08 September 2013 Travel time: with 05 august 2013 on 22 august 2013
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Greetings dear travelers, as well as those who are just about to become such!

This time I will tell you how my wife and I rested from 5.08. 13 to 22.08. 13 in Spain and beyond: we also traveled to France, Italy, Monaco and Andorra in a rented car. Well, before moving on to reading the report itself, I suggest not being too lazy and reading the next section as a brief briefing.


Immediately I inform you that the report is designed for those who are looking for useful information, and not for lovers of literary works. I also warn you that the report will, as always, contain a certain percentage of jargon, including those invented by the author himself (however, as a rule, intuitively understandable). It will be a large percentage or not very much - that's how it will turn out. So for those who prefer exclusively book and newspaper language, it is better to close this page.

I’ll add something else: readers, of course, are mostly adults and understand that reading this report, especially from beginning to end, is their right, but not their obligation. However, there are still such readers who, after reading the report, begin to squeal like a pig, they say, why the hell did I read all this. Well, what can I say here ...hardly anyone else can answer this question, except for those same readers.

Claims to the style of presentation are not accepted, the author's style will always remain the same. But if there are any factual errors in the text that can mislead the reader, then various clarifications / additions / corrections are, of course, welcome.

I also draw the attention of readers to the fact that for ease of perception, the text is divided into sections, each of which is titled. Thus, everyone can choose for themselves what is interesting, and skip what is not interesting.

So, once again I warn you (alas, as practice shows, one warning is usually not enough): everyone has the right to read the story in full, or in part, or not to read it at all.

I also remember that I came across proposals to break the story into 2 or even 3 parts. So, dear readers, I don’t know to whom and into how many parts to divide this story, so if you want to read it in full, please, divide it yourself into at least 2, at least 3, at least 4 parts, at least 100 parts - no one limits you in this.

Well, are there still those whom this horror story did not scare away? That's great, then let's quickly move on to the story itself.


Spain was chosen as a holiday destination, namely: the coast of Costa Brava, Blanes. However, we were already on this coast in the summer of 2009, however, then we rested somewhat to the south - in the city of Calella.

This time we decided to go to Blanes, which we sailed past on a boat last time. Why exactly there? The town is relatively quiet (unlike Lloret de Mar - a place for hanging out), there is a lot of space on the beach (we saw this in 2009, passing by on the same boat), there is no railway nearby, as in Calella (which , however, is a rather dubious plus: in Calella, I remember, there was not much noise from the railway, but it was much closer to go to the station), well, this town is located north of Calella, which means closer to the Frog and Andorca, which , as you can see from the intro, we also visited.

However, this coast (from the border with the Frog and up to Barca) as a place to relax, I must say, is not the best option in terms of meteorological, which will be discussed further south. In this regard, Mallorca, Ibiza or the more southern regions of mainland Spain are better.

On the northwestern coast of Spain, washed by the Atlantic Ocean (as Shurik Kucheryavy wrote in his work about Au-fish), they say that the water will be coldish, because it is Okyanskaya. Although, I must say, it could not be called fresh milk in Blanes and Calella.


We looked at offers from tour operators, calculated options for independent rest and in the end decided to go on our own, even despite the absence of valid shengvis. After all, you need to start making them yourself sometime, right? Moreover, after my report about Rome and Venice, I received a lot of hints from the amazing kindness of people that booking reservations in embassies are very good, even if there was no full prepayment for the rooming house, despite the fact that at the end of 2012 my colleagues At work, we have experienced the opposite.


Since we booked a rooming house for August, we were already quite late (in mid-June), it was not so easy to find a good option in terms of quality / price ratio. In general, in countries where holidays involve traveling, it is better to take some modest rooming house 3 *, so long as it is quiet and not completely in a deplorable state. But we haven't seen anything like that. There were, of course, also tourist hostels, but we do not consider such options. So in the end we settled on the Horitzò rooming house. 4 *, which cost us 2244 Jews (hereinafter all prices will be indicated in this currency, unless otherwise specified) for 17 nights with breakfast included + city fees at 0.99 per person per night. These requisitions, however, were torn off from us only for 7 nights, but we had no complaints about this.

