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Which hotel is better to go with a 10 month old baby?
and not very expensive ;)
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5 subscribers  • asked 2012-06-2012 years ago
Answers  •  32
аватар kapitan1084
Not expensive, it will be a "headache", all hotels where there is at least a h.t. very expensive for kids - wasps. in "season".
аватар PolikSVT
I agree with kapitan1084! If you announced the budget of the trip and the date of departure + city, it would be easier to give advice!
аватар zama
It's terribly hot there right now. Accordingly, already rotavirus infection. Love risk?
аватар PolikSVT
Take a look at the Aegean coast! Marmaris is very reminiscent of Kemer, but the weather there is much more comfortable during this period!
аватар voznyuk
with such a baby it is better to stay at home, and not torturing yourself, him and those around him who are resting!
аватар niona
voznyuk, you either have adult children at all, or they don’t, since you write this.
I went in May of this year with a 10-month-old baby, but I went to Amara Dolce Vita, there was baby food in jars and mixtures, and a crib, and in the miniclub there was a mini-kitchen for preparing meals for babies, and, in general, the Turks are very fond of children ( although I don't think it's worth generalizing. I don’t recommend you go before September, it’s incredibly hot, heat stroke is almost guaranteed, even if the baby in one diaper is + the sun is harsher, even in September take special protection for babies UV50. And inexpensively, again, it’s better to save up and go at least to some Limak Atlantis, but not to a frank ge, if only it would be cheaper.
P.S. I also strongly recommend that you consult a good pediatrician and collect a first aid kit for your baby. It will be very different from yours.
Rest in good health, and do not listen to those who talk about the torment of themselves and others, children of this age at sea behave much calmer and quieter than at home
аватар zama
"do not listen to those who talk about the torment of themselves and others, children of this age at sea behave much calmer and quieter than at home."
Yes, yes, yes, especially on the plane))) At the hotel, mommy will eat something seasoned with Turkish spices - and the baby will suffer.
аватар niona
And on the plane, by the way, children also behave normally. I judge by my child and those children who flew nearby. and you can eat something at home, and even cooked with your own hands. so, Dear anti-Soviet, as soon as you have a child and he will be so long, stay at home, by all means! In gassed cities and eat fresh food from the supermarket, so God forbid ah-ah-ah
аватар iblyaminovaG
Thanks everyone! I have been abroad many times, but without children. In the environment I saw decent, adequate people with babies and they looked happy (not tortured). So I decided to go with the baby;). I'll definitely think about September!
аватар voznyuk
2 niona: and what did I write THIS? to go to hell with such a small child, to be afraid of everything and to be tense all the time - you can’t eat anything superfluous yourself, you can’t slip a child in a room or on the sea, carry a stroller, cans, bottles, etc. ??? or do you think that all the surrounding vacationers will pankat with mommy?
аватар niona
Dear voznyuk,
without descending to the level of market attendants, let's discuss everything from the point of view of a scientific approach and analyze all your arguments. Although I highly doubt you'll read it to the end.
1) "There is now a terrible heat. Accordingly, there is already a rotavirus infection. Do you like risk?" Let us turn to the article of the infectious disease specialist E.E. Ferieva. (if necessary, check, google):
"This infection is characterized by a pronounced autumn-winter seasonality. Thus, in the cold season (from November to April inclusive) up to 93% of outbreaks of rotavirus infection (RI) occur. It is also noteworthy that a significant part of outbreaks of acute intestinal infections (AII ) of unknown etiology also occurs in the cold season, i.e. the actual number of outbreaks of RI can be much higher. Sporadic cases of registration of this disease are also observed in the summer season, but, as a rule, during the cooling period.
"You can get infected with a rotavirus infection in a variety of ways. Rotavirus virions are well preserved at low temperatures. In children aged 1 year and older, it may appear due to attending nurseries, kindergartens and schools. This infection can also be attributed to "diseases of dirty hands" "
аватар niona
“... In an adult, RI can manifest itself as a slight intestinal disorder, so an infected person may not be aware that he is sick. Often the disease proceeds and is completely asymptomatic. Usually, if there is an infected person in a family or in a team, then within 3-5 days, the rest will also start to fall ill in turn. (wikipedia)
We conclude that in order not to get infected, it is impossible for a mother with a child to leave the house at all and let guests in, but forget about rest. Avoid contact with small children. And mind you, it's not hot. Heat is a factor for intestinal disorders, perfectly eliminated by smecta, Humana electrolyte charcoal. You can also wash your hands.
By the way, yes, you need to take jars with you or buy there. In this case, catching an infection is even more difficult. The jars are sterile, and the food is there at one time.
2) “At the hotel, mommy will eat something seasoned with Turkish spices - and the baby will begin to suffer.” (For a start, how did you determine the sex?) By the onset of 10 months, the mass fraction of mother's milk in the child's diet usually (with adequate and timely introduction of complementary foods) is no more than 20% of the total diet. By this time, even moderate consumption of obligate allergens by the mother is allowed.
аватар niona
if she adhered to a nursing diet without subsequent sensitization of the child's body. The use of cabbage, cucumbers and corn (i.d.) previously tabooed as colic is now permissible.
