Catinsos Beach Garden Hotel 4*– Reviews

Rating 3.510
based on
46 reviews
№304 in the hotel rating Alanya
3.0 Rooms
3.3 Service
2.8 Cleanliness
4.1 Food
3.4 Amenities
The hotel is located in the Turkler area, across the road from the sea. Opened in 2005, last renovated in 2019. Consists of one main 6-storey building and three 3-storey bungalows. Suitable for families with children.More →
аватар ctpejlka
We flew in through Joint Up, the cost of the tour was, in principle, low, but at such prices there was a choice of hotels and we chose this one based on reviews and photos. And got. . . Sky-up flew on a heavy night flight. We got to the hotel at 6 am. Located in the suburbs of Alanya, but in the suburbs. … More ▾ We flew in through Joint Up, the cost of the tour was, in principle, low, but at such prices there was a choice of hotels and we chose this one based on reviews and photos. And got. . .
Sky-up flew on a heavy night flight. We got to the hotel at 6 am. Located in the suburbs of Alanya, but in the suburbs. Immediately we were greeted by the smell of "dead meat" right at the entrance.
They didn’t have time to evaluate the lobby half-awake, it seemed just “shabby” and “old” and we immediately gave documents for settling in, because we didn’t sleep all night and hoped for a bed a little earlier than the prescribed 14-00, but we were not settled and this was our salvation in this rest!
We were given bracelets and showed in which direction the beach, it is across the road but not exactly, but diagonally. It turns out that you have to go along a strange makeshift crossing with non-standard steps and wires to the outside, garbage (this is a separate issue) was everywhere... just everywhere starting from the entrance, along the transition and after the transition, then you have to walk a little along the sidewalk along the road (by the way, noisy and high-speed) but not much, about 100 meters and a small descent to the beach, if you can call it that. Unfortunately, I don’t have many photos of this area, but I think that many tourists will post photos of the hotel and territories on the network, but the entire beach was littered with garbage and empty cups, and there is also a large makeshift garbage dump right at the entrance. On the beach upside down battered, but some and whole plastic sun loungers, and rubbish rubbish. Pebbles and again garbage. and the pleasant Turkish sea. Although at that moment even it could not please us.
The bracelets were given to us as soon as we arrived, so we waited for breakfast time and went to the dining room and..... went nuts even more. In the dining room you have to go up to the floor above the lobby and all the steps are strewn with gobies, some small lids (garbage) and dirt, dust, sticky spots. The door to the "restaurant" is glass - it immediately caught my eye how slammed it was, that it was scary to take on it! You have no idea how simple a person I am, but I was really afraid to take it on. Furniture once being good and stylish. Already has signs of wear. Somewhere broken. The glass to the terrace is as clean as the doors to the dining room. There is almost no food....everyone took bread, later I realized that there was simply nothing else to eat. It was impossible to drink coffee and tea. The children were hungry. We were lucky that we bought burgers from Kyiv and did not have time to eat everything. At that time, we had already drooped and part of our group was flying, our family + 2 close relatives) shouted loudly, we would not stay here (almost cried) and we went down closer to the Internet, began to actively discuss with our manager so that we could be overpowered.
there we met other Russian- and Ukrainian-speaking tourists; those who lived here before us said right away that everything is bad here and that we won’t see anything good in the rooms either! They really said that everything is bad and they amuse themselves only by the sea. While the correspondence on prices for relocation lasted, we decided to go look at the territory, bars and pools. it was 2 floors up the same steps from the lobby and 1 up from the dining area. We were greeted by a view of the terrace with full tables of yesterday's feast over which flies swirled. the entire pool and playground were also littered with mud and empty cups. The pool stank of chlorine, in this case it was even more of a plus than a minus. Furniture "hung" on the balconies - I don't know why, but the upturned chairs hung over the railing. The feeling that this part of the hotel was simply uninhabited. Of course, we didn't swim. The bar, by the way, was full of empty bottles, there was no alcohol and no bartender, and, looking ahead, even at the prescribed 10-11-12, etc. , neither one nor the other appeared.
We really wanted alcohol at that moment and were waiting for the bar to open, but when the bar (in the lobby, the others never opened) seemed to open, or rather appeared there 2 times, we were offered only sweet drinks. around lunchtime we were lucky and were treated to wine. At this point, the guides arrived and explained to the tourists who settled the day before that, well, for such money - such a hotel, and that the main thing here is the SEA !! ! Cool position Join up - isn't it? what they can say to their tourists, and of course, they cannot offer free relocation, and after us, by the way, a lot of their tourists flew to the same hotel! By the way, we received answers on surcharges for relocation, and the price of relocation to another hotel was more than we paid for the entire tour!
Lunch was as meager as breakfast and just as "dirty" (and tables and dishes and the same doors), but we still ate something, as we were already terribly hungry. Then came the long-awaited 14:00, we already wanted to get some sleep. By that time, they had not slept for more than a day, and also the children. But at first we were told that "there are no available rooms", we were even delighted and asked for overbooking, immediately a Freudian clause: "they say there are so many guests that they have not cleaned their rooms yet, so wait" at the same time another large group of tourists stopped by somewhere then up to 10 people and they noisily sought rooms, rented and we heard that they were ready to be relocated and there were no rooms where we were first in line for relocation. Since we didn’t swear or quarrel, we quickly figured out to write a receipt that we were ready and there were no complaints - we were taken (by a personal car, one of the staff) to another hotel. According to him, this is the owner's brother and he opened a "new" hotel 10 km away and that we will like it there. From the word New, we experienced a slight relief, and with the words "well, it can't be worse, " we were taken to another hotel. I won’t write about it, it’s already getting another review for another hotel. But I will say that after this other hotel was filled with tourists resettled after us from Katinsos, who shared their terrible stories about this hotel. After us, during almost the entire rest (day 4-5, for sure), Join Up settled in Katinsos with its tourists, who somehow moved to the same hotel as we did for free. So for your money in other hotels.
I myself chose the tour, I met this for the first time, and if, as a travel agent, I sent tourists, I would lose clients forever. And thank God that we were lucky to move and we did not get poisoned in the dining room. We were so shocked that I don’t have many photos and videos, and it’s not everywhere that I see what I saw outside the camera, for example, the glass gleams and doesn’t show all the dirt. And yes, the windows were broken at the entrance. And toilets are a different story with floating crap not flushed!
разбитое стекло где указана стрелочка торчит то ли шуруп то ли саморез на которых должна крепиться белая панель как на другом стуле
аватар lenkakyla1
For the first time I had a rest with my husband and children in Turkey. I never thought there were hotels like this. This is more like a dilapidated dormitory than a 4 * hotel. If you want extreme, here you are. During the week the room was not cleaned, bed linen and towels were not changed, all requests were not answered. … More ▾ For the first time I had a rest with my husband and children in Turkey. I never thought there were hotels like this. This is more like a dilapidated dormitory than a 4 * hotel. If you want extreme, here you are. During the week the room was not cleaned, bed linen and towels were not changed, all requests were not answered. The restaurant is very cool - it's a cheap and dirty dining room. Unsanitary conditions prevail around. The food is just awful, no variety in May. In seven days I hated this food. They were taken to hospital with poisoning.