The conditions of the booking provided for its cancellation: if the booking was canceled at least 3 days in advance, no money was charged at all, if canceled for a shorter period or in case of no-show, the cost of the first night was charged - 132. And when booking this rooming house, there was a small glitch: when the booking was already confirmed, I received a message on the soap that something is wrong with my credit card. And 2 times. I had to, using my knowledge of Spanish, call the rooming house and ask what kind of tops. They told me that they tried to withdraw the cost of one day of stay from the card, but the operation did not go through. Then I asked them to try again, and this time everything went perfectly. After that, I asked them to cancel the operation, assuring them with an oath that I would pay for everything upon arrival at the hotel, and just in case, I asked them to send me additional confirmation that everything was fine with the booking, which they did.


Tickets were booked, as always, through aviasales. They found quite acceptable options for 700 kopecks from Vueling. The company Iberia seems to be most directly related to it. Looking ahead, I’ll say that when we took off, Vueling and Iberia alternately flashed on the scoreboard, and their flight numbers were different, and the departure was at the same time. Combined flights? However, when we went to the Vueling website, it turned out that tickets of some kind of “super economy class” were offered for 700 kopecks: there either the weight of luggage was very limited, or you would have to pay extra for it - I don’t remember. But in the end, we took tickets for 852 for two back and forth (they were offered for about the same price in Iberia), which included 20 kg of luggage per nose. Zhrachka with drinks that's just not included in the price - it's all for a fee.

But on the other hand, right there, on the site, they booked convenient places for themselves, and not some kind of outhouse. And the flights were direct, which is also important. By the way, I had to use Spanish to communicate with this company, but more on that a little south.


I thought about this: write about it or not? It seems that everyone knows everything. Oh well, newbies always show up sometime. In general, we go to the Rosgosstrakh website, draw up insurance there under the Economy, Comfort or Premium program - which one you like best (for the consulate, any of them will give a ride), pay by credit, get soap insurance in electronic form, print in 2 copies (one for the consulate and the other for myself), or better in three (suddenly one gets lost on the trip), and the problem is solved.

If someone does not like Rosgosstrakh for some reason, look at the websites of other insurance companies, it is quite possible that some of them also offer to take out insurance online.


The documents for the visa were collected quite quickly (I won’t write what documents are needed and how to draw them up, because all this information is on the website of the visa center, but if someone has any questions for me, I’ll try to answer). Among the docks were the booking of a rooming house and the reservation of electronic air tickets. Before submitting the docks, I decided to call the visa center to find out 2 questions: do booking reservations really work and do printouts of electronic tickets work. I was told that there are no problems with booking bookings at all, but the last name, first name, patronymic (! ) and passport number should be indicated in the a / b. I say, they say, what the hell is a patronymic???

This is not the first time I've bought e-tickets and I don't remember that the middle name was ever indicated there. I also asked if I really needed a passport number, and I was told that this was the requirement of the consulate. Okay, I call Vueling and explain the situation to them in their native language. And they answer me that it is impossible to indicate the passport number on the tickets: their system does not provide for this. Then I asked to send me a confirmation in free form by soap that the tickets for the numbers such and such were issued in our names and passports, and they said that they would like to see what could be done. After receiving no response or hello for a week, I sent the same request in writing, and to the claims department, and then called them to ask how things were going.

They confirmed to me once again that they do not do this, and in general I suffer from garbage: people calmly issue visas for themselves and fly with their company from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kater and other cities of vast Russia, and no one buzzes. Then I called the visa center a couple of times, telling them about my dialogue with the airline, but they invariably insisted on the presence of passport numbers and patronymics in the a / b, they say, these are the requirements of the consulate, and nothing can be done about it. And then I decided to ask on the “review” if anyone encountered such tops, to which I received an answer, they say, don’t worry - give a / b what you have, everything will work. And then everything really rolled! And what, one wonders, for the freaks they put in this visa center to answer phone calls?


Having received the docks, we were pleasantly surprised that we were issued visas for a year, and not for half a year, as bulls usually issue them (bulls, of course, in a national sense, and not agricultural, economic or bandit). What is more remarkable, they issued visas to us not from August 5th, but from August 4th, and on August 3rd, our 3-month multiple visas issued to us earlier by shoemakers were ending (also, of course, in a national sense, and not professional or cultural). Maybe in case we suddenly decide to go there a week or two earlier? : ).

Well, now it's time to go directly to the trip. So…

Day 1, Monday, 5.08. 13


Our flight was already at 5:35 in the morning from Domik, so taking into account the fact that it is desirable to arrive at the airport 3 hours before departure and get to the airport itself, we didn’t even go to bed the day before, hoping to sleep off in the plane (all still 4.

