Truskavets 365 2*– Reviews

Rating 7.410
based on
30 reviews
№11 in the hotel rating Truskavets
7.4 Rooms
6.0 Service
8.2 Cleanliness
8.0 Food
7.5 Amenities
The sanatorium-tourist complex "TRUSKAVETS 365", which successfully complements the network of year-round tourist complexes "Kyiv 365" and "Vorohta Krugly God", is located in the very center of the resort city of Truskavets, next to the Shevchenko Palace of Culture, 500m from the pump room No. 1 and 300m from railway station.More →
 •  traveled 2 years ago
Rating 5.0
We rested under the Disney 365 program. They promised to pass the rope park, on Monday some of the children passed, and some did not, they did not have time. They promised that those who did not have time on Monday will pass it exactly on Wednesday, but on Wednesday the same story - some of the children did not have time. … More ▾ We rested under the Disney 365 program. They promised to pass the rope park, on Monday some of the children passed, and some did not, they did not have time. They promised that those who did not have time on Monday will pass it exactly on Wednesday, but on Wednesday the same story - some of the children did not have time. Question to the administration, why include a service in the program if you cannot provide it to all children in order to make them feel unfair? If you expect adequate feedback from the animators, it will not be, but they will be happy to tell you about how you need to raise children. In general, if your child is timid or shy, he will feel bad only if you do not constantly travel with him and make sure that his rights are respected. In general, the hotel, for its money, is normal, but we chose the rest specifically for children, which is why, unfortunately, we are upset, because we are not satisfied with working with children, even for Ukrainian realities not very much.
аватар _532599
 •  traveled 3 years ago
Rating 10.0
We were greeted wonderfully! The settlement was quick, without any problems. The staff is very polite) 6 days in a row climbed) Took superactives. The food is great! The room is great! Once the sink was clogged, it was repaired immediately. A wonderful program of recreation - karaoke, trips to the mountains, yoga, dancing, playing the mafia, I also went to organ music in the church nearby, drank a variety of healing waters, attended spa treatments. … More ▾ We were greeted wonderfully! The settlement was quick, without any problems. The staff is very polite) 6 days in a row climbed) Took superactives. The food is great! The room is great! Once the sink was clogged, it was repaired immediately. A wonderful program of recreation - karaoke, trips to the mountains, yoga, dancing, playing the mafia, I also went to organ music in the church nearby, drank a variety of healing waters, attended spa treatments. Unlike Vorokhta, where she was last year, there are various medical procedures). the weather could not be bought there ever (Various events were held by excellent hosts. The prize draw was based on a photo on Facebook) Prizes are quite expensive.
Guides in the mountains are very beautiful and interesting people. With me were: Lubomyr, Roman, Vladimir, Andrew, two Yuri, Igor.
Igor took photos for all of us) In the mountains listened to many interesting stories, guides knew the answer to all questions. They are very well read.
In the mountains also ate blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, raspberries, plums. There were biscuits, picnics, kalganka - where else without it) On high descents guides were sometimes taken in hand and individually took care of a safe descent.
I also went to the park to feed the squirrel, wash with glycerin water. Our guide was wonderful, she told us everything in detail. There is also a private terminal and ATM on site. There is also a souvenir shop in the hotel with very nice prices. There is a cable car on the steep hill (zip lines are called there). I would like to have a terminal on the steep slope, because people do not always have cash.
Food on the steep mountain is hearty, varied. The program was quite interesting - they sang, danced. I was single, so I danced with their black fluffy cat.
I would also like to add about storage cameras.
I wanted it to be organized somehow. That there were either their own cells or safes ...or some coupons that the person REALLY took HIS, from other people's things.
I would also like to have a bigger gym with its own treadmill; piano to have more seating in the lobby. And so everything was great! ) I'll be back to you again) Maybe even this fall)
Гора Кічера (Небесної сотні) Неописуємі краєвиди Гора Парашка, 1268 м Смакували чорницю в горах Краєвиди Наша група На горі Парашка
аватар nikolaygol
 •  traveled 3 years ago
Rating 8.0
Encountering a vinchik in the lobby is very impressive! Settlement is fast, no red tape. The room is clean and comfortable. Cleaning regularly. The organization of super assets is clear, according to the schedule. The instructor is top notch! The food on the buffet system is good: a sufficient selection of delicious dishes, a lot of fresh and cooked vegetables, a high-calorie dry ration for superactives and a chip - galangal in addition! In the evenings there are always entertainment events. … More ▾ Encountering a vinchik in the lobby is very impressive! Settlement is fast, no red tape. The room is clean and comfortable. Cleaning regularly. The organization of super assets is clear, according to the schedule. The instructor is top notch! The food on the buffet system is good: a sufficient selection of delicious dishes, a lot of fresh and cooked vegetables, a high-calorie dry ration for superactives and a chip - galangal in addition! In the evenings there are always entertainment events. Seeing off is also on the level: with a cake and, again, with a wine!
In general, such a combination of comfort, food, active trips for quite budgetary money. perhaps not in Europe, or in Egypt, or in Turkey! I have something to compare. During my 74 years I have visited 30 countries of the world on 4 continents. Well done and organizers 365 and staff. and all workers! Keep it up! I'm attaching a video. . .
аватар didovecustin
 •  traveled 3 years ago
Rating 10.0