We conclude that the use of products with seasonings is unlikely to affect the child in any way at all. In addition, Turkish spices are not Thai, my mother’s body must have come across them before.
3) “it’s better to stay at home with such a baby, and not torturing yourself, him and those around him who are resting!” The argument is not yours, but you referred to it. “going into the heat with such a small child, being afraid of everything and being tense all the time - don’t eat anything superfluous yourself, don’t let the child through in a room or on the sea, carry a stroller, cans, bottles, etc. ??? or do you think that all the surrounding vacationers will pankat with mommy?
a) "Torturing yourself" Mom, freed from cooking, cleaning, washing, ironing, caring for elderly relatives (if any), of course, will feel much worse than at home. Especially after pregnancy, childbirth and months of sleepless nights. Yes. no comments.
аватар niona
“Don’t let your child slip through in the room or on the sea, carry a stroller, cans, bottles, etc. ??? or do you think that all the surrounding vacationers will pankat with mommy? First, Who told you that she would go alone? Secondly, it is very easy to pass through in the heat and at home. Thirdly, the surrounding vacationers impress you the most, as I see it. Even if she travels alone, the luggage is taken by taxi to the airport, rented upon arrival, with bottles. The stroller can be handed over already near the gangway. So, where is the notorious strained for the above comrades?
b) torture ... him (the child abruptly changed sex) Candidate of Medical Sciences, Head. Department of Neonatology and Pediatrics. (said during a personal conversation during the consultation) notes that according to a study of two groups of children, one of which stayed at home, and the second was sent to the sea climate, the latter showed a 35% increase in positive dynamics of development, both psycho-emotional and physical . It is checked up on own experience.
Clean mountain and sea air also has a positive effect on children prone to allergies, respiratory and skin diseases.
And new impressions will give the baby the opportunity to experience positive emotions.
аватар niona
“to go to hell with such a small child” You are poorly acquainted with my argument. I highly recommend September.
So, where is the torment for the child?
c) torment ... those around you who are resting. Here, it's really fun. I, during my own stay on vacation, observed exclusively sexually mature individuals that interfere with the rest of the rest. They get drunk right on the plane, with alcohol from duty-free, behave cheekily, boorishly and unceremoniously, take sunbeds and do not come, yell, swear. The child, mind you, can be reassured. A 10-14 month old baby can still hardly move on his own (with rare exceptions), so he simply cannot physically run and yell. We conclude that it is not children at all who interfere with vacationers.
And now I would like to read your arguments why a mother with a child should not go, based on scientific data.
аватар PolikSVT
niona, of course, there is some truth in your arguments and reasoning! I don't think anyone will argue! But pay attention to the wish of the topikstarter - "not very expensive;)"!!!! Here is the root of the matter! It’s a no brainer that the chain Amara, Rixos, Gloria, etc., and hotels such as Ela Quality (for children, several times cooler than ADV) meet all the requirements for a vacation with kids. Yes, and the contingent of vacationers there is a little different, more, as they say now, tolerant, because there are much fewer vacationers per square meter of hotel territory than in budget options, people are not annoyed by anything, everyone has enough pineapples and tequila. And the staff runs to fulfill all your requirements "from a low start." And mothers are calmer, there is no need to rush around in search of baby food and a secluded corner to change clothes for a child. I’m not talking from the ceiling, my granddaughter will soon be 4 years old, and I quite often go on vacation with her. They just arrived from Amara on May 31. From here a simple conclusion: it is not necessary to recommend just sausage for breakfast, not everyone has the means for high-quality, raw-smoked sausage. . . . Maybe it's better to wait? So that you don't regret the consequences later.
аватар kapitan1084
PolikSVT - SUPER!!!!!!
аватар niona
PolikSVT, pay attention to what I said: "And inexpensive, again, it's better to save up and go at least to some Limak Atlantis, but not to a frank ge, if only it would be cheaper."
I’m also not talking from the ceiling, I have a 10-month-old baby. And you are also right, but it is better to rest in a budget hotel than not to rest at home at all. It is useful for everyone: both for the child and for the mother. I take my leave for this, because arguing and discussing at the level of "a fool is a fool himself" is not my style! Have a good day
аватар zama
you set the level of "fool himself"))
And this is so for the seed. Season 2012
Gloria Verde - rotavirus
Bella Resort - stomatitis
Club Belinda - looks like rotavirus
Sirene Belek - an infection, judging by what they write, skin, but with a temperature
Voyage Belek - throat, temperature
Club Golden Beach 5* - intestinal infection
Lonicera World - possibly rotavirus
Concorde de luxe resort 5 -
Side Star Resort 5
Wow Kremlin Palace
Marty Mira - sore throats, rotavirus
Mega Barn
Rixos Tekirova - fever, vomiting
Rio Kaya Belek - vomiting, diarrhea
This is according to fresh reviews of mothers who, well done, write directly from hotels or as soon as they arrive.
We have already given birth to and raised our children, and as they say - welcome to you)))
аватар zama
very autumn-winter expression)))
аватар zama