5 hours flight), but I didn’t succeed: I can’t sleep in a “sedentary” transport on a sober drink, and drinking in the morning is somehow vulgar, especially not from a hangover. Nevertheless, they flew well, without delay and other jambs. It didn't take long for us to go through passport control and get our luggage.


From the airport to Barca you can easily get by bus. These buses run approximately every 15 minutes, and tickets for them cost 5.9. Drive about half an hour to the nearest railway station. Then you can take a commuter train and take it to Blanes. The ticket costs 5.7, trains run at intervals of about half an hour. However, keep in mind that bulls (by the way, many of them actually have stickers with bulls on their cars, and also ...with donkeys) are somehow not particularly accepted to be friends with the schedule, so the train may well be late.

Travel time is anywhere from 1 hour 20 minutes to 1 hour 45 minutes, depending on whether the train skips any stops. This is how, in fact, you can get from Barca airport to Blanes. It is possible, but is it necessary? Answer: no, it is not necessary. The fact is that between the three terminators of the airport (T1, T2B and T2C) a free bus runs. International flights usually arrive at T1 and local trains at T2B. So it’s better to get 15 minutes to T2B, buy a train ticket there for the same 5.7, drive 3 stops to the Barcelona - Sants station along the R2 line (it’s another 20 minutes) and there transfer the train to the R1 line, on which Blanes, and on the same ticket (you can go a little further - there will be one or two more transfers - see the diagram at the stations).

Keep in mind that stops are announced a few seconds before arriving at them, along with available lines for transfers, but this information starts to be duplicated on the running line located next to the doors, right after the train leaves from the previous stop.

It seems that you can even take a bus from the airport directly to Blanes, but we decided not to experiment, because xs, how many people will be there (there was enough of it on the train, but at least there is more space, so find a seat like can).


The entrance to the metro and commuter train stations is closed with turnstiles. To pass through them, you need to insert a ticket into one slot, and then pick it up from the other, after which the turnstile will open. Theoretically, of course, it would not be difficult to climb over these turnstiles, but they are probably under video surveillance, so such a trick could threaten with a fine, which in 2009 was punished.

We somehow didn’t really want to overcome such a distance in the heat with suitcases, while looking at the map, so we, as white people, decided to take a taxi, for which we paid 8 (it’s generally expensive there, infection).


We were immediately settled in the rooming house, despite the fact that check-in there is provided from 14.00, and when we arrived there, it was not yet 12.00. True, they demanded an advance payment of 100%. Well, yes, we are not in a bastard, especially since we had to somehow get rid of 2 bills of 500, otherwise there is far from everywhere change from them. In short, the mower paid them in cash, and the rest by credit card. They gave us 2 key cards. I thought, well, it's good: everyone has a card (in some bunkhouses, by the way, they do this), but they explained to me that the second card serves a slightly different purpose: it must be inserted into the card holder, which serves to save electricity, and held there until the end of the stay, without taking it out even when leaving the room, i. e.

The hotel has either 5 or 6 floors, not counting the first and basement (they have them listed as 0 and -1, respectively). In the basement there is a free simple gym with all sorts of dumbbells and three or four exercise machines. He worked from 10 am to 9 pm. Next to it is a toilet, and very cultured. There was a SPA center there, which included a heated indoor pool, a Turkish bath, a sauna and a hot tub, which was also supposed to work from 10 to 21, but for some reason it was closed all the time (although it may have worked: we only 2 times tried to see what kind of spa there is). There was, of course, a restaurant where everyone went for breakfast, and, of course, a bar (both on the ground floor). In the bar, however, the prices are not the cheapest. However, if you really go into scrap somewhere else, you can use it. A kind of tax on laziness is obtained.

The staff is friendly, welcoming and always ready to help.

Many speak, in addition to Spanish, Catalan, English, French and possibly other languages. In Russian, they speak only at the level of “will instill, like diYa, karasho, coffee with a kid. ”

Unfortunately, I cannot fail to note one minus: on our (third) floor we often felt a weak sewer smell, which, however, never penetrated the room.