I am very squeamish about cleanliness and this complex met all my expectations. I like to go to new places and do a check for myself as a inspector. To my surprise, the room before my arrival was clean, like all other visited areas of the building. The buffet was very appetizing. We were also impressed by excursions in the Carpathians. … More ▾ I am very squeamish about cleanliness and this complex met all my expectations. I like to go to new places and do a check for myself as a inspector. To my surprise, the room before my arrival was clean, like all other visited areas of the building. The buffet was very appetizing. We were also impressed by excursions in the Carpathians.
аватар anfisa8b
 •  traveled 4 years ago
Rating 10.0
I visited the hotel for the second time in July 2020. During the period of adaptive quarantine, the service, of course, has changed, taking into account the need to comply with the quarantine and sanitary standards that are required in connection with the current situation. But despite all this, the service remained at a decent level. … More ▾ I visited the hotel for the second time in July 2020. During the period of adaptive quarantine, the service, of course, has changed, taking into account the need to comply with the quarantine and sanitary standards that are required in connection with the current situation. But despite all this, the service remained at a decent level. The rooms are clean, comfortable, the room has everything you need for a week's stay, and if you come to relax and at the same time you need to work remotely, then in this hotel you have such an opportunity, because. The hotel provides 24-hour Wi-Fi access.
The food has also changed, the buffet has been replaced with portioned breakfasts and late lunches / dinners. This, of course, is not the buffet that everyone is used to, but at the same time there is a choice of dishes. Those. for breakfast you have a choice - sliced ​ ​ ​ ​ cheese and sausages, milk porridge, regular porridge, scrambled eggs, or another version of porridge / pasta / vermicelli, two types of meat dishes, for lunch / dinner, be sure to have two more soup options to choose from. Yes, there are few vegetables, but what is served is enough to quench the minimum thirst in fresh vitamins.
But I want to note that vegetables in that side of Ukraine, in principle, are always not as diverse as in central, and even more so, southern Ukraine, because. It's a slightly different climate there. And of course, in portions, everyone is served something sweet at the end - cookies or a piece of pie / muffin / baked apple / fresh apple / berries were also served in July. In short, you won't leave hungry! And if you want additional fruits or vegetables, then you can go to the market during a break between excursions, and there you can already buy something extra.
Excursions are different every day - at the choice of the guest, sign up in the evening, leave the next day. Now the hotel has also made a beautiful corner with a pump room, where guests can draw water completely free of charge - Naftusya / Marusya. The location of the hotel is just wonderful - you go out and already in civilization - shops, cafes, a cinema, a nearby pump room. And Truskavets in its lower part is simply magnificent.
аватар nataliyaona16
 •  traveled 4 years ago
Rating 7.0
This is the third time we have come to the Truskavets 365 hotel, and if there were no complaints about this hotel before, now the feelings are rather ambiguous. And if they ask me if I will come again, now I will think very hard about my return. And now about everything in order. Met, arrived, spread - as always well and quickly. … More ▾ This is the third time we have come to the Truskavets 365 hotel, and if there were no complaints about this hotel before, now the feelings are rather ambiguous. And if they ask me if I will come again, now I will think very hard about my return.
And now about everything in order. Met, arrived, spread - as always well and quickly. The rooms are renovated, the plumbing is new, the beds are comfortable. Everything is modest, without frills, but for a week's stay everything is enough. There are coolers with cold/hot water in the lobby, which is very convenient and pleasant. It can be seen that the hotel is developing and it is very pleasing. A swimming pool was installed on the street - shallow, but the kids splash just right. True, they didn’t install a changing cabin and I had to go through the whole hotel in wet clothes to my room, but I think that the administration will take this into account.
The mood deteriorated after visiting the dining room. Previously, food at the hotel was organized according to the "buffet" system, which greatly distinguished Truskavets 365 from the positive side in comparison with other similar hotels. This is especially important when you go on vacation with children. The opportunity to choose dishes on your own always saved the situation. The choice was small, but it was! The child always left the dining room full and satisfied, and this fact was a priority when choosing a place to rest.
When buying a tour, of course, I was warned that due to the quarantine, the buffet was banned, and instead there would be a customized menu. We are all human and we all understand the complexity of the current situation in the country. But I did not understand one thing that hotel administrators invest in the concept of "custom menu". As it seemed to me earlier, "custom menu" is a choice of options from what the hotel offers. It turned out that there was only one option and there was no choice, and you only take what you brought into the hall. Dinner, of course, is better - there were two options for meat dishes and two options for a side dish (if you have time to take it, because once we came to dinner 45 minutes before it ended, we saw only empty dishes from the second option). But the most striking thing in this situation was the issuance of vegetables. The serving on a plate of a quarter of a cherry tomato and two slices of a cucumber killed on the spot (I remind you that we rested at the end of July, at the height of the season for these vegetables).
After my discussion with representatives of the dining room on this topic, the next day the situation changed - they already gave out half a tomato and a quarter of a cucumber. Of course, you will not starve here, you will be fed with rolls and pies without filling, but the pleasure of visiting the dining room is below average. I compare all this with the food in our past visits and it makes me sad, but the feeling that they saved on you still does not leave.
