
Written: 6 june 2010
Travel time: 14 — 28 may 2010
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For a relaxing holiday; For families with children
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 8.0
Service: 7.0
Cleanliness: 8.0
Food: 8.0
Amenities: 9.0
I chose Lillyland Hotel because of the suitable price - $ 900 for 2 weeks, from 14.05 to 28.05. 2010. (it would be better if I didn’t save), because I didn’t see such lawlessness even in 3 * hotels, and Intourist (I used its services for the first time) made itself felt (still - 80 years on the market, you don’t have to worry, as if there is no competition ).
But in order, meeting at the airport: as you know, a visa to Egypt costs $15 or $17. I stood in line, asked for a receipt (or form) for a visa, I said that I would fill it out myself, the answer of the representative of the meeting party from Intourist: “You fill everything yourself, but for $ 17 - without a queue”, I was shocked (for others operators to choose from, if you want, stop, if you don’t want to, pay extra, but they never forced you), went on principle, said that I would wait, after 10 minutes of bickering, I did receive a receipt, but with the words: “Madame, the bus will not wait for you will, will leave, get as you want. I managed to help our other compatriots fill out visas, the bus didn't leave without us.
Service: it was in this hotel that I was reminded that I am Russian. I have never encountered this before (neither in other hotels in Egypt, nor in Turkey), I always argued even with friends that we are served the same as others (believe me, there is something to compare with). But in Lillyland, in bars, until they pour the Germans, Italians, Poles, they don’t even look in the direction of the Russians. At the reception, until the German departs, satisfied with the answer, they simply don’t hear us, and if they do, they answer in this tone: “Dear,... ”, you feel like the complete opposite of this word.

Meals: meat, chickens, fish (albeit bony), various side dishes, buns, and salads, of course - there is everything and a lot, except for fruits (again a shock) - this is a country where the crop is harvested 4 times a year. For breakfast: finely chopped apples with melon (their local green, small such melon, I don’t remember the name, but very tasty, especially if without apples), uncut apples were given 3 times; for lunch and dinner: chopped apples in sweet water (why it’s clear in water: apples wind and darken in the light and in the air, but why cut . . ? ) there were no citrus fruits, apricots and bananas - 2 times in 2 weeks, also watermelons - 2 times, behind which a queue lined up, which is why the Arabs had fun not like a child. And why serve a watermelon for a common fund, if you can sell it on the beach, make freshly squeezed juice from citrus fruits and also sell it, I don’t stutter about strawberries. Water: there is no bottled water in the room, so take care of an empty bottle in advance, into which you will then pour water from the cooler.
Arabs: I got used to their proposals and do not pay attention, I refuse, sometimes it baffles the question: why? Is there anything else I need to explain? Because!! ! Although they have their own ideas about the ladies returning home after a disco at 3-4, or even 5:30 in the morning. But the offer from the gardener to take a friend to the hotel, if I have one, led me to another shock (I don’t know how and for how much, because I refused). But an even bigger shock for me was to hear it from the security guards. The people who should protect us, not let anyone in except those living in the hotel (for which we wear bracelets), without batting an eye, also offered to take me to the hotel friend.
Excursions: there are discounts on the day of the meeting - I took it according to a special offer: Luxor, Utopia Island, super safari - all this for 160 bucks, really cheaper than separately. Luxor - very interesting and informative, but tiring (from the hotel at 4:45 am, back - around 10 pm). If someone goes, change money for pounds, there will be stops, WC costs 2 pounds, there will be no change from $ 1, take water, sunscreen, long sleeves or a cape (stole) with you. The sun is EVERYWHERE in Luxor, you can’t hide from it, really, really. Utopia Island: we left on the 3rd day (instead of May 20, the tour took place on May 22), everything was stormy in the sea, but the police did not let us out. And we (tourists) got up at 7 in the morning (maybe it’s nothing for someone, but I’m on vacation... ), gathered at the reception, waited, then someone from Intourist came (not our guides) and reported that the tour was canceled and was surprised that we were not warned, and the hotel guides promised everything and promised that tomorrow everything would be exactly right. Everything would be fine, only on May 20 we were 10-12 people, on May 21 - about 20 people, and on the 22nd a full bus gathered, and we (in anticipation we all got to know each other) had the opinion that the weather had nothing to do with it, but they simply gathered a group so as not to drive the yacht empty. And one more thing: yachts went to Paradise Island on the same days. Some of them had a flight home that day (it was true at night, but still), and my meeting with my Russian friends who live and work in Cairo was upset. Back in Moscow, we agreed that we would meet on the weekend (from May 21 to May 23), instead they could only come on Sunday, because my time depended on my excursions, and I, by the way, had not seen them for half a year, since my previous vacation , November 2009 (Hotel Aqua Blue Resort - I recommend). When I approached the guides with a request to change places of excursions (I still had a safari for May 24), I don’t care which excursion I go on earlier, which one later, I received a rude refusal (i. e. they just sent me). They were filming on the yacht, the discs cost $25 for 3 pieces, we were promised that all the discs could be watched at home on a regular DVD, you can watch them first at the reception - this is allowed (probably, I just don’t know to whom, they sent me again). At home, my DVD opened only 2 discs, the third was watched on a computer.