Our room was quite spacious - as many as 22 squares. Finishing, furniture - everything is new and looks decent. The beds are soft and comfortable, they can be moved together or, conversely, pulled apart at will. The air conditioner is modern in appearance, but controlled by a dashboard on the wall, which, however, does not affect its effectiveness. In the closet there is a free code chest, in my opinion, of local production, which allows you to set a combination of 4 numbers. There are no instructions in Russian for the chest, but I think everyone will figure it out.

So, to charge phones, an e-book and batteries for a fotik, I had to use a teapot production tee previously taken from home. We also took a soviet tee with us, but in Spain, unlike Italy, it was not needed, because the holes in the sockets were wide enough. And finally, one more plus that should be noted: the soundproofing in the room is quite good for Spanish hotels. No, it is certainly not ideal, and the loud sounds of their neighboring rooms were sometimes heard, but the difference with the Balmes Hotel in Calella, where we heard every word and every sound made by the retired neighbors, and quite quiet ones, is simply amazing.


The plumbing is new and in excellent condition, the bathtub and sink with single-lever mixers, which I personally really like.

True, in the place of the bath where the cork is usually attached, instead of a safety drain hole, there was a metal plate on a screw. Upon closer inspection, a small slot in the bottom of the plate did show up, but this slot is quite narrow, so be careful not to flood your neighbors. The toilet is serviceable, but the building in which you cannot leave a friend is absent as a class. I hope everyone understands that we are talking about a bidet. : ) Instead of a curtain for the bathroom - three sliding glass partitions, providing a fairly reliable waterproofing. Means for washing and body care, namely: soap, shampoo and shower gel in one bottle, just shampoo and body lotion, are brought regularly, towels and bed linen are also not allowed to choke.

There are also sponges for cleaning shoes (which, in a beach holiday, I think, rarely can be useful to anyone), as well as hermetically sealed combs. There is also a hair dryer - modern, compact and powerful enough, but without a "cold" button.


For those who travel with a laptop or at least a sophisticated mobile phone, there should be no problems, because there is free Wi-Fi on the territory of the rooming house. The one who is not friends with these devices, or does not possess them, or he just drags around with them in scrap, or drags his ass about 100 meters to the nearest Internet cafe in a bastard, will have to fork out for fifty dollars (penny, of course) for every 5 minutes.

Well, those who are ready to run cheerfully to the Internet cafe (after leaving the rooming house immediately to the left, then around the corner o5 to the left, then the sign should be visible), for the same fifty dollars can enjoy the Internet for half an hour (just keep in mind that there this is the minimum cost of entering the Internet).


The beach is pretty good: the sand is everywhere, although a little coarse, the water is clean and transparent, and if you sail 30-40 meters from the shore, it becomes a very pleasant azure color under the sun. The downside for those who cannot swim, as well as for vacationers with small children, is that the entrance to the water is quite steep, i. e. , 5-6 steps from the shore for an adult of average height, the water will already be up to the neck. Someone else may not like the fact that the strip of the beach, which is closer to the coast, is tilted.

the underlying layer of sand is wet and, as a result, dense. For normal umbrellas, for greater stability, the leg has a device like a gimlet with handles on the sides, so that it is more convenient to screw it into the sand. Not far from the beach there is a toilet with changing cabins (you can also take a shower there) and a bar where they sell meaningful drinks (beer, wine, sangria and other cocktails) and meaningless ones (fanta, sprite, chemical tea, etc. ), as well as simple fast food snacks. There is also an outdoor shower nearby, but you will have to walk a couple of hundred meters to the foot-washer. Rescuers sit on the towers and watch “how the girls swim in salt water, lifting their asses up, and dive for a shell with the risk of drowning forever, ” as the great Russian singer, poet and composer Alexander Laertsky would sing.

There are also muscular blacks there, but they don’t blow bubbles while swimming in masks, but hang around the beach and try to sell some bedspreads, watches and sunglasses to vacationers. Well, Thais also go with secrets (well, at least not flocks), offering to appease all massage lovers in unsanitary conditions. There is also a playground near the beach, where children can ride from an inflatable slide or frolic in soapy foam, which they are fired at from a special gun.


To the question: is it possible to drink beer and other Bukhara on the beach? - I will answer right away: you can, if you are careful. I even asked the bartender from the beach bar if the cops would grab me for this business, but she said no, and the two bulls standing nearby added that the cops would even say: “To your health!

