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Tell me, is it dangerous to go on vacation to Taba?
I would like to go there at the end of May 2012. And in Egypt, constant conflicts. Or is it still a risk?
Translated automatically from Russian. View original
8 subscribers  • asked 2012-03-1312 years ago
Answers  •  28
аватар Ruslan33
who does not risk, he does not drink champagne on the "all inclusive" system! ))) Do not worry, unrest in the capital.
аватар nadin65
Elections in Egypt on 23 and 24 May 2012.
Now the resorts are calm, and you decide whether to go or not in May.
аватар pora-vTur
Taba itself is a very calm region. Unrest is all in Cairo, Alexandria ... It is unlikely that anything will reach Taba at all.
аватар Viltis
I'm not a travel agent, I'll tell you the truth.
Last year, for my birthday in January, I was going to Egypt, and here on the site the agent girl assured me that nothing would ever happen there, that Arabs were phlegmatic, and so on. etc. As a result, the girl stayed at home .. well, the agent, and I ended up in Hurghada from January 22 to February 4. Well, just when the hotel was stormed (not ours, thank God) and when there was a demonstration with mass arrests .. We weren’t particularly worried, we were in a very good hotel. But my mother and mother-in-law almost went crazy (cellular communications and the Internet were turned off in the country. Mom ended up in the hospital with pressure :-(
I visited Taba in 2008. Taba is a border town. There is a constant paramilitary situation. You understand, any conflict will start there.. Yes, there was a terrorist attack there recently, you don't have to go far.
It is up to you to decide, it is profitable for travel agents to sell the tour, this is their income, but they will not go with you and your family. They will stay at home.
аватар kasatkinaellya
From Taba it is good to go to Israel, very close.
аватар Viltis
And to Jordan :-) By the way, in Jordan, in Aqaba, there are also corals and fish, and the situation there is better, and in general I liked it there more than in Israel. And not me alone. I consider Jordan a great alternative to Egypt.
аватар Ruslan33
Viltis, according to your logic, then half of the resorts and countries of Asia Minor can be deleted from the holiday lists: Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Turkey (the conflict between the Kurds and the Sunnis), Syria, Iran, Iraq and many others. And also the whole of northern Africa because of the Islamic revolution, the echo still plays with all the colors of the rainbow! Here are the safest resorts of the Krasnodar Territory! ))) It is true that constant terrorist attacks in neighboring Chechnya, Dagestan, Kabardino-Balkaria, etc. constantly - do not count, nothing! ))) It is best to have a rest in Antarctica, no doubt! )))
аватар Viltis
Ruslan, were you during the unrest in Egypt?
аватар Ruslan33
in fact, all my answers are joking. Seriously, any point on the planet has its risks, the main question is about the degree of probability. In Taba, it is much lower than Cairo and comparable to Sharm or Hurghada. I myself was in Hurghada in November with my wife and child, we did not feel the curfew in any way. Life went on in its most ordinary course. So everyone decides for himself: is it worth the "risk" to rest, or safely sit at home. Personally, I choose the first, albeit without extreme sports. I definitely wouldn't go to Cairo.
аватар Ruslan33
the main unrest was in the spring of 2011. I was not there then. And I wouldn't go. Firstly, the START of the revolution is dangerous throughout the country, secondly, the riots immediately affected the entire tourist industry, including the city and shops / restaurants, and thirdly, many hotels were closed. Fourthly, the authorities at that time definitely had no time for tourists from Russia, their heads were under threat of being cut off. Today there is a COMPLETELY different picture.
аватар Viltis
The main excitement began on January 24, the next day of my birthday. And before that, there were already prerequisites. Although I was assured on this site that it was quiet there and nothing would happen, and that the Arabs loved their Mubarak. And I got to the very epicenter. Of course you didn't go, what person in their right mind would go in the heat of the moment? But you sell tickets to people there. Although the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry asks to refrain from traveling, and especially to the Taba region. On January 30 of this year, tourists were shot in Sharm, why don't you talk about it? And on January 10, also this year, militants attacked resort hotels in Taba. Is this not enough? Is the thirst for profit so great that you send people to troubled places with a clear conscience?
As far as logic goes, you're wrong. I suggest Jordan as an alternative to Egypt, I myself was going there for the May holidays. You can go to Iraq and Afghanistan only when absolutely necessary. Even a child knows that there is a war. And as for the resort resort of the Krasnodar Territory, I have never been, I don’t know. Perhaps there are resorts.
And one more thing: champagne is never served on the all.
аватар Ruslan33
don't start! I do not sell tours, I am an ordinary tourist, and from Russia. It's written in the profile. And as for your revelations, honestly, I don’t want to argue at all - there’s nothing. My semi-joking form is not clear to you and is not even pleasant, what is the point of annoying you even more? Don't visit Egypt, for God's sake!
аватар Viltis
Well, I won't go to Egypt anyway. First, I have been there many times in good times. Secondly, I have common sense and understand that in an Arab country, with a low culture of the population on the one hand and Islamists coming to power on the other, the European has nothing to do.
There are many other countries that are not worse than Egypt. Moreover, I am not an all-inclusive supporter and rightly consider this system to be the lowest in terms of food quality and service. Why put yourself in danger, real danger, if there are so many different interesting, original countries?
You are an adult, and you understand that if the Ministry of Foreign Affairs recommends not to visit, then in which case you will not have to wait for help. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is not in vain writing its recommendations. He insures himself for such cases.
And about your jokes .. well, what can I say, who jokes, and who then tears. You do not realize what topic your jokes are about. A person asks for real advice, not jokes on an abstract topic.
