
29 May 2012 Travel time: with 20 May 2012 on 27 May 2012
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In the language of statistics, the city of Rijeka (Croatian: Rijeka, Slovenian: Reka, Italian: Fiume, Latin: Vitopolis et Flumen) is a city in Croatia, the third largest city in the country after the capital, Zagreb, and Split. The population is about 145 thousand people. The city lies at the confluence of the river Rechina (or Fyumara) in the Rech (or Fium) Bay, which is part of the Kvarner Bay of the Adriatic Sea. This river gave the city its name - Rijeka in Croatian for "river". Historically and up to the present day, Rijeka is the largest Croatian port, both cargo and passenger.

The city is fundamentally different from most of the small resort towns in Croatia, located along the coast. A clear difference in architecture, instead of cozy small houses with tiled roofs, high-rise buildings and various industrial buildings rise in the city center. The city is rich in its history, architectural monuments and many cultural values ​ ​ stored in various museums and archives. Rijeka has earned the interest of most tourists as a cultural and entertainment city. A wide variety of shops, several multi-storey shopping centers and countless cafes and restaurants attract lovers of outdoor activities and shopping to the city.

Accommodation during a holiday in Croatia, directly in the city of Rijeka itself, is not popular, this is due to several factors: the lack of a sufficient number of tourist accommodation near the coastline, and of course, the main purpose is affected - a port city with a developed transport system.

The nearest resort towns located near the city of Rijeka are the pearl of the Kvarner Bay, the city of Opatija, one of the most fashionable resorts in Croatia, located a few kilometers from the center of Rijeka. A little further south is the resort town of Crikvenica, known for its sandy beaches and a wide range of tourist accommodation.

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