"And the caution lies in the fact that in any state you need to behave decently: do not rage, do not interfere with others, and also not shine glassware, because it is forbidden to bring it to the beach, which, I think, is right, otherwise something else will break, someone will then run into the glass ...Even the same beach bar does not sell take-out drinks in glass bottles: they are either first poured into plastic glasses with a capacity of 0.4 l or offered to drink right there from glass glasses. Sangria is also poured into plastic glasses, such a glass costs 3.50. I even remember when I came for sangria on the last day of my vacation, they didn’t sell it to me to take away because ...they simply ran out of plastic glasses. And they offered to use it directly on the spot from a half-liter beer mug (such a portion is already worth a penny). Well, that's cool too!

By the way, for several days in a row, one bull came to the beach with a cooler bag, where he had a bottle of wine in ice, and periodically remained from this very bottle. As you can see, this is possible. The main thing, I repeat, is not to shine glass containers. But beer in cans is freely sold to take away. By the way…


Beer in Spain is mostly medium lousy: Estrella, San Miguel and a few other varieties. But they also sell a beer called Voll Damm with double malt (doble malta in Spanish). This beer will be tastier than the usual tests, however, it is quite strong (7.2%). In the bar, bottles of 0.33 of this beer were sold at a double, and in stores you could buy them for 1.00, and somewhere, maybe even cheaper. A can of Estrella beer of the same volume in the same bar cost 1.80, in street stalls - 1.50, and in supermarkets such beer, even in half-liter cans, will cost less than a Jew.

In bars, beer is also mostly analytical, but in the nearby Es Blanc bar (located at the Japanese restaurant of the same name), we were lucky to find Epidor beer. A very good beer, despite its name, and by the way, the emphasis in this name falls on "o", despite your great desire to put it on "and". : ) A half-liter mug of this beer costs 2.80 there, and after either 12 or one in the morning - a triple with something. But what about our beloved Franciscaner, you ask? I will tell you that it was not so easy to find him there, but we still managed to do it, and in three places: one behind our rooming house in the Cotton bar (there is Franz light and dark bottle 4 each), the second in Tarragona (light bottle at 3.95), the third in Lorza (light bottle at 3.50).


Blanes is not a very party city, so the youngsters will probably be bored there, so they go, as a rule, to have fun in the neighboring Lloret de Mar - a much more party city.

Someone sells mugs on which he promises to write the name of the buyer, someone is any jewelry, someone is stones, someone is a handicraft-made quartz watch with a melted-squeezed bottle from Bukhara as a base. And there are Afro-Spanish women sitting there, offering everyone to braid small pigtails. Little girls often find it funny.

Day 2, Tuesday, 6.08. 13


What, as a rule, begins the second day of rest (well, except for awakening, shower, etc. )? That's right - from breakfast. In our rooming house it took place from 7.00 to 10.30. The breakfast there is not to say very varied, but quite worthy: scrambled eggs, boiled eggs, bacon, jamon, various sausages, cheese, red fish, anchovies, croissants and other pastries, vegetables and fruits (tomatoes, melons, watermelons, pineapples, kiwi etc. ).

Many people prepare toast with tomatoes for themselves: they lightly toast slices of bread in a toaster (the toaster is, by the way, not an ordinary one, but a large one: the bread is placed on a special grate, then it moves under the heating elements to the back wall and falls down; if you wish, you can skip it once or twice), then rubbed with garlic and tomato, lightly poured with olive oil, and it turns out quite tasty. Those wishing to get drunk - please, cold champagne, however, not semi-sweet, but exclusively brut, but it’s better for them to hangover. You can make yourself coffee (Americano, cappuccino, espresso) or tea, but usually this is done for everyone (with delivery to the table) by a restaurant employee - an uncle with gray hair, who also speaks English and French. On one of their days, by the way, he learned the phrase "with milk" and all the time he only repeated: "With a little one. " By the way…


In our hotel, about 30% were bulls themselves, paddling pools and Russians, and about 10% were representatives of other nationalities (shoemakers, Poles, Romanians, etc. ). People, by the way, are all cultured as if by selection - no cattle: neither with gold as thick as a finger and a weighty gymnast around his neck, nor without these jewelry. In other places, the ethnic composition is about the same. There are a lot of Russians everywhere, it even gives the impression that they occupied all of Spain, especially there were a lot of them in Montserrat - more than half (or maybe there were just a lot of Russian sightseeing buses that day), but in San Feliu we did not hear Russian speech at all.


The beach bar, which I mentioned to the north, refers to a restaurant with a telling name "Cal Toni" and an appropriate attitude towards the client.

