Written: 24 october 2008
Travel time: 25 october — 1 november 2008
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from 10
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BEWARE!!! PEOPLE!!!!! DO NOT go there! This is a terrible hotel with terrible staff and food (if you can call it that)... the chicken was served smelly, the salads were stale, they didn’t clean the tables for 2 days... and if they cleaned, they rattled the dishes over you like we were something they did it, they pulled out my tablecloth right from under the plate... carefully with the tiles on the floor, it is smeared with something, you can easily break your legs !! ! Even in the hotel they STEAL mobiles and gold !!
we had a terrible story, due to the incompetence of the hotel managers... and I also learned a lot about this vile country and the Turks, who all know each other and are all tied together (they themselves told how they bred us and for people do not count)! I have been in Turkey 3 times, I have never seen such horror anywhere... I will tell you in order. on the 2nd day of the so-called rest, (without animation and normal food), my mother broke her leg near the large pool, where water was spilled and which was NOT elementarily illuminated... as a result, an ambulance was called, where no one could even provide first aid, because they didn't know HOW!!!! ! we were sent to some clinic, as it turned out, private. Naturally, none of the doctors there spoke Russian... they began to scare me in broken language that if they didn’t do an urgent operation, my mother might lose her leg, and they wouldn’t let us out of the country without an operation at all, the documents were taken away. They had an operation on their leg, they began to demand money in the amount of 6.5 thousand dollars... !!!!! ! where did the tourist get such money from? ! The insurance refused to cover it. It was a nightmare!! ! They threatened that they would leave my mother here. and they will let me out of the country, only so that I can raise money at home. I turned to the consulate of Ukraine in Turkey, at first no one even picked up the phone... then they took it and said that it was my own fault in this situation, because. I signed papers to allow the operation . . in general, my friends sent me money, but it cost a lot to survive all this horror in this nightmarish country... during this time, our (Russians and Ukrainians) vacationers helped me a lot, who saw what was happening and actively participated in it! THANK YOU SO MUCH! )))) I am very grateful to you!!! ! and don't believe who says that we are different. . . Russia and Ukraine together))))!!!! ! We are POWER! I will say this, when we were going, the Turks were afraid of us, and together we even reached the prosecutor of the city of Alanya)))) The guide from the Anex tour himself told what and who we are for the Turks... they are all interested in us being drunk so that we break legs, arms, etc. , lose things. Their whole system of the country is built on pumping money out of Russians and Ukrainians, because they are afraid of the Germans and the British (they are at least somehow protected by their states). After all, I’ll say one thing in my homeland GREAT and not a foot to Turkey, only to Europe!
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