There are no drinks at the bar, only water and sweet drinks. You can dream of some cocktails. Wine, beer never. Rooms are great, old furniture, shabby walls. And it's not just our number, they are all like that. The bathroom is also in terrible condition. Wi-Fi works only at the reception, and it is very weak.
The road to the beach passes through an underground tunnel, it is as dirty and emergency as the hotel. The beach is dirty, abandoned. There is a shabby bar on the beach, there is only water and fresh water.

The only thing I liked about this sea, it will be the best memory of this wonderful vacation. Photos exhibited by tour operators and the hotel's website are not true, there are buildings that do not exist in reality, such as a 6-storey building does not exist, as well as a square pool and gym. And the state of the hotel in the photo is just heaven and earth. If you want to spoil your vacation, then you are here.
аватар krivorukovav
 •  traveled 3 years ago
Rating 3.0
Well, let's start in order: we arrived at the hotel at 6 in the morning. We are 4 adults and a 3 year old. Around 14.00 we were given one room, which was for three, they said that the second number would be later. There was no TV in the room (the type was removed to be replaced with a new one). The walls are dirty, the bedside tables are broken, the entrance glass door is cracked and does not close, the door to the shower with the toilet is skewed and does not close, there are holes in the ceiling, it stinks of dampness and periodically sewage. … More ▾ Well, let's start in order: we arrived at the hotel at 6 in the morning. We are 4 adults and a 3 year old. Around 14.00 we were given one room, which was for three, they said that the second number would be later. There was no TV in the room (the type was removed to be replaced with a new one). The walls are dirty, the bedside tables are broken, the entrance glass door is cracked and does not close, the door to the shower with the toilet is skewed and does not close, there are holes in the ceiling, it stinks of dampness and periodically sewage. The concept of hot and cold water is absent, water is simply either there or not. Bed linen seems to be ok. Towels are white with traces of rust, pillows without pillowcases. The old dirty mattress stood in the room all week. The telly was never hung up.
The second number was given in the late afternoon. The telly was also removed in it and a fan was installed instead of an air conditioner, which quickly broke down. The legend is the same, they say the telly and kander were removed for replacement. For a week they didn't hang up. The fan was being repaired for more than a day, as it turned out, they were installed for the staff.
The general condition of the hotel is very sad, old and wretched absolutely everything. On the beach, garbage is not removed, they cleaned themselves with the help of other vacationers. A lot of locals rest with their families, they behave like pigs (in the dining room everything is half-eaten and scattered on the table and under the table, on the beach, smokers throw cigarette butts right under their feet and do not clean anything up after themselves, they are even too lazy to take a step to the trash. ) The beach is a bunch gobies, cups.
The whole range of bars: sprite, cola, water, sometimes beer, coffee, tea.
Surprisingly, everything in the dining room was not poorly cooked (there were Chinese and a couple of black women working. Well done, they were satisfied with their work).
The pool is cleaned in the evenings, but the area around it is not cleaned.
аватар IrinaSof85
 •  traveled 3 years ago
Rating 1.0
I really want to share my review about this bestial, smelly hotel. . . It all started with the fact that the travel agency chose the hotel in a hurry, did not really read the reviews, believed the word of the agent. On the same evening there was a flight. In the morning we arrived at the hotel and from the very beginning I did not like absolutely everything, the air conditioner does not work in the lobby, there is nothing to breathe, stuffy, stink, dirt. … More ▾ I really want to share my review about this bestial, smelly hotel. . . It all started with the fact that the travel agency chose the hotel in a hurry, did not really read the reviews, believed the word of the agent. On the same evening there was a flight. In the morning we arrived at the hotel and from the very beginning I did not like absolutely everything, the air conditioner does not work in the lobby, there is nothing to breathe, stuffy, stink, dirt. We were met and settled in a room where it was very dirty, the toilet was not working with terrible smudges, the air conditioner did not work (it was disassembled, parts of it were lying on the floor), torn bed linen, dirty mattress, no balcony, no TV, no fridge and no safe.
We turned to the reception, because. there was no desire to stay in the room. We were immediately moved to another room, but it turned out to be in almost the same condition, only the air conditioner worked and there was a dirty old TV, there was also no refrigerator with a safe. We asked for another room, but we were denied, referring to the fact that this is a very good room. Our guide Jalaladin turned out to be a vile liar, he promised to move us to another hotel with our surcharge, but he never fulfilled his promise. As a result, the entire vacation endured this trash. The guide is a different story altogether, he booked us on a tour for a different time (as it turned out, he "just" mixed it up) and they were waiting for us, and we were going like crazy, we were given 10 minutes for everything about everything.
