Egypt - the first trip from winter to summer, or how we changed our minds about the country

11 February 2021 Travel time: with 22 January 2021 on 22 January 2021
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I suppose that the story will be of interest to those who are going to visit Egypt for the first time. Experienced travelers in this country are unlikely to find something new for themselves. And yet…


The decision to visit Egypt arose spontaneously on the second day of the so-called lockdown, when my wife and I realized that such a coincidence of forced breaks in work is almost the only chance to relax this season.

Earlier, we refused to consider Egypt as an option for a holiday. Firstly, because they rested mainly in the summer, and it is very hot there during this period; secondly, they considered Egypt to be a country with poor service, intrusive merchants and complete unsanitary conditions.

But at the moment it was Egypt that seemed to us the best option for a holiday.

We usually plan our holidays long before we travel, and it takes several weeks to choose a hotel.

Now there are completely different conditions, and it was necessary to decide within three days.

Armed with the advice of our travel agent and the reviews of tourists from Turpravda, we began the selection procedure.

The main criteria: the most windless bay, the convenient location of the hotel relative to the sea and city attractions, tourist reviews of the hotel during the quarantine period, the price is up to $ 1.300 for two for 7 days (the price level was chosen taking into account the increase in the cost of holidays in Egypt in this year).

At the final stage, there are three options left: Iberotel Palace, Sentido Reef Oasis Senses Resort and Reef Oasis Beach Resort.

Our favorite was the Iberotel Palace, but the price for it during this period turned out to be unreasonably high, both in relation to our budget and in relation to the hotel itself (according to our travel agent).

In the end, we settled on the Reef Oasis Beach Resort, and, as it turned out later, the choice was right.

Thus, on February 9, we decided to fly, and on February 12 we paid for the trip and received confirmation from the travel agent. This is a record short time for all the time of our travels.

The cost of the tour is UAH 37.800

Compulsory tests were taken at the NIKOLAB laboratory.

The price here is slightly higher than in the well-known "DNA laboratory" (770 hryvnias), but there are more centers where you can take the test, and there is less queue (it is possible to register online to minimize the time spent in the medical center) .

The test was taken on February 13 at about 09:00, the results were received the next day around 11:00 on a letterhead with stamps, translation and a QR code.

I will note right away that at the airport of Sharm El Sheikh they only glanced at the papers.


Our journey began with an hour delay with the departure, as it was snowing in Kyiv, and the plane was being treated with an anti-icing solution.

Upon arrival in Egypt, border and customs control passed quickly. Things were checked only by passing through a special device (I forget what it is called) on the tape, without personal inspection.

At the airport we bought a Vodafone SIM card and boarded the bus for further group transfer to the hotel.

We had to wait a long time for our fellow travelers. Approximately an hour later it turned out that about 100 suitcases and bags of the passengers of our flight remained in Kyiv!

We heard about situations when the luggage of one or two passengers of the flight is lost (therefore, the essentials - swimsuits, light shoes, hygiene items were prudently put in hand luggage), but here we were talking about half of those who arrived!

Of course, all these people had to fill out special forms, this procedure required time, and we checked on the bus waiting for the transfer for about three hours.

Probably, it would have been possible to take a taxi, but we were in the country for the first time, the time is early in the morning (it is unlikely that we will be settled immediately upon arrival), so we preferred to wait for the transfer.

The most interesting thing in this situation, in my opinion, was the following.

Anex TOUR and JoinUp tourists arrived on a flight from Kyiv! . In any case, the buses of these tour operators met passengers at the airport parking lot.

AND ALL ANEX TOUR buses departed before the FIRST JoinUp bus! left the parking lot. For example: LAST ANEX TOUR bus left at 07:30, FIRST JoinUp! – at 08:10. That is, either JoinUp tourists were left without luggage. , or ANEX TOUR better organized the work on accepting applications.


Guided by the reviews of tourists, we bought an Egyptian SIM card at the airport counter to use the Vodafone Internet operator. 2.000 units for $14.20 units is more than 10 Gb. Depends on how the Internet will be used: for Messengers (Telegram, Viber, What'sApp, etc. ) and some social networks 1 unit = 1 Mb, in other cases - 2 units = 1 Mb.

Such a purchase really turned out to be convenient! At any point of our stay, there was always Internet at a normal speed (even during a long boat trip), and the volume was enough for two for the entire trip.


The group transfer took 35 minutes: our hotel was third on the list on the way from the airport.

You can read a detailed review of the hotel here: /sharm_el_sheyh/Reef_Oasis_Beach_Resort-h8114-r475124.html

                                                     TOUR OPERATOR JoinUp! (SUN International)

As I wrote above, the tour was purchased from the tour operator JoinUp! . The host in Egypt is SUN International.

