Castles of Lviv region

16 June 2017 Travel time: with 13 June 2017 on 13 June 2017
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Embroidered Tour: Sunset (Day 9)

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About how to become a princess for the whole day and return to childhood.

Our morning. As before, it started in Lviv and the Ecotel Hotel! I like it: clean, cozy, there is a kitchen with free tea, coffee.

But we can't stay long, we need to have breakfast soon. Again a delicious and hearty breakfast from Iidlo. com This time I tried mashed potatoes with pork, and Sergei porridge with berries.

As we were in no hurry, but still late. Today we have a tour of the classic ring of Lviv region - the Golden Horseshoe. So we noticed the nearest taxi and rushed to the city center.

A little organizational formalities and here we are on the bus with a tour group, go to see the castles.

Castles are probably something that is interesting to everyone: children, girls and boys. For a long time I did not visit organized tours and did not go on bus tours. They have their own color.

Our route today is Olesky, Pidhoretsky and Zolochiv castles. Today I will be a real princess, jump on all the castles and choose the best.

The first is Olesky. The castle was built in 1327 and served as the estate of Polish King Jan Sobieski.

The castle itself is small, but it was defensive. Now the castle has a branch of the art gallery. Here are paintings, icons, objects of the 16th-17th centuries. In one of the halls there is a huge canvas on the whole wall - "Battle of Vienna". This is one of the greatest fatal paintings of Eastern Europe.

The castle has a small courtyard, a well and underground passages. The cost of a ticket to the castle is UAH 45.

The castle is quite nice, although it does not impress with its scale. Hills and valleys stretched around the castle.

If you have free time, you can walk through the green area, admire the scenery.

We didn't have much of it, and we ran on.

Next point - Pidhirtsi Castle. This handsome man conquered me immediately.

At the entrance you are greeted by a small cathedral on the left, on board which is now 7 figures. And before it was 8.

In such gloomy weather, the cathedral looks a bit gloomy, but impressive.

And the road to the castle begins right. The cost of an entrance ticket here is UAH 30. for an adult.

This castle is known to many for the footage of the film "Three Musketeers".

It was here that it was filmed, and the castle served as the palace of Birmingham.

Pidhirtsi Castle is called the Ukrainian Versailles. Because it has similar elements of architecture.

I liked it from the first minute. Against the background of a gloomy sky, its steps, windows and fortifications look a bit depressing, but at the same time massive and charming, as befits a castle.

There used to be banquets all over the world, so to speak, "parties at home" of its former owners, festivities and receptions lasted for weeks, but now, unfortunately, the castle is in disrepair and closed for excursions inside. You can only inspect the outside.

Pidhirtsi Castle was very beautiful, looked outside and inside a lot, but there was a fire and most of the property burned down. Well, did everyone write off the fire and maybe someday this wealth will disappear somewhere.

Not without legends.

It is said that overseas hunters were invited here to bring. But not to drive out the ghosts, but to confirm their presence in the castle. And various experts from all these mystical things agreed that the ghost is from the castle wall. According to legend, the owner of the castle once married a very young and beautiful girl, but he was so jealous of her that he walled her up alive in the wall. And she managed to curse him and his family to the fourth generation. And so in the 4th generation this genus just ended. And the ghost of the girl is still hovering in the castle.

We couldn't verify this because no one is letting us in.

And our last castle point was Zolochiv Castle.

This castle looks the most modern among the previous ones. Although there are fortifications in the castle, it was primarily residential.

There are several buildings in the castle.

There is a Chinese hall, which now hosts separate exhibitions and exhibitions of Chinese and Egyptian art.

In the main building of the castle you can see and even sometimes touch the household items of 16-18 centuries. There are children's living rooms, parents' rooms, a dance hall, rooms for servants and security, guest rooms and, of course, the treasury. What a castle without treasures.

The cost of an entrance ticket is UAH 45 for adults.

By the way, the most developed infrastructure around Zolochiv Castle. That's why it's more convenient to buy and have a snack here.

Excursion "Golden Horseshoe of Lviv Region" lasts about 5-6 hours. It is better to take sandwiches and water with you. And for entrance tickets to the castles must be paid separately, except for the tour, so do not forget to take the money.

We were returned to Lviv intact and safe, and almost immediately we jumped on a minibus.

She took us to our new route point - Zhovkva in 13 hryvnias and 40 minutes.

The first thing we saw was the beautiful wooden church of the Trinity. We did not have time to consider it, but I think we will make up for it tomorrow. We were immediately taken to the People's House, warmed up and treated to delicious coffee.

And then. Have you been to children's camps for a long time? I probably 15 years ago =) And now the time machine took us to childhood.

Today the Rosinka forest camp opened its doors for us. Wooden houses, forest, dining room, children - all these are like fond memories of childhood.

We're staying here tonight. Breathe in the fresh forest air, relax from the Internet, remember children's songs! It's so cool that we have such an intense, rich and diverse route. When would I be able to spend the night in a children's camp when I was under 30? !!

Don't be afraid to experiment and travel. They expand the worldview!

Irina Zhuravel

Embroidered Way Tour is an amazing trip to the coolest places of the Embroidered Way route, which is carried out by four popular Ukrainian travelers during June 5-28.2017 .

The purpose of the event is to reveal the tourist potential, diversity and beauty of Ukraine, to symbolically unite the western and eastern regions, to promote the development of rural areas, to promote active recreation and a healthy lifestyle.

Follow the news of the project on the website and social networks of the NGO "Embroidered Way":

Website: http:// ornamentway. com /

FB: https:// www. facebook. com / VyshyvaniyShlyakh

Instagram: https:// www. instagram. com / ornament. way /

Translated automatically from Ukrainian. View original
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