I understand that it is very difficult for a hotel to survive in this situation, but hotel guests are also in similar financial difficulties. Dear administration of the Truskavets 365 hotel, please return the buffet service, otherwise many of your regular customers will not want to return to your hotel again, and this will be very sad. You have good potential, it is clear that you are trying, but what is happening with nutrition at the moment causes only negative emotions.
Strange as it may sound, but many hotels need to take many steps forward to become better, but you have to take half a step back in order to regain their former reputation. I hope that with the end of the quarantine everything will work out for you, so I wish you further development.
аватар kvitka.jg
 •  traveled 4 years ago
Rating 10.0
It's not the first time I've been there, and the service and attitude, food, accommodation, organization of excursions makes me come back here. Going there is like going home. I recommend to go and relax, though you need to book in advance as the hotel is in demand. You can book on their website 365 and book. … More ▾ It's not the first time I've been there, and the service and attitude, food, accommodation, organization of excursions makes me come back here. Going there is like going home. I recommend to go and relax, though you need to book in advance as the hotel is in demand. You can book on their website 365 and book. There is an interesting point that regular customers get a 10% discount after the first trip to any of these hotels of this chain. And you will be met by a transfer from the train, the prices are very affordable.
аватар dmitriy.len01
 •  traveled 4 years ago
Rating 1.0
Full sucks. Evening of acquaintances, went to the steep hill in the hut. Promised portion dishes exclusively on the grill. Received: disposable tableware - plastic plates, glasses, forks. From the portion - liquid stewed potatoes in water and at the end of the evening the same vile rice. On a separate table stood in disposable utensils: pickles, tomatoes, cabbage, as well as some lard, sausages and sweet rolls (probably for children), and served a bowl of uncooked dumplings. … More ▾ Full sucks. Evening of acquaintances, went to the steep hill in the hut. Promised portion dishes exclusively on the grill. Received: disposable tableware - plastic plates, glasses, forks. From the portion - liquid stewed potatoes in water and at the end of the evening the same vile rice. On a separate table stood in disposable utensils: pickles, tomatoes, cabbage, as well as some lard, sausages and sweet rolls (probably for children), and served a bowl of uncooked dumplings. And all this for a huge number of people. Those who managed to eat something, and those who are not Hungry. And for their alcoholic beverages, it's fear: moonshine with different additives, the main thing is to call it differently, after tasting these drinks we thought we would get to the intensive care unit. Good people, take care of your health, don't go to this hendelik. LIFE ABOVE EVERYTHING !! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
аватар teg4lq96
 •  traveled 4 years ago
Rating 9.0
A wonderful hotel and a wonderful holiday for all tastes and for all ages. We were on New Year's Eve. I liked everything: a comfortable cozy room, a good and varied vacation, delicious food, interesting excursions. Everyone who takes part in the organization of recreation - well done! Everything is thought out, to the smallest detail. … More ▾ A wonderful hotel and a wonderful holiday for all tastes and for all ages. We were on New Year's Eve. I liked everything: a comfortable cozy room, a good and varied vacation, delicious food, interesting excursions.
Everyone who takes part in the organization of recreation - well done! Everything is thought out, to the smallest detail.
I want to separately mention the wonderful hosts Maria and Olga, the girls who hosted festive entertainment programs at the hotel and on Krutogora. Real actors and professionals.
And also to all the staff of the hotel to express gratitude!
вид из окна отеля Новый год на Крутогоре база Крутогор
аватар angelina1973
 •  traveled 5 years ago
Rating 10.0
We chose this tour on the advice of friends. Meeting at the station, transfer, champagne and a loaf in the lobby - everything is clearly organized and positive. Settlement without problems - on arrival. The hotel grounds are clean and decorated in soothing colours. The hotel is clean, quiet - conducive to relaxation. … More ▾ We chose this tour on the advice of friends. Meeting at the station, transfer, champagne and a loaf in the lobby - everything is clearly organized and positive. Settlement without problems - on arrival.
The hotel grounds are clean and decorated in soothing colours. The hotel is clean, quiet - conducive to relaxation. The hotel has its own pump room, two buffet restaurants (food is sparing, there is plenty of food). Various wellness treatments are available to guests. We visited the "underwater shower" and lymphopressotherapy - very good.
Our room was on the 9th floor, but this did not create any problems, since the hotel has 3 elevators that are constantly working, which can carry up to 8 people each. The room is clean, furniture, TV, refrigerator and plumbing are all updated and in working condition. The safe was not used.
Cleaning is daily and high quality. Towels are changed every day.
The staff is always smiling and responsive to requests.
The entertainment program is also thought out for different categories of guests: there is children's animation, various concerts, playing mafia or poker, outdoor performances with local flavor. In general, there is something to do.
The tour presents the richest program of excursions, assets and super assets. There are even optional excursions to Poland. We were in Krakow - highly recommend.
All in all, we LOVE EVERYTHING!!!!
We are very grateful to all the employees of TRUSKAVETS 365 for a wonderful holiday! We will definitely come again!! !
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Representative hotels