On the bus, on the way to the hotel, we were told about the schedules of meetings with guides in various hotels and warned that all excursions must be bought only through hotel guides, and if we decide to use the services of other companies, our insurance will be invalid.

The meeting with the hotel guides (we had two of them at the hotel - Fathi and Walid) was scheduled for the next day after arrival at 09:00.

More than 10 people arrived at the hotel from our flight, and everyone except us had at least one piece of luggage left in Kyiv, so the main issue that interested tourists at the meeting was precisely the fate of the luggage.

The guides hurried to reassure everyone, saying that the problem was solved: the luggage would arrive on today's flight, and a special transfer would be organized from the hotel for one person from each room to pick it up. They promised to inform about the transfer time additionally.

I have no information about how the fate of the late baggage developed in the future.

After solving the main issue for tourists, we switched to selling excursions. I note that the guides know how to talk beautifully about excursions. Only they have the best buses, the best yachts, the best guides and the safest adventures.

Moreover, it was necessary to buy excursions immediately after the meeting. The guides explained such a rush by the fact that under quarantine conditions it is necessary to draw up a special package of documents, and this needs to be done urgently.

In my opinion, the true reason for such a rush became clear after we got acquainted with the offers of excursion companies, whose advertisements are actively distributed on the streets of Sharm El Sheikh. All offers turned out to be at least 2 times cheaper than the cost offered to us by SUN International.

It is clear that giving tourists time to familiarize themselves with other offers is a potential loss of a large number of customers.

For those who refuse to buy excursions, guides experience personal resentment, which is expressed in intonation, gestures, and manner of communication. In addition, they require you to sign a paper that you refuse all excursions.

As practice has shown, even taking into account the beautiful rhetoric and persuasiveness of stories about attentiveness to customers and the highest level of service, the words of guides must be treated very carefully.

I will prove it by my own example.

Since we were in Egypt for the first time, we decided to sign up for a survey of Sharm El Sheikh. The tour runs twice a day. During the day - free of charge, in the evening - with an additional charge for dinner and a visit to the museum - $ 25 per person. This price is calculated for dinner at the FARES restaurant. There is an additional option for those who want a more budget option: dinner at another fish restaurant with a tour costing $15 per person.

We chose dinner at FARES. Paid 25 dollars. And in the evening we found a note at the door of the room that dinner at FARES is impossible, and we need to contact the hotel guide. No one answered the message or the call to the number indicated in the note.

The next morning, I went to the hotel guide, he apologized, said that there was an overlap, and returned the difference between the cost of dinner at FARES and another restaurant.

And in the evening, when I asked the guide why dinner at FARES was broken, the answer was that for about TWO WEEKS there was no such option at all, and the hotel guide must have confused something.

I think that the hotel guide did this deliberately in order to sell the tour, because after the end of the sale procedure, the guides completely lose interest in tourists and at the next meetings they communicate reluctantly, they answer questions in monosyllables, if only you would quickly fall behind.

So, for example, in the morning, a day before the return flight, I approached the guides to clarify the transfer time. I was told that it was still early and that I had to come in the evening. And in the evening, in general, they told me; “Why are you coming to us? Go and find out at the Reception, all the information is there! ".

When contacting the Reception, it turned out that SUN International has a special stand in the lobby of the administrative building, and all the necessary information is indicated on this stand.

But I found out about its presence from the hotel staff, and not from my tour operator!

To the service from JoinUp! (SUN International) I'll be back in the EXCURSIONS section.

In my opinion, this is one of the lowest levels of service throughout our travels with the desire to extract as much money from the tourist as possible for a minimal set and mediocre quality of services.


Unlike other trips, when active rest is shared with the beach one approximately 50/50, this time we decided to devote more time to passive rest.

We bought only two excursions.

The first is an overview of Sharm El Sheikh. We wanted to get to know the city on our first visit and get to know it better. The cost is $15 per person.

Bought from SUN International.

This choice was made, since we did not find similar offers from other offices providing excursion services. The financial details of the acquisition are described in the TOUR OPERATOR section.

When buying, we were told that they would show several interesting sights of Sharm El Sheikh.

At 17:00 we were picked up by a tour minibus from the administrative building. There were 12 people on the tour.

Guide - Julia. Throughout the trip, she talked about the history, traditions, features of Sharm El Sheikh. Answered questions. She showed herself to be a true professional.

First stop - El Mustafa Mosque. You can only look outside. Entry inside is prohibited. At the time of our visit, due to quarantine, the mosque was closed, it opens only during prayer.

Near the mosque, Julia told about the basics of Islam and the traditions of the followers of this religion.