Super safari - no words, everything is super, I would even say super drive. Also video shooting, 25 bucks - for 2 discs, both opened. If someone goes - closed clothes and shoes too, water, glasses; advice - buy a rafatka. If there is a video, it is better to shoot it yourself. You shoot whatever you want (yourself, each other, not the whole group), and for free.

Accommodation: I read in the reviews that in the buildings you can hear, like in a theater, so I was ready for this, I woke up to the neighbor's alarm clock at 8 in the morning. The hairdryer in my room (No. 2104) did not work, which I repeatedly informed the cleaner, at the reception and guides (Essam and Mohammed). On the 4th (!!! ) day they said that the hair dryer was not being repaired, there was nothing to change it for, they offered to move to another room. Since I had already unpacked and settled down, I refused to move (probably because I took a hair dryer with me). During my stay, the cleaner approached me more than once, asked if there were any problems in the room, I answered that, apart from the hairdryer, no, but it turned out that my TV didn’t work either. But since I didn’t watch it, I found out about it on the day of departure (I wanted to find out the weather in Moscow, I found out from my neighbors) In general, it’s clear why such questions: they also ask for a tip for setting up the TV, hence the cleaner’s surprise that there are no problems, he knew that the TV was not working. The room is far from the reception, the restaurant and the sea (it didn’t bother me, because I am mobile), you can find your pluses everywhere - they are also far from me, so I swam at night in the pool (the second pool is right next to the buildings). Anyone who wants can ask for a bungalow, but this is extra money.
Room cleaning: they cleaned it when they could get into my room, changed towels, linen - 2 times in 2 weeks, on other days they only made the bed.
Currency exchange: During my stay, the dollar rose from 1$=5.59 pounds to 1$=5.675 pounds, only they still changed at 5.5. Why they set different rates is not clear, and the exchanger did not always work on schedule. If you change 10 bucks, then 1 pound is not money, but if a large amount... , as they say, feel the difference, but it’s still more profitable to make purchases in pounds, because. in terms of pounds to dollars, they divide by 5, not 5.5. Outside the hotel, across the road, there is a bazaar - it is cheaper there, there is more choice, and sellers are more willing to bargain than on the territory. Taxi to Hurghada - 20 pounds, only you need to negotiate right away, and only then get into a taxi and have money without change, to Cleopatra Bazaar (there are fixed prices) 2-3 pounds, or 20-25 minutes on foot (leave the hotel, turn right and go straight towards Hurghada).
Animation: from 10 am to 11 pm - the guys work hard, entertain, come up with different games, Caribbean dances, the evening show is interesting, but after... From 11 pm to 1 am - a disco where they just turn on the music (energy drink), to which no one dances (or 2-3 drunk aunts dance, who fall, get up, dance and fall again), they don’t take care of us, they get tired, probably. The people will sit, sit, and disperse, although they have CDs, because different music sounds during the day. They also take you to Hurghada to the Little Buddha disco - $12 and you can still get to the Havanna club disco yourself (10 minutes walk towards Hurghada, but for $ 13) These are big discos, there is cool music and a lot of people, in short - fun.