They don’t bring water to the rooms, ants are everywhere, even in the beds, the bedding is damp, as are the towels, the door doesn’t close properly, the handles are broken, the walls are just painted white and dirty spots, the water in the shower did not drain well and spread from the bathroom by number. Nobody wanted to solve the problem, they repeatedly contacted the reception, they say that they will do everything, but as a result, no one solves the problem. The service staff does not talk, they try not to catch the eye, you have to constantly catch them and beg them to tidy up the room. For the whole week of the holiday, the bed linen was never changed. There were also problems with towels, they were practically not given. The territory of the hotel is also not in the best condition, everywhere there is dirt, cigarette butts, empty plastic cups, everything is lying underfoot.
Food is very scarce, only watermelon and grapes from fruits. From meat they gave only turkey. If you come at the end of breakfast, lunch or dinner, then there is nothing to eat at all. And if you arrive on time, then the line is huge, people are standing on the street, waiting.
On the beach, torn mattresses on sun loungers, everything is also dirty and vile. I liked the sea. . .
Do not go there, all the Russian tourists at the reception threw a tantrum, because everyone was shocked by this hotel. I doubt their 4 stars, it's like me then a terrible hostel with a vile contingent. And finally, the photos of the hotel do not correspond to reality, there is no such thing at all... Bad reviews correspond, read them, it's true. I do not recommend the hotel!
аватар berlinetsira
 •  traveled 3 years ago
Rating 1.0
I want to say right away that I am a very loyal person, absolutely not picky and trying as much as possible to find pluses in any situation, for all my vacation trips, I rarely write reviews, just to share my admiration and help people make the right choice. So, this is my first HORRIBLE review, the same as this vacation in this "hotel", which does not even pull on 2 *. … More ▾ I want to say right away that I am a very loyal person, absolutely not picky and trying as much as possible to find pluses in any situation, for all my vacation trips, I rarely write reviews, just to share my admiration and help people make the right choice. So, this is my first HORRIBLE review, the same as this vacation in this "hotel", which does not even pull on 2 *. And only those who want to take revenge on themselves for something should go here))))
I will not write much about the settlement and attitude towards people, this is a gloomy darkness and they do not care about you, your children and the basic needs of comfort.
ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING that you saw in the photo, just non-existent things, illusion, fantasy, call it what you want, but this is a design project (pictured) that will never come true.
FOOD. She is not. From the word at all. For a week stay, we ate one bulgur and some lettuce leaves. Everything else is animal food, terrible to look at, taste even worse and stink of rot. I don’t know HOW you can spoil the same pasta, potatoes or rice...
The reception does not respond to your requests, requests, pleas in any way... That is... half an hour, an hour later, today, etc. As a result, NEVER) The air conditioner did not work (and not only for us, but also for everyone with whom we had the honor to meet and share this sadness of "rest" together))), on the fifth day after the scandal, rolling their eyes, they brought a fan . . The TV did not work at all, but someone just had a "box" hanging on the wall (with wires cut off at the back), and someone just had a hole for it))). No curtains, dividers, etc. I don’t have a shower, the stench of sewerage is unreal, everything is covered in fungus, mucus, mold, rusty and terrible. Ants and cockroaches behave like at home))
There is no children's club there, do not flatter yourself, if you are with children, then they are with you , neither he nor the girl with him (ONE) have anything to do with animation. It is not present from the word COMPLETELY).
The room is just dark. Again, I'm not picky, but this lack of repair just blew the roof off. Scraped walls, furniture staggering and peeling from all sides, moldy pillows, no refrigerator in the room, we beat the reception threshold for 4 days and again brought it to us with a scandal. Full of emotions!! ! There is more to tell, but it will be a million letters with obscene language))) If someone is really interested in this hotel, I can upload photos and videos that will discourage the desire to go here.
I wish you all a calm and comfortable rest)
аватар Tatjana422025
 •  traveled 3 years ago
Rating 3.0
The hotel really does not correspond at all 4 *, who and when gave this hotel **** remains a mystery. I am also not a demanding tourist and choosing this level of hotel I understand that I go only to the sea and fresh air, but this hotel definitely needs to inform the hotel management and possibly tour operators who actively send tourists to Alissa Garden Hotel 4 * - Alanya, Turkey and what worries everyone, judging by the same reviews of tourists, namely: NUMBERS !! ! EVERYTHING IS WORKING IN THEY, THEY REQUIRE URGENT REPAIR AND TROUBLESHOOTING. … More ▾ The hotel really does not correspond at all 4 *, who and when gave this hotel **** remains a mystery.

