About the hotel Boxwood Grove

Written: 2 september 2007
Travel time: 3 — 10 august 2007
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Well, what can I say? Nobody wants to work there! The buffet is very monotonous, for cups washed with cold water, welcome to the half-hour queue! The staff is impolite. But the rooms are good. If I were the owner of the hotel, I would fire everyone and hire people who want to earn money, and not talk on the phone when the bar is full of people.
The masseurs are good and friendly, the pools are clean, the animation is not bad, but we need to pull ourselves up. Clear sea, and a small number of people on the beach pleases! There are places to travel and see beautiful places. We hope that someone important will read our review and take care of the reputation of their hotel!
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