And although the bar at the restaurant is quite good, I would not advise going to the restaurant itself: the prices there are not cheap and at the same time there is not yet included VAT (value-added fees, that is) in the amount of 10%. This, of course, is indicated in small print on the menu, but people who are not used to such dirty tricks usually do not look at such notes, and then are unpleasantly surprised when they receive a bill. We were also unpleasantly surprised, therefore, not having found coins for one cent, we simply did not leave a tip, considering them included in the servants. By the way, we encountered PDS-razvodilovom there only once, as in Mallorca last year.

Day 3, Wednesday, 7.08. 13


Plant lovers can admire exotic flora in three relatively nearby botanical gardens: Pinya de Rosa, Marimutra (Blanes) and Santa Clotilde (Lloret de Mar). Special buses run to these gardens. Ticket prices are different there: for 4.

90 you can take a ticket for one trip, in a circle, but with only one intermediate exit. A chirp ticket gives you the right to ride this route all day with a free visit to one botanical garden and a 50% discount to visit another. For Friday you can get a ticket for 2 days with a free visit to two gardens and the right to use any bus between Blanes and Lorz. Well, for 2 tweets, a COMBI ticket is sold, which entitles you to travel by bus and train, entrance to the Pinya de Rosa garden and one boat trip. True, the tickets they have there are quite cunningly composed. The fact is that there is one bus to the Pinya de Rosa and Marimutra gardens in Blanes, and another bus to Santa Clotilde in Lorza. So, for example, for a chirp, along with a bus ticket, they give a ticket to Pinya de Rosa, and a coupon for a 50% discount to Santa Clotilde, and this will already have to buy a ticket for another bus. You can, of course, go to the Marimutra Garden, which is along the path of the first bus, but you will have to pay the full price for entering there.

In general, razvodilovo. The only thing that should be noted in fairness is that the discount coupon is not limited to one day, it can be used at least in a week, at least in 2. As a result, we visited only the Pinya de Rosa garden. However, it was not very convenient to get to it along narrow sickles. Somewhere the road was so narrow that there was a reversing traffic light that allowed cars to pass first only in one direction, then only in the other. Well, there may not be enough seats. The only thing that cannot be there is stuffiness, because these buses are actually trailers without windows.


When we arrived at this garden, we were immediately photographed there with a statue of a donkey, planting a huge multi-colored parrot (already alive) on my shoulder. When we left, we were offered our photo for 7 and a plate with our picture for the same amount. And we even took something from them.

The garden itself is quite beautiful, there are a lot of cacti and other exotic plants there, you don’t even need to go to Mexico. And besides the flora, there was also fauna - peacocks in cages. And there was also some kind of pond in which rather large fish swam. In general, if you don’t rush there in such heat and in such conditions, then the place is quite worthy to visit. The same, I hope, can be said about the other two gardens. By the way, keep in mind that the Marimutra garden is closer from the city and it is not so tiring to go there.


Having gone around all of Blanes, we did not see a single RENT A CAR sign! Only apartments were rented there. Only towards the end of our trip did we accidentally notice that in one excursion office, where there were inscriptions exclusively in Russian, they offered, among other things, cars for rent, but we, as a rule, shy away from such offices, like lepers.

However, we looked at the conditions, and they really turned out to be far from profitable. And we decided to look for a rental office through a rooming house, where on a stand with advertising booklets we found booklets of two rental offices (both, by the way, were located in Lorets). The conditions there, however, were not so hot in both, but this is not a reason to refuse to rent a trough, right? And we decided to contact the ABAD RENT A CAR office, the conditions of which seemed more acceptable to us. Everything there, in principle, suited, with the exception of the mileage limit to 400 km per day (an additional dime was charged for each extra km), the deductible (300) and the deposit (100). However, we solved the problem with the franchise, but we had to put up with the deposit and the limitation of mileage, although in the end we met the mileage, and the deposit was safely returned to us. I was also pleased that the insurance extended not only to Catalonia, but also to all EU countries, otherwise, I remember, in 2009

we paid another 29 each for the Frog and the Andes, and that was exactly the amount for insurance in other countries, this time another office demanded. The Opel Corsa C'MON we had chosen was offered to pick it up at 8 pm the same day, but we decided to move it to 11 am the next day.


We found this restaurant to be the best.

Translated automatically from Russian. View original
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