the hotel is good, but the sea, no

Written: 26 november 2018
Travel time: 16 — 25 november 2018
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For a relaxing holiday; For families with children
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 6.0
Service: 6.0
Cleanliness: 6.0
Food: 6.0
Amenities: 10.0
There are two opinions about the rest. We have no complaints about the hotel itself. Upon arrival, we were greeted by a beautiful lobby, various statues, beautiful sofas, some antique, a lot of interesting places for photos, in general, a real palace, not a hotel, the staff is polite, there were no problems with them all the rest. The territory is also beautiful and well-groomed, wherever you go, everything is pleasing to the eye, plus you can use the territory of the chain hotel. Not bad shows are held in the evening, there is a disco, we really never got bored, the pools were of little interest to us, there is no desire to swim in bleach, especially since people complained about the cold water in them, I still didn’t understand, there is something with heating or not. The food is also generally good, but in the end, of course, everything starts to become boring, the main side dishes are simply repeated every day, they try to change meat dishes and chicken, and they are mostly tasty, there are a lot of vegetables in different forms, good sweets, pastries are excellent in the morning, although breakfast is of course the most meager and I could only add eggs to pastries. Local alcohol, they didn’t drink much in general, mostly beer at lunch and wine in the evening, it’s not possible to drink strong drinks, they regretted that they didn’t take at least a bottle of normal cognac. The beach is nearby, large, sandy, there were always free sunbeds in the morning. Well, the sea. . . this is the biggest disappointment. Firstly, it is not on the first line, if you calculate how much you need to go to it, even along the pier, the view from the shore is simply sad. I can’t say that the water is warm, it’s really cold in the morning, it takes a long time to get used to it, it’s not very cool to get out of the water either, especially if there is even the slightest breeze. Under water, too, there is nothing special to see, there is no beautiful reef, the fish are mostly small. In our situation, we were saved by walks to two islands on different days on a boat with stops in the open sea, otherwise it would be strange to fly to the sea and not see it. And on the last day, when all this was rather tired, we visited Luxor, a beautiful historical place. The resting people in the hotel were different with us, mostly Western Europeans, there are also Russian speakers, there are few Arabs, the atmosphere is generally very friendly. So we had a rest, of course, but we had to make additional efforts, financial, including whether to go here or not, it’s up to you to decide, depending on what you personally need from the rest, but one visit to this hotel will be enough for us.
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