you and asks (in Russian with almost no accent) to repeat in Russian.
I don’t understand the claims of those who wrote above: here one lady wrote that the staff refused to cook for her individually (at her whim), forbade her to carry sunbeds into the surf (so that they would be carried away by the wave) and refused to forbid all vacationers to smoke, since she does not smoke; yes, they also refused to forbid all other vacationers to talk to each other on the beach in her presence. As they say, comments are superfluous. Whoever wants to receive such a service would need to buy the entire hotel for the duration of their vacation, or rent a villa with their own beach and personal chef, cleaner, servants, etc. Only it will not cost 80t. r. for 11 days (as it happened with us), and 80 thousand euros. ))))
In general, the hotel is suitable for those who like to sleep and make an excursion program (or a beach holiday); for lovers of relaxation in the style of "Tagil" this is not an option.
Translated automatically from Russian. View original