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What does negative reputation mean?
Why is it determined?
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7 subscribers  • asked 2013-02-2611 years ago
Answers  •  18
There is only one reason - the assessment of your answers.
when you answer a question, the person reading the question can vote agree and then you get a point, or they can write disagree and then you lose a point. That's all the arithmetic.
аватар agent_borabora
It just shows how many people disagree with your opinion.
аватар travelsita
Chocolates are not given for a positive rating. Therefore, trying to score as many points as possible does not make much sense. We are here just to share travel experience, help each other with advice.
аватар admin
Everything is correct.
The rating has its own functional purpose. Despite its subjectivity, it becomes quite objective as the person "activities" on the site.

This is easily seen from the ratings of the site's experts. In particular those who answered this question.
Why do you, Galina50, have a negative rating?
Review your "activities" on our website.
The total rating of the account is formed from the ratings of each answer, comment and review of a person. Therefore, it is easy to see what exactly is evaluated positively and what is negative.
Additional information that only we see. In total, you have 364 ratings. The current balance is minus 16.5. Those. You have at least 170 positive ratings. And no one purposefully downvotes you.
аватар Galina50
Did I understand correctly that if I didn’t like the rest in any hotel and I wrote about it, and who really liked it, then I get minuses for my negative opinion, and the other positive ratings?
аватар elenako
No, it's not.
If you did not like the hotel and the rest, and you wrote about it with reason, then you only thank you for this, since you warned people about possible incidents.
If you have minuses in rest only at the level of "but I didn't like it", then minuses are possible in your answers.
For example, you write that there were no breakfasts, and they were not initially declared at the hotel, which affected the price. And you continue to claim that you were entitled to them. Then the people who rested there do not agree with this and put you cons.
аватар elenako
I was given minuses once for my opinion that it is incredibly hot in Egypt in summer.
Someone thought that I was pleased with the 45-degree heat, although I expressed my opinion on this matter unambiguously.
аватар Galina50
Elenako, I knew perfectly well that this villa did not have breakfast and only regretted it. Actually, I chose the Lydia villa with breakfast, but the lady in the tour agency, after paying the full amount for this tour, said that there were places no, and arbitrarily changed to a firm with the owner Raiko, warning that there were no breakfasts there. I gasped, but the flight was in two days, the money was given back.
аватар Galina50
Therefore, I realized that all the minuses were given to me by a girl from Kazan, that she was going to this owner again and drinking brandy with him, but I spoke negatively about him.
Tell me, how can I evaluate other people's answers. How and where can I put minuses and pluses?
Thank you for the clarification.
аватар elenako
Reputation on the site is a delicate matter.
Here, one lady once gave advice, whose reputation was with a big minus sign. But she was one of the best advisers. She had an excellent memory, an analytical mind, knew the subject she wrote about thoroughly. I personally liked her very much - I felt a personality in her.
Come on, you can't please everyone.
There was another expert - his plus signs went off scale ...
It is interesting to read when the advice does not go to individuals.
Here you write-
--Of course, here you are, Milena, in the right place - to drink wine and rakia, and you have a good drinking companion. Your vacation was a success. ---
And one more comment, which is covered in the same place.
Hand on heart, what did you want to get for him? How many pluses?
Now about - how to put pluses and minuses - I hope that you will not put minuses for everyone in a row -
you see, next to the assessment there are two squares with palms.
If you click on the palm with a raised thumb, you put a plus, if with a pubescent, then a minus.
(Well, everything, Milena, hold on!????...)
аватар admin
Trust us, real experts don't have negative ratings. But you need to understand that marks are given not only for information, but also for the style of communication. We are all human - we have emotions.
And we also had a bad person who had a very interesting travel experience and a high rating. But the balance of his ratings was strongly negative. Those. he gave much more negative ratings than positive ones; negatively assessed the rest of the site participants. In the end, it turned into a frank flood and we had to leave. By force method. Despite his travel experience and helpful tips.
аватар elenako
--a person who had a very interesting travel experience and a high rating.--
That's what I remembered today.
How he started and how he ended. And I am tormented by vague doubts that he still appears here on the site. At different times. Under different nicknames. In his last moods and advice.
I'm right?
аватар elenako
Here is an example of reputation for you - a person travels only for a week, we don’t count the day of arrival and departure, it’s impossible to spend this whole week on tedious excursions, I wouldn’t go on them at all, for me the sea is the main one. the answer is not liked, put a minus. .html#ans
аватар Galina50
Thank you for the clarification. I would never have thought that such children's games are played on this site.
I read all the reviews and comments with great pleasure, and I write answers very rarely, I mostly get involved in a discussion where I don’t like certain things.
For example, I am always against small children who are dragged to Africa even before they are a year old. I imagine how modern mothers scourge me.
Of course, I will not stoop to such petty revenge in absentia.
Lena, I've been to many countries, I've been to Europe a lot, I recently flew to Dubai, I was in Cyprus in the summer and I would like to read the controversy on the countries I know.
How to do it?
аватар elenako
In the upper right corner, look at the FIND box.
enter the keyword there - Dubai, etc., what interests you, and you will see - questions. answers, reviews.
аватар V.A.S.
Dear Galina!
Read the controversy, focusing on the title: if you want a selection of questions for a country, just click on the title.
And I absolutely agree with you on the issue of traveling with small children, especially if the baby is dragged for eight hours by plane from winter to hot summer.
As my kind husband recently said: "I hope the child did not let his parents rest ..."
аватар elenako
--that such children's games are played on this site.--
Few people play like this.
Basically, if a question is asked, and someone has already answered it, and I agree with this answer, then why write again about the same thing? I just put a plus, and the person who asked his question sees how many people same opinions.
In the same way, in questions with which I do not agree, I put a minus, and the person is already thinking how to do the right thing.
Basically, there are tips that you should listen to.
аватар admin
About "I get involved in a discussion where I don't like certain things."
Today, a review was denied to a person who wrote a negative review of a hotel for which we have over 80 reviews, including some negative ones.
At the beginning of the review, the author wrote something like this: "we were in Egypt 13 times, we were in excellent fives, but this hotel ..."
The reason for the refusal was indicated as follows - we do not accept the first negative feedback from such experienced tourists, share your positive experience first.
That's an example.
It is clear that people have a stronger motivation to write about negative experiences than about positive ones. But we cannot allow the site to become a place for negative information, especially when we already have it. More calm and objective.
Therefore, bring positive and people will appreciate you.
In addition to searching for what is already on our site about Dubai or Cyprus, you can subscribe to notifications about new questions and reviews about these places in your account settings. Then you will be able to learn and participate in fresh discussions in a timely manner.
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