Sea: lagoon (puddle) for children yellow-green. If you want to swim and see the Red Sea, then this is from the piers, to the right or left of the main beach. You need special shoes, fins and a mask are even better (available at the box office). The territory is green, many flowers, everything is beautiful, as in the picture.
The way to the airport: I was late for the transfer bus for 10 minutes, the bus left. I went to the guides, they offered to take a taxi for $ 15. I saw this for the first time, and told them everything: why didn’t they wait (there is a scam in our direction for 3 days with a guided tour), why didn’t they look, etc. , because I’m Russian and I have no choice? Again a shock, I say the bus could not go far and probably went to the next hotel for tourists, the answer is: “the bus went to the airport” They lie, of course. I say: “Are you not responsible for your tourists, not a single self-respecting company does this, wherever I am, everywhere someone is late, sometimes for 25-30 minutes, they never left until they collected all list group). Answer: “What are you going to tell us now about Teztur, Pegasus, etc. ? And that's how we work. " I asked why it was $15, because it costs 20 pounds to get to Hurghada ($4, even a little less), the answer: “Entrance to the airport is paid - 20 pounds (I can’t check, so I can say 30) + the trip itself. ” Another nuance: when there was a general meeting on the first day, the guide told us that you can order a taxi at the hotel in Hurghada for shopping, there the taxi waits for 3 hours and brings it back, for everything for this $ 12, (it takes about half an hour to drive to Hurghada) , I reminded them of this, I said that a trip to Hurghada shopping + waiting + back to the hotel is 4 hours of work, then only half an hour and that even if you pay for the return trip without a passenger and entry to the airport, it also costs $ 12, why 15, asked for cheaper, was refused: “Dear, 15 dollars, or we’re not going anywhere, and in general I don’t speak Russian well. ” Unfortunately, I do not know English, I had to agree, if I knew, it would be possible to catch a wheelbarrow on the street, it would be cheaper (40 pounds), even if the entrance to the airport is paid. When I got into a taxi, everyone was smiling again: “Madame, will you still come to us? ” - "Never" - "Why, madam? " - “You yourself answered your own question, because there are still Teztur, Bentur, Pegasus, Coral, etc. ” I’m thinking what would happen if I didn’t have money (I paid in pounds and dollars), because very often tourists (and this happened to me often too) spend the last money on souvenirs and magnets and leave “without a spear ”, and why should they, I don’t break the laws, there’s nothing to fine me for, they meet me at the airport in Moscow.
There was such an impression that the Intouristovskys are working to “divorce” a tourist on an excursion (read, money), the rest is up to them... (if anything) One has only to approach with a claim, they don’t listen, they turn away or leave, or even completely rude. I believe that those who are at the head of the company are employees (they are also involved in the selection of personnel), but I do not generalize all Arabs under the same brush, so I will go to Egypt anyway, because by nature, I am an optimist (moreover, an incorrigible ), just not to Lilliland and I don’t want to have business with Intourist, although they don’t care, judging by the way they treat tourists, but I will never recommend this hotel and this tour operator to my relatives and friends and, accordingly, they will not recommend it to their friends and relatives too.
I arrived at the airport, went to the entrance, the Pegasovskys were standing: “Madame, is your flight to Moscow? ” - “Yes, but I’m not yours, I’m Intouristskaya” - “It doesn’t matter, madam, you are here” - and they showed which door to enter, thanked, went on, the Tezturovskys were standing: “Madame, are you in Moscow? ” - “Yes, but I'm not yours, I'm Intouristskaya” - “It doesn't matter, madam, this is for you” - they took me to the counter where they check the luggage and showed me which line to get in for registration. Here's how to work. On the plane (in a row of 3 seats) I sat next to a girl and a guy; I look, the bracelets are red, I asked: “What hotel were you in? ” - “In Lillyland” - “Were they waiting for late passengers? ” - “They didn’t wait for anyone, the bus arrived ahead of schedule, loaded up and drove off. ” So I brought a return transfer voucher with me. Living by the rules and according to the schedule, of course, is cheaper, but it's so boring, especially on vacation. By the way, I brought corals and shells home, although I didn’t hide anything, but this is not a guide to action, maybe I was just lucky. Good luck to everyone and have a good rest, pleasant flight and soft landing. I will try to answer all questions.
Translated automatically from Russian. View original