I am also not a demanding tourist and choosing this level of hotel I understand that I go only to the sea and fresh air, but this hotel definitely needs to inform the hotel management and possibly tour operators who actively send tourists to Alissa Garden Hotel 4 * - Alanya, Turkey and what worries everyone, judging by the same reviews of tourists, namely:


You can not accommodate tourists in the room if there are no buttons drain the toilet, air conditioning and ventilation system. This is not normal, inconvenient, wrong.

FOOD!! ! Vegetables are good, but you will not be full of them, especially men.

PURITY!! ! The service staff cleans quickly but not qualitatively, respectively, everything is sticky and dirty.
The animation is normal, for this level of hotel they are the only ones who want to improve something and lift the mood.

I tried to write very objectively and without criticism.

I can not recommend this hotel, there is nothing to do with children and there will be a lot of inconvenience with children, so if someone thinks that the price is low and go it will be a mistake))
аватар taras470234
 •  traveled 3 years ago
Rating 4.0
The ticket was cheap. Everything was fine, we were met from the airport and taken to the hotel, brought at 6 in the morning and I thought that I would have to wait until 14.00, but no, they settled right away and still had time for breakfast. As for the food, I liked everything here, only the breakfast was weak. … More ▾ The ticket was cheap. Everything was fine, we were met from the airport and taken to the hotel, brought at 6 in the morning and I thought that I would have to wait until 14.00, but no, they settled right away and still had time for breakfast. As for the food, I liked everything here, only the breakfast was weak. But lunch and dinner are great. Different types of vegetables, cheeses, meat every day, in general, here for 5. But far from 5 rooms in a hotel. Here you have to look. There is a pool and a slide. The pool is clean and cleaned every day. It is a pity that there are few sunbeds and umbrellas. The sea is clean to go not far as the first line. But if you want to know more about this hotel, I recommend watching my video review on YouTube - https://youtu. be/fMK0MkyZ2KY. More is said and shown here. If my review will help someone in the choice, then I will be glad.
Обзор отеля
аватар kristinka0245
I want to tell you about our wonderful vacation. We went together with a friend, which I don’t advise repeating, the staff treats young single girls inadequately, we felt like two Alices in Wonderland there, that they just didn’t offer us there, but from annoying looks, goosebumps, very unpleasant. But there are, of course, normal workers. … More ▾ I want to tell you about our wonderful vacation. We went together with a friend, which I don’t advise repeating, the staff treats young single girls inadequately, we felt like two Alices in Wonderland there, that they just didn’t offer us there, but from annoying looks, goosebumps, very unpleasant. But there are, of course, normal workers.
The hotel is old, in need of renovation, but cheap, so it's ok.
They didn’t want to check into the room until 14.00, only for an additional fee, when she saw 2 rooms from the ones offered to choose from, her friend felt bad, paid more and quickly found us a normal room. The price of the issue is **$, as we were later told that we paid a little more...
Those who simply ask to change the room will not receive anything in the end, because you have a standart room in your voucher, and they are all killed, if you want a clean, bright room with a normal view, you have to pay.
The food is good, meat, fish, vegetables and fruits, there is plenty to choose from, but for breakfast you will have to be content with Turkish sausage, but this is not critical, there are many types of cheese, olives, sometimes boiled eggs were given. But the way the staff works during the "corona", I was very upset, hands without gloves, touching your plates, cutlery, plates, cups you take on your own, what is the feature of such a service you did not understand, it would be better if you left everything already as it is.
The beach is not equipped normally, there are few sun loungers, there are large stones in the sea, if there are waves you can hit hard, but there are places where the sunset is clean and it’s normal to swim.
The pool is small, there is a slide, however, mostly Turks go there and it is very colorful and noisy, but we are in Turkey, so we did not pay attention to women in diving suits and felt fine there.
Of the entertainment in the hotel, only strong alcohol (gin, whiskey), but it often and quickly ends and only raki remains, which not everyone can afford. There has always been beer.
