I do not advise

Written: 17 november 2021
Travel time: 30 october — 6 november 2021
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 8.0
Service: 3.0
Cleanliness: 5.0
Food: 7.0
Amenities: 4.0
I am writing for those who are NOT going for the first time and for whom the main thing here is the Red Sea. I don't recommend going here. We are not welcome here. At all. At this point in the text, I already recall the long, exhausting queue for passport control in the lower, basement floor of the airport after a night flight. Okay, you are still in a great mood, you came to rest, you finally have a vacation, you are in a hotel. Things are left outside under the scorching sun, you are in the lobby, you can sit down. There can be no talk of settling in, only 8 in the morning, come after 2 days. These 6 (six! ) hours can be seen on people who have had enough sleep, going in a good mood for breakfast, or hurrying on an excursion, or just passing by. While you are NOBODY, everything is past. Fundamental people at the reception are not interested in money (this is in Egypt, if I hadn’t seen it all with my own eyes, I wouldn’t have believed it), although in a bundle of banknotes that my husband tried to “seduce” a strict person on whom our settlement depended, there were and hundreds of dollars. You can’t get a cup of coffee either, you can’t have breakfast, although we have a night flight and we won’t have a 7th breakfast. Only a glass of water.
After 10.30 we get a blessed bracelet and now you can drink powdered juice (pineapple or orange, take better pineapple, orange is too sugary) and the same coffee at the lobby bar. Okay, I'll be real. Somewhere closer to three in the afternoon we were already in the room, by the way, the suitcases (20 kg each) had to be dragged to the second floor by my eldest daughter herself, as I found out later. The porter refused to do it for free, demanding first money, then suitcases. I will not write about the room and food, here they write a lot about this anyway. You should be aware that the hotel is very crowded with people and take this into account. For example, meeting with the guide the next day at 845, I went out for breakfast at 7.45, thinking that there would be enough time for everything. No.
QUEUE. Here they are everywhere, as a result, out of an hour of time for the process itself, 10 minutes were left, after a quick bite, I had to rush to the so-called meeting. The guide from Anex is a stern and strong-willed person, he doesn’t like us either, he tolerates us because of the potential opportunity to get a profit, don’t believe me, go and see. The meeting lasted for more than an hour, some who could not withstand the pressure of the guide salesman tried to leave the conference room, but the door was prudently locked. If anything, "There is a toilet here, look to the right. " Well, we finally gave the vouchers to the guide, and fluttered out to freedom, now we were going to rest, but no, my husband and I need a second key to the room. Of course, they won’t give it just like that, come after 12. For some reason I asked the following question at the reception: We have been here for the second day, and have not started to rest, but we are always waiting for something. When will it end? They silently gave me the second key, it took less than 5 seconds for the person on the other side (barricades) of the counter.

Okay, all this is unpleasant, but quickly forgotten if there is a main thing. But here is the biggest problem. Nobody will let you enjoy snorkeling. For this purpose, there are 2 specially trained people on duty here. Their weapon is a shrill whistle. As soon as you move away from contemplating the legs and pops of your compatriots in the water (near the pontoon) and think, well, now we’ll also look at the fish (why did we endure so much), you get a whistle. If you pretend that you don’t hear or “Maybe it’s not for me... ”, the sound turns into some kind of trill, where short ones alternate with long ones, I don’t know Morse code, anyway, there’s no pleasure under this whistle. I must say right away that I didn’t cross the rope fences, I didn’t approach the corals, I myself understand that the distance from the pontoon is well 15, well 20 meters, it was all within the boundaries of Dreams, no, you’re breaking it, damn it. I found a way out for myself - to snorkel before they arrive, that is, until half past seven in the morning, but then the water is colder than, for example, at 10 or 11.
Also: there is an entry into the water by stones (in corals), but it is very narrow and uncomfortable, and for some reason you cannot swim from it to the depth, the whistle is on guard. The pontoon on the left is long, flooded, on the right is short and uncomfortable. An important point: the bay is windy and after 13 already in the shade. There is no music on the beach, except for the whistle of course. Alcohol only after 12, if it’s normal, then it’s necessary, of course, from 10, agree. In short, there are three minuses: check-in, queues, lack of normal snorkeling. Artist on the beach +++. For $10, my daughter used it to draw a standard Egyptian landscape, cute and inexpensive. Draws pictures from a photo, it will be beautiful, but it is not necessary to completely match the original. An artist. . . When you go to a Mexican restaurant by appointment, know that some small midge is waiting for you there for dinner under the table. Disappoint her, use either tight pants or insect repellants.
That's all. Read reviews, look for what suits you. Our arrival in Dreams disappointed us.
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