We were given 20 minutes to explore on our own.

After that, we went to the NEFERTITI factory oils store. Here we had a half-hour lecture on various types of oil. Another half an hour was given for the purchase of products. We thought the prices were high, but other members of our group were buying.

The third stop is a souvenir center with prices that are 2-3 times higher than the prices for similar goods in the souvenir shops of the Old City.

The visit takes about 40 minutes.

The next point is Tutankhamen Museum. It houses copies of items that are in the Cairo Museum.

The exposition is interesting. But it was necessary to familiarize yourself with all the exhibits on your own: there was no guide to the museum for our group, despite the fact that in the group that arrived at the museum in parallel with us, but from another tour operator, there was a guide.

Near all the exhibits there are signs with descriptions, including in Russian.

About 40 minutes were allotted for visiting the museum.

The last stop on our journey is dinner at one of the fish restaurants in Soho.

We were seated in an open area. Given the cool weather and strong wind, we felt uncomfortable.

In order to wash your hands or use the toilet, you had to go to the neighboring building.

Dinner, which included several courses, was plentiful and delicious.

After that, we were taken back to the hotel.

The tour was disappointing. First, the commercial component prevailed. Secondly, the route is organized in a very strange way: objects are located in different parts of the city at a considerable distance from each other, and moving between them took about 30% of the tour time.

The second excursion is the Ras Mohammed Nature Reserve and the White Island on a yacht.

Bought at the Empire Tourism 24 agency.

The agency was chosen based on the positive feedback from tourists.

The cost is $24 per person. Plus 10 dollars you need to pay extra for scuba diving (the cost of equipment rental is included in the price of the dive).

SUN International has the same excursion on a yacht of the same class for $50 per person plus $15 per dive.

The agency was contacted on Viber the day before the tour. After we sent passport photos and the name of the hotel for paperwork, we received a message with instructions on where to meet the bus and what to take with us on the tour.

Below are screenshots from the agency's website with a description of the tour:

The beginning of the excursion fully corresponded to the program indicated on the website.

The minibus arrived at the agreed place even 5 minutes earlier.

Money for the tour was taken from us immediately on the bus without any documents confirming the payment.

We stopped at a few more hotels and, in about half an hour, we arrived at the port.

When we got off the bus, we were told the name of our yacht and offered to wait in a special pavilion.

Here, in the pavilion, you could rent a mask ($2), fins ($2), a life jacket ($3).

After another 30 minutes, we were lined up by two people : ) and taken to land.

Before boarding the yacht - control with a metal detector frame and inspection of bags.

We got a ship - Manta 4. The number of tourists is about 30 people.

At the entrance to the yacht, the first surprise awaited us: we must take off our shoes.

Probably, at other times of the year it would have been perceived as normal, but now the floor on the deck was cold in places, so tourists who took socks or an extra pair of shoes with them (including for swimming) turned out to be the winners.

Departure from the port took place at 09:55. The sea met us with a strong cool wind! The view from the open top deck was amazing! But it was precisely because of the wind that it became less and less comfortable to be on it, and all the tourists gradually moved down to the closed salon.

During the voyage, those who planned to go scuba diving were instructed in broken Russian with the addition of gestures.

We arrived at the first stop in the Ras Mohammed reserve, where the dive was planned, at 11:50!

Another 50 minutes they tried to moor. The yacht "cut" circles in one place, and the tourists were waiting for the development of events.

The dive itself, during which the instructor constantly held my legs and indicated the direction of movement, lasted about 10 minutes.

Approximately 70% of the indicated time was spent taking photographs. Due to the constant control by the instructor, this process could not be avoided.

Only 3-4 minutes were left to fully enjoy the beauties of the underwater world.

The pleasure received is a minimum.

At the same time, in terms of its beauty and richness, the underwater world at the dive site was not much superior to that which could be seen in the vicinity of our hotel, just diving in a mask.

Since there were about 15 people who wanted to dive, the total duration of the group's dives was more than two hours.

After the dives are completed, another 10 minutes of sailing on a yacht, and we are at the White Island.

True, the following surprise awaited us here: as a result of the tide, the island was completely covered with water, and there was no opportunity to walk on it or take photos!

Those who wished could just swim next to him for 15 minutes and that's it!

After that we went home.

On the way back we were fed a delicious lunch.

For videos and photos (about 10 pieces) of my stay under water, they asked for 50 dollars. Moreover, it was possible to buy either the whole set, or nothing.

I declined as the quality of the materials was low and there were no really nice views.

Unfortunately, the content of this tour was below our expectations.

After it ended, I wrote to the representative of the "Imperial Tourism 24" that we did not receive the full range of services, since there was no landing on the White Island.