The hotel is located near Alanya, 30 min. bus ride. There you can have a delicious meal, take a walk, see the sights, there are shops there, such as in large malls, you can buy things, and at sunset, ride a boat for $ 5.
The animation in the hotel is weak, the music was turned on just at the pool, maybe it’s, of course, at the end of the season, from the entertainment they offered only a disco, smoke a hookah or spend time with them outside the hotel, which I consider unacceptable in the field of individual staff, so I put them dvoechku, cute animator girl, spent a disco with the kids.
In general, we liked the rest, for every minus you can find a plus, but after Europe it was a mistake to come to 4 *, so I do not advise experienced travelers. If you want European 4* buy Turkish 5*. I still do not recommend this hotel to pensioners, as there are a lot of steps, it will be difficult for you.
But in general, if you have a limited budget and you are willing to pay extra for a normal room and entertainment, you will enjoy your vacation.
You can't spoil the sea and the sun.
Обед Вид из ресторана
аватар skril_olja
 •  traveled 4 years ago
Rating 4.0
I would like my review to be short and to the point. Rested with my mother, the room was with a sea view. A chic landscape opened up, but there was one drawback - it was the noise from the cars, because. the hotel is along the road, the hum is just 247, it’s unbearable to sleep, and these entrance doors to the room) it’s something with something) a huge hole between the doors and the floor, you could stick your hand in) the audibility in the room is incredible, it was heard every time if anyone -something went out-went into the room. … More ▾ I would like my review to be short and to the point. Rested with my mother, the room was with a sea view. A chic landscape opened up, but there was one drawback - it was the noise from the cars, because. the hotel is along the road, the hum is just 247, it’s unbearable to sleep, and these entrance doors to the room) it’s something with something) a huge hole between the doors and the floor, you could stick your hand in) the audibility in the room is incredible, it was heard every time if anyone -something went out-went into the room. It was possible to fall asleep only when the whole floor was and went to bed, do not even dream of taking a nap in the afternoon after the sea of ​ ​ lunch. I would also attribute cleanliness to the minus, or rather its absence. The bed, towels were not changed during the entire stay, the garbage was taken out a couple of times, and then with a reminder. Once they wiped the floor with a mop, which crawled the entire floor (and maybe the hotel). The bathroom was allegedly renovated, new plumbing, but the toilet tank was constantly leaking, we had to turn off the water at night.
The food is generally good. The breakfasts were rather poor, but the lunches and dinners were pleasing. Every day meat, fish, alternated with nuggets, meatballs. Side dishes - potatoes, rice, pasta. Lots of salads, cheeses, cold appetizers, fruits - grapes, watermelons, apples, plums, pears. There are many sweets, but most of them taste the same. Once there was shawarma. Alcoholic drinks - I don’t know, I don’t drink, but they said that beer is diluted with water). On the beach in the afternoon closer to dinner you can have a bite - vegetables, fruits, sandwiches.
The sea is great! Very warm! On the beach left and right for a kilometer and a half not a soul, only vacationers from our hotel. As for sunbeds and mattresses, I can say that there were not enough of them for all. At times they stood empty, at times some had to walk just on the sand.
Let me summarize. The hotel is clearly not 4 stars, it's a stretch of the three. I also want to warn people of retirement age that you will have to deal with steps all the time. There is no lift in the hotel.
In general, the holiday was a success. The food and the sea brightened up all the negative points, but I would not definitely return to this hotel))
аватар tihaya.katya1
 •  traveled 4 years ago
Rating 2.0
I don't recommend anyone to go there. I don’t know who would like such rooms and a hotel. Everything is dirty and dead, there is no elementary telephone in the room. They didn't give us towels. We left the hotel the next day. Doesn't deserve 4 stars at all. … More ▾ I don't recommend anyone to go there. I don’t know who would like such rooms and a hotel. Everything is dirty and dead, there is no elementary telephone in the room. They didn't give us towels. We left the hotel the next day. Doesn't deserve 4 stars at all.
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avatar _256294
4 years ago  •  1 subscriber no answers
Alanya fortress
Rating 8.9
Turkey, Alanya
Museums, Story, architecture
Cleopatra Beach
Rating 8.5
Turkey, Alanya
Beaches, Nature
Ruins of the city of Olympos
Rating 10.0
Turkey, Alanya
Story, architecture

