Opishnya, Bilsk, Ukrainian stonehage!

15 June 2017 Travel time: with 10 June 2017 on 10 June 2017
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Embroidered Tour: East (Day 6)

Day 1 read here http://www.turpravda.ua/ru/blog-225712.html?

Day 2 read here http://www.turpravda.ua/ru/blog-225757.html

Day 3 read here http://www.turpravda.ua/ua/harkov/blog-225947 .html

Day 4 read here http://www.turpravda.ua/ru/blog-226002.html

Day 5 read here http://www.turpravda.ua/ru/blog-226092.html

Day 7 read here http://www.turpravda.ua/ru/blog-226252.html

Day 8 read here http://www.turpravda.ua/ru/blog-226272.html

Day 9 read here http://www.turpravda.ua/ru/blog-226512.html

Day 10 read here http://www.turpravda.ua/ru/blog-226632.html

Day 11 read here http://www.turpravda.ua/ru/blog-227462.html

Day 12 read here http://www.turpravda.ua/ru/blog-227487.html

Day 13 read here http://www.turpravda.ua/ru/blog-228327.html

Day 14 read here http://www.turpravda.ua/ru/blog-228382.html

Day 15 read here http://www.turpravda.ua/ru/blog-228867.html

Day 16 read here http://www.turpravda.ua/ru/blog-228887.html

Day 17 read here http://www.turpravda.ua/ru/blog-230447.html

Day 18 read here http://www.turpravda.ua/en/blog-230477.html

Day 19 read here http://www.turpravda.ua/ru/blog-231887.html

Day 20 read here http://www.turpravda.ua/ru/blog-230592.html

Day 21 read here http://www.turpravda.ua/ru/blog-231882.html

Day 22 read here http://www.turpravda.ua/ru/blog-231897.html

Day 23 read here http://www.turpravda.ua/ru/blog-232597.html

Day 24 read here http://www.turpravda.ua/en/blog-232602.html

Opishnya is the capital of pottery in Ukraine, with a very long history. The settlement dates back to the Neolithic era, and the name comes from the ceramic material from which the local potters have been creating their art for centuries.

I started my acquaintance with the village with a visit to the studio of the oldest working potter in Ukraine - Vasyl Onufriyovych Omelyanenko.

This man is an honored master of folk art, winner of the Danylo Shcherbakovsky Prize, the Taras Shevchenko National Prize. My grandfather is 92 years old (! ), And he is still so inspired to work, the products are very beautiful, the animals are so fabulous.

They can use a special technique to blow and get a variety of melodies - oh, and it was good. It is a pity that such a prominent and talented person lives alone in not the best conditions, to put it mildly, and the state does not care about such folk artists.

I bought a whistle from Mr. Vasyl and ran, whistling, to inspect the local estates, of which there are many. They are all made in an authentic style, with a real old stove, murals, jugs on the fence and Wi-Fi in the yard. Overnight in such a manor is a pleasure and a real experience of immersion in the spirit of the Ukrainian past. Here you will be fed with traditional dishes and will be shown the best cycling routes. Such pleasure will cost from 50 to 300 UAH per person per night, I think the prices are very democratic, as for such original conditions, by the way, in one of the estates we will spend the night today - it is called "Lyalina Svetlitsya".


Afterwards we visited the National Pottery Museum of Ukraine. Indeed, an extraordinary original museum. I didn't even think that so much good could be glued from clay. Here is a gorgeous nature, many items of Ukrainian life, Wi-Fi on the territory. We also attended a master class and made our own clay jugs.

I modeled a jug myself, made it myself, drew a heart there and wrote the name of a loved one. Such a thrill - just knead the clay, touch it with your hands, draw its shape on a potter's wheel. Perhaps it is not for nothing that there are legends that people are made of clay, and together we are one. Very pleasant sensations and a kind of meditation.

After the museum, we went to Bilka for a symphony orchestra concert right in the middle of the field, on the site of an ancient settlement.

It is a very good idea to hold such events. Only it is not very good to repair the road there, due to road repairs we did not have time to get there. But back there we drove to the so-called Ukrainian Stonehenge. These are incomprehensible mounds, a strange sanctuary, which used to be watched for the movement of celestial bodies and the clock.

Hungry, we got to the estate, where we tasted ...borsch with strawberries! I'm shocked by this combination, but it was chic.

In fact, in Poltava region you can also find borsch with plums and apricots, depending on the season and your tastes in acid. Also, dumplings are made here much larger than in our west, and they are not cooked here, but steamed in a gauze oven! And from time immemorial, before hiring a person, they put him at the table and watch how much he eats. If it's not enough, it's a bad worker.

Honestly, I am amazed by the variety of tastes and recipes. Visit Opishnya to the Lyalyna Svitlytsia estate and see for yourself! : )

Christina Zhuk

Embroidered Way Tour is an amazing journey through the coolest places of the Embroidered Way route, which is carried out by four popular Ukrainian travelers on June 5-28.2017 .

The purpose of the event is to reveal the tourist potential, diversity and beauty of Ukraine, to symbolically unite the western and eastern regions, to promote the development of rural areas, to promote active recreation and a healthy lifestyle.

Follow the news of the project on the website and social networks of the NGO "Embroidered Way":

Website: http:// ornamentway. com /

FB: https:// www. facebook. com / VyshyvaniyShlyakh

Instagram: https:// www. instagram. com / ornament. way /

Translated automatically from Ukrainian. View original
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