Санаторно-туристический комплекс «ТРУСКАВЕЦ 365», успешно дополняющий сеть круглогодичных туркомплексов «Киев 365» и «Ворохта Круглый Год», расположен в самом центре города-курорта Трускавец, рядом с дворцом культуры Шевченко, в 500м от бювета №1 и в 300м от ж/д вокзала.

Location Комплекс расположен в самом центре города-курорта Трускавец, рядом с дворцом культуры Шевченко, в 500м от бювета №1 и в 300м от ж/д вокзала.
In a hotel
  • restaurant
  • parking  FREE 
  • free wi-fi
  • elevator
  • hairdresser/beauty salon
  • non-smoking rooms
  • ATM
For kids
Entertainment and sports
  • table tennis  FREE 
  • animation
  • organization of excursions
Description of rooms

Комплекс состоит из 96 номеров, которые расположены со 2-го по 9-й этажи.

In the rooms

Каждый номер оборудован мини холодильником, спутниковым телевидением, wi-fi, ковровым покрытием, всей необходимой мебелью. Санузел каждого номера оборудован душевой кабиной, умывальником, унитазом, зеркалом, феном, полотенцесушителем.

The address Львовская область, г. Трускавец, ул. Дрогобычская, 7
Phones: 0-800-505-365 (бесплатные звонки), +38(097) 365-4-365, +38(095) 365-0-365
Website: Truskavets 365
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