Отель расположен в в районе Тюрклер, через дорогу от моря. Окрыт в 2005 году, последняя реновация проведена в 2019 году. Состоит из одного основного 6-ти этажного здания и трех 3-х этажных бунгало. Подходит для отдыха семьям с детьми.

Location 20 км от г. Алания. 5 км от аквапарка Алании. 61 км от аэропорта Алании. 109 км от аэропорта Анталии.
Description of the beach Собственный песчаный пляж в 25 метрах от отеля (через дорогу, есть подземный переход). Протяженность пляжа — 100 м.
  • 2nd line
  • private beach
  • sand beach
  • sun loungers  FREE 
  • umbrellas  FREE 
  • beach towels
In a hotel

Круглосуточная стойка регистрации, доставка еды и напитков в номер.

  • restaurant
  • cafe/bar
  • open pool
  • parking
  • safe
  • free wi-fi
  • elevator
  • laundry
  • hairdresser/beauty salon
  • facilities for people with disabilities
  • non-smoking rooms
  • payment by payment cards
For kids
  • children's swimming pool
Entertainment and sports
  • water park and slides  FREE 
  • Spa or wellness center
  • sauna/bath/hammam
  • gym
  • water activities
  • animation
Description of rooms

Всего в отеле 255 номеров: 233 стандартных и 22 семейных.

In the rooms

Балкон с видом на море, кондиционер, телевизор, стол, стул, шкаф, ванная комната, туалетные принадлежности, полотенца.

The address Türkler Mahallesi Akdeniz Bulvarı No:38 Alanya, Antalya
Phones: +90 242 606 19 25
Какой пляж у отеля?
Отель располагается на 2-й пляжной линии. У отеля собственный песчаный пляж. Пляжные полотенца в отеле (бесплатно).
Какие развлечения есть в отеле?
Отель предоставляет услуги сауны / бани / хаммам. . Для ценителей тишины и релакса есть Спа или велнес-центр. Для поддержания хорошей физической формы отель предлагает посетить тренажерный зал. В отеле есть водные развлечения. О том чтобы Вы ни минуты не скучали позаботится анимация.
Какие возможности для детей есть в отеле?
Отель располагает детским бассейном с небольшой глубиной.