good hotel

Written: 8 april 2015
Travel time: 29 march — 5 april 2015
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 8.0
Service: 8.0
Cleanliness: 8.0
Food: 8.0
We were in this hotel recently at the end of March-beginning of April, in general, I liked everything very much, there is something to compare with, how you will behave towards people, so it will be reflected on you, everyone is pleased with small trifles and polite treatment when you check in we prepared presents from St. Petersburg, a trifle, but as they say, it’s nice, we were asked what kind of room we wanted, in the end we were given in a quiet and calm building, where only Europeans usually settle, unfortunately many of our compatriots behave extremely loudly, defiantly and it’s indecent, the longer the vacation time was, the more we were convinced of this = (Many people think I paid for the ticket and do what I want, most corny don’t go to the sea, but to the alcohol tour....even on the plane on the way there, it was many copies that were poured on the plane received a bunch of warnings from the pilots, but this did not stop them....Pretty drunk hotel guests turned to the staff in a very ugly manner, calling them hey you ali baba bring me 20 tequila and so on and so on, it's a shame to look and realize that these are your compatriots =(
The food at the hotel, like everywhere else, is not super yummy, but you won’t stay hungry, buffet, take what you like, one day they got there, apparently there was an attempt at Russian cuisine =))) dumplings are just a nightmare, soups are something =)))) a simple brewed cube much more decent =) pancakes apparently put a lot of flour, rubbery =))) juices ala invite, but hibiscus is quite pleasant and refreshing, beer is poured into beakers, but apparently this is how they get out of the situation so that our citizens do not fill up on the most reluctant =) Tips are very welcome , because many hotel employees live at their expense, working for an extremely low salary, but this is all over Egypt all the time, if you sometimes please bartenders with them, then the quality of drinks and design will be many times better, and the attitude, respectively =) on the Internet , wi-fi, etc. in hotels is sad, the price tag for a minimum of time is absolutely inadequate, I recommend taking a SIM card for Internet separately, we took 4GB for $ 10 for a week for two for the eyes and ears, despite the fact that we made our access point from the tablet and sp we sat at the window without limiting ourselves in communicating with two phones in parallel =) regarding calls to relatives and friends, the price tag is also high, as a recommendation, we always buy a subscription of 1.5 euros 120 minutes per month for Russian landline numbers, skype, the program is installed when traveling phone, if you have Wi-Fi, the connection is excellent, I don’t want to chat =)
At this hotel, the Grand Plaza Hotel is also nearby, across the road, it is a five, but it also has many entertainments, bars and the sea for four tourists, they did not regret that they were in the resort, because at least we had a choice where to spend time , if you want to be calmer and less people go to your place, to the masses in the top five =)

There are a lot of taxi drivers everywhere, but read separately on payment, because tourists are charged a price tag be healthy, in fact it costs a penny =) they themselves laughed at us how thoughtful they got, but they will still grab and take it, because there are five taxis per square meter =)
We went for a walk to the marina bazaar on our own, there are very nice cafes on the shore of the pier, I really liked the Thai restaurant, we also visited El mina fish restaurant, after reading reviews on the Internet, it’s very tasty, but by the standards of Egypt it’s not very budget =)
We visited Luxor, touched the antiquities, but the trip is not easy, maybe 5 hours there by bus at night, and five back =)
Souvenirs are the same everywhere, in our hotel there is a shop, with a pleasant unobtrusive, which is rare =), a seller who, if desired, can bring something to order, prices are cheaper than anywhere else, of course, you have to bargain everywhere, maybe the Egyptians, of course, what a horror, what a cunning people and they try not to miss their....even though it's tiring =)
from 250.000 phrases "hello, wea you from" I want to babble someone and say that you are from Mars, on the street everyone and everything is trying to drag you into their store under any pretext, it's hard =)))
In early April, the pool and the sea are very invigorating in temperature, it is better to go a little later, of course, when the temperature is higher at night.
In general, I liked the rest, an unpleasant aftertaste only from the vulgarity and obsession of sellers everywhere =) but alas, oh, they are like that =)
The hotel has everything you need in the rooms, the refrigerator is of course dead, the furniture is not the first freshness and everything else, but the hotel is not new, but in general you just sleep and relax there, if you don’t focus on it, it’s absolutely not fatal, depending on how it is treat =)
I wish you a pleasant stay and positive impressions =)
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