аватар Ruslan33
yes, listen to the Foreign Ministry - chickens laugh! ))) Egypt is unique in its own way! In winter, from relatively close countries for recreation, there are only 2 main options: Egypt and the UAE. The second option has a lot of disadvantages: Islamism is even stronger. the laws are much stricter, most of the beaches are public, trips are more expensive ... Relative cheapness, a beautiful sea, all-inclusive (I don’t see anything wrong with it), the presence of pyramids and a lot of ancient sources of culture play in favor of Egypt. If you don't like it, it's YOUR opinion, it doesn't mean that it's the same for everyone. I understand your position, but I don't share it at all. Absolutely. And that's okay. The taste and color. as they say. As for jokes, if they are not pleasant to the author, I willingly apologize to him in advance. Although, like nothing offensive did not notice! ))) If only there was no war!
аватар Viltis
What else can the Ministry of Foreign Affairs do? Close the border? He warned that gangs of the formation drive in Taba, shoot, rob, in Sharm they shoot at tourists. All. The information has been delivered. And each person decides for himself, children and relatives.
As for Egypt, it is not unique in any way. You just have not been anywhere else, judging by the fact that you compare the Emirates with Egypt. These are completely different countries. In Egypt, you can look at the fish without looking up from the all-inclusive trough, in the UAE, both are not available. Egypt attracts people with this very trough, although it is very doubtful, the quality of food and drinks is so low that only a person with low self-esteem can encroach on it. You will notice that good fives, REAL, and not for Russians, never work on the all-inclusive system because they respect their guests.
Your visas to Israel have been cancelled, go ahead. Why is Eilat worse than Taba? Is he 10 miles away? And Aqaba? There, too, there are fish and the flight is not long. And in Jordan there are very good people, the standard of living is higher, no one grabs by the hand, does not force you to buy. You can walk freely around the city. And go to the Dead Sea. And that's just in the Sinai region.
And there is also the Adriatic, Greece, Cyprus, Sri Lanka ..
аватар Ruslan33
By the way, our foreign ministries are also different. Your attempt to prick me with the phrase "have not been anywhere else" makes me slyly smile! ))) Honestly, you should not wind up like that. madam. After all, we are not dividing a cow! ))) You, apparently, have never been to Egypt, or rather, you have never (or never) been to good hotels in Egypt with good food. I was, I know. The food is AMAZING. Steigenberger Beach, a deluxe all-inclusive hotel. And at Sharm Savoy, the deluxe hotel used to always have ultra all inclusive. I think that a personal resentment just jumped up in you that someone dared to argue with you on this topic. Not worth it, trust me. In order to bring down the ardor of your indignation, I apologize and stop this dispute, or attempts to discuss / find out something. It's easier for me to stop talking. if it passed into the plane of irritation and indignation of my interlocutor. Good luck!
аватар Ruslan33
By the way, I didn’t give you cons. I can send screenshots. I don’t put it in principle - I don’t see the point.
аватар Ruslan33
As for Israel ... I don’t consider the option of resting in a country where Israel and Palestine conquered by it have been fighting for half a century. Attacks and shelling do not please me at all, honestly. I'd rather go to Cairo today (every 300-500 times) than to Israel, honestly! ))) Happily
аватар Viltis
Are you talking about danger? :-)
What are the downsides? What are we talking about?
аватар Ruslan33
Someone downvotes your answers. It's not me. About the main topic, I stopped the discussion, this is already without me. I expressed my opinion to the author in full
аватар Viltis
Oh my God, what's the difference? Well, minus you, if you will be pleased :-) This is just a virtual communication, nothing more. I do not think that I would be demoted or deprived of a bonus due to minuses in one of a million forums :-)
аватар Ruslan33
communication is over, all the best to you
аватар mib05
Thank you, from your debate it became clear to me - it’s better not to risk it, most likely I’ll go to Turkey (it’s still cool in Europe in May, I want a warm sea). I was in Egypt in 2010. I visited the pyramids, the Cairo Museum. I am sorry to tears for what is happening there - the Cairo Museum was smashed, several exhibits were damaged. Eh...
аватар HotLine
Turkey?! In no case.
I quote:
"According to the reports of the Russian Union of Travel Industry (PCT), last year 185 Russians died abroad while on vacation, which is almost twice as many as in 2010 (96 deaths). 1303 Russians were injured in 2011.
Most of the tragic cases with Russians occurred in Russian resorts (154 dead and 649 injured), while Turkey came in second (7 dead and 238 injured), followed by Ukraine, Egypt, Thailand, Greece, Bulgaria and China.
These are not my words.
There were no dead or injured Russians in Taba in 2011.
аватар milapeta
Watch your own domestic news. Do they scare you? What is going on at home every day, what horrors, terrorist attacks, etc. etc.
After the revolution, I was twice in Egypt, I did not observe anything terrible. and all sorts of accidents happen everywhere, all over the world!
Who is afraid to let him sit at home, although ... the gas pipeline may explode, an icicle on the head fall from the roof, bandits break right into the apartment ... continue to list or see the news yourself?
аватар HotLine
It is written at the top - Russia is in first place by a wide margin, Ukraine is in third. This is where it is dangerous for Russians to rest.
This is statistics.
аватар Loki-Agnii
people, everyone
Good day.
I have a vacation in September - the first half, two weeks,
I thought to go to Israel - a friend broke off: like, you don’t need to meddle with us now, we have a conflict ..
As for Jordan, no one can say.
Why did the choice fall on these countries .. I can’t master Mexico or Cuba yet, I have already been in Turkey, in Spain - twice last year.
any opinions?
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