A representative of the agency for a long time could not understand (or pretended) what exactly did not suit me.

She wrote that they were unable to influence natural phenomena.

When I pointed out that the landing on the White Island is even indicated in the name of the tour, and there were no warnings on the website or in personal messages that it might not take place for some reason, I received an answer that in the future they will warn tourists.

Taking into account such an attitude towards clients, I recommend that before buying excursions, weigh whether it is worth contacting Imperia Tourism 24.


Taxi was used only twice for trips to the Old Town.

The scheme is as follows: a price was negotiated near the hotel, and the taxi driver brought us to the Misha Freebie store in the Old Town. The store gave us a special card.

After the walk, we again approached the store, gave the card, the seller called up the taxi driver, and he came within 10 minutes. We paid the driver for travel in both directions upon arrival at the hotel.

To comply with quarantine requirements, all passengers must wear masks while traveling inside the vehicle.

The trip from the hotel to the Old City and back cost us $6.


Using the good location of the hotel, we made most of our purchases in its surroundings.

If you exit the main entrance of the hotel, turn left towards Faraana Reef Resort, then after 10 minutes of walking, you will find yourself in a small shopping center Dahab Center, which is located at the intersection of Al Reyadat Al Bahareya and Al Khazzan streets.

There are cafes, grocery stores with reasonable prices, a pet store (in case someone needs it), a vegetable store with a good assortment. It was in this store that we bought mango "on the road. "

It should be noted that the mango season ends in Egypt in autumn, so the price of this fruit increases significantly in January.

To eat on the spot, we took fruits weighing from 0.5 kg and costing from $ 2.5 per kilogram.

We took a box weighing 7 kg (9 pieces) with us at $4 per kilogram. The mangoes are ripe and delicious! Two weeks after returning to Kyiv, three more pieces remained, all perfectly preserved

When exiting the hotel, if you go right to the intersection with an asphalt road (Al Fanar Street), turn left on it and walk for about 7 minutes, then you will find yourself at the beginning of Al Benouk Street. This street has many shops with souvenirs, clothes, accessories and swimming equipment, etc.

Mango shop deserves special attention with a wide range of food and industrial products at affordable (or even low) prices.

At the end of the street (about 15 minutes walk from the Mango shop) are the buildings of several banks. And next to them are ATMs, in which it is possible to exchange dollars or euros for Egyptian pounds, choosing the most favorable rate.

If you continue along Al Fanar without turning to Al Benouk, then Lezeish Street will be on the left.

Here is McDonalds, El Ezaby Pharmacy with a wide range of medicines and beauty products and low prices (recommended by many tourists), Rayahen coffee and sweets shop.

We bought souvenirs mainly in the Old Town. Moreover, the more remote the outlet from the mosque, the more adequate the prices. For example, I can recommend a store at the intersection of Morocco and Ali Ibn Abi Talib streets, where the initial price for souvenirs was 2-3 times less than other sellers.

Good price and a large assortment in the pharmacy shown on the map below. True, there are problems with the issuance of checks.

Also in the Old Town, opposite the main building of the Fares restaurant, there is a shop where seafood is cooked to go.

Judging by the large number of locals among the buyers, the prices and quality are good here.

We bought shrimp for $14 per kilo. We took 0.5 kg boiled and grilled. Cooking - 30 minutes. In addition, they give a large jar of sauce for free.

Both grilled and boiled were cooked in spices. Maybe that's why we didn't like the taste. But this is not for everyone: surely someone will be delighted with the specific taste of Egyptian spices.

I can also recommend a store where we really liked fresh juices for $1 a glass:

We also went to the famous George Clooney store, which is mentioned by many tourists as the outlet with the lowest prices in the city.

The store is located in the Nabq area, in close proximity to RIXOS, and provides a free transfer from any hotel in Sharm El Sheikh (round trip). The journey from our hotel took 40 minutes.

The store really has a large assortment. But the goods are mostly of poor quality. Due to this low prices. Approximately the same products at the same prices can be bought at retail outlets in the Hadaba area, where Reef Oasis Beach is located.

Based on my experience, I won't go to George Clooney a second time.


A record number of screenings and checks awaited us at Sharm El Sheikh Airport. They checked clothes, luggage, and hand luggage.

Yes, the standard of living in the country is low, and poverty is noticeable even in the relatively prosperous Sharm El Sheikh. At the same time, here you can enjoy an excellent beach holiday without leaving the hotel, at an affordable price.

I think that the resorts of this country should definitely be visited! At least once! Especially in the cold season! To be transported from winter to summer in just a few hours and see the most beautiful underwater world of the Red Sea with your own eyes!

Translated automatically from Russian. View original
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