Eastern mirage

28 February 2013 Travel time: with 10 September 2011 on 17 September 2011
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"Eastern Mirage" or Journey to the United Arab Emirates

I have always associated the Emirates with oriental tales of Scheherazade and Aladdin's lamp. Everything is beautiful, tasty, subtle and mysterious. This relatively young country combines historical values ​ ​ with state-of-the-art technology, world-famous attractions with an endless desert, the religious canons of Islam with an abundance of fashion boutiques and entertainment venues.

The unique Arab Emirates will not leave anyone indifferent.

Our journey began with a comfortable flight on the Arab low-cost airlines flydubai.

The first impression felt when descending the plane is a terrible heat, but numerous air conditioners that are everywhere cope with the “disadvantages” of the climate: buildings, vehicles and even stops on the streets. Almost sterile cleanliness everywhere, from public places of use to poor areas of Dubai, if you can call them that. It is hard to even imagine that 41 years ago there was an untouched desert on the site of modern megacities, and the locals did not eat delicacies in fashionable restaurants, but cockroaches. Today it is a rich, beautiful country that has something to surprise guests with.

I'll start in order.

The theater begins with a hanger, and the hotel with WC rooms, which are worthy of the highest praise. Distinctive features of hotels in the UAE are unobtrusive service, a high level of comfort, quality food, and the absence of any kind of animation. There are several hotels in the emirate of Fujairah with light animation, aimed at vacationers from the CIS countries. Hotels in the emirate of Sharjah are more modest and without any frills, designed more for sea holidays, although the number of shopping centers there is not much inferior to Dubai. The emirates of Ras El Khaim and Um Al Quwain are not so popular - they go there for solitude and peace.

Desert. . . or not. DESERT!! ! There is no such desert anywhere.

When you get out of the car, the first thing you feel is how soft golden sand pleasantly caresses your skin. Speaking of sand, there are 7 types of sand in the UAE and the most basic souvenir from there is a frame with these same desert sands.

And the sunset in the desert is something fantastically unreal, the sun sets quickly, illuminating the sky in different shades from scarlet to pink-purple, this is an indescribable bewitching beauty.

Not everyone can withstand jeep trips along these rather big dunes, the vestibular apparatus of passengers should not be weak. And in the desert you can ride camels - very exotic and fun!

And in the end - oriental night - belly dance, hookah, national treats, henna painting - all integral components to feel the flavor of this amazing country.

Singing Fountains. Burj Khalifa. Shopping centers.

The visiting card of the country is the Burj Khalifa skyscraper, the world-famous Sail Hotel - Burj Al Arab, a man-made island in the form of a palm tree, the Atlantis Hotel with a huge aquarium and water park, the Mall of the Emirates with a ski track, Dubai Marina Bay.

All this must be seen, heard and tasted!

You can talk about the Emirates for hours, this country leaves the most pleasant memories, and someone else is warmed by fur coats, digital souvenirs do not let you get bored: iPads, smartphones, laptops, evoke nostalgia and other cute purchases at pleasant Emirati prices.

Emirates tours are available for any budget at any time of the year!

Translated automatically from Russian. View original
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