Kemer in September - measuredly

Written: 17 march 2006
Travel time: 18 — 25 september 2005
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from 10
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We, two young and beautiful girls, had a rest in Kemer from September 17 to 27 of this year. We came to Turkey for the first time, having previously read various reviews and heard the opinions of friends and girlfriends. The departure was at 4.40 in the morning from Pulkovo-1: not very convenient for the body, but useful for vacation, because at the beginning of the eleventh morning we were already at the AsdemPark hotel. They settled us almost immediately - a big respect for this hotel, however, bracelets and the right to eat were given to us at 12.00. Until this time, we found the beach and managed to swim. In general, everything started in the most miraculous way, but after dinner the mood especially rose.

On the very first evening after arrival, we went to the Turkish bath right at the hotel, for a long time we doubted where to go: the guides offer a trip to the large Attoman bath complex.

But we, seduced by the fact that after the bath for 5 seconds we will be in the room and besides the two of us in the bath itself, we went to the spa complex of the hotel (of course, the spa and even the complex is loudly said). And you know, they didn't regret it. Moreover, they did a course of massages there even later, each according to its need, and both were satisfied. In general, the first day of rest brought unforgettable impressions and relaxation.

Yes, here's one bad luck: the balcony door did not open in the room ...All our complaints to the guide did not find a response: they promised us to fix the door immediately, then after 10 minutes, and then they explained everything by the fact that there was no wheel for the opening mechanism. That is, we had nowhere to dry our towels, and there was simply no fresh air in the room. After 2 days of constantly running the air conditioner, I got sick, which is especially annoying during the holidays.
Under the influence of this circumstance and a certain amount of alcohol, we decided to solve this problem on our own: grasping the door harder, they pulled, well, they pulled it well, and it opened ...but it didn’t close until the end, which, in principle, didn’t bother us. Tourists! Use not only resourcefulness and ingenuity, but also strength to ultimately get a decent vacation!

But instead of solving our problems with the door, the AlbaTour guide Said, instead of solving our problems with the door, sat in the hotel lobby until late and talked with the girls - she complained. airport on the way to the hotel did not give any interesting and useful information about either Turkey or Kemer in particular, which we did not like.
There were always two guides Said and one more at the hotel (unfortunately, we couldn’t remember his name), but they didn’t work with tourists as such, except for an introductory acquaintance, during which we were told about excursions and, accordingly, inflated prices for them . Moreover, knowing our problem with the balcony door, they tried to avoid us.

The Asdem Park Hotel, in my opinion, is fully consistent with three European stars, which, as I understand it, is four for Turkey. The room was cleaned every day, the quality of cleaning did not depend much on the tip, but the relationship was still traceable. The food was also good: two meat dishes for lunch and dinner, three types of side dishes, and, traditionally, a lot of different vegetables and herbs. What surprised me was the lack of seafood, several times they cooked fish for dinner, but it looked so tortured that I did not dare to try it.
The landscapes around Kemer are, of course, fabulous: mountains covered with forests are clearly visible on a clear day and low-hanging clouds of the most bizarre forms above them on an overcast one are breathtaking. The sea is surprisingly warm and clean, fish swim near the shore, they “bite” some, but I think it doesn’t hurt much and doesn’t hurt at all. I can’t say anything about the fact that very high humidity, I didn’t feel it myself, the heat in the second half of September is well tolerated, though the last few days after dinner it was frowning, but the general impression of this did not deteriorate.

In addition to the disco in Moonlight Park, we were at the Inferno club, but we got there too early, around 00.30, and, not having found almost anyone in the club, we decided to return to the hotel and go to bed (after all, the end of the season and there are not so many people at the resort). We did not attend entertainment events at the hotel, although the animator Eddie temptingly talked about his tricks for the amusement of the public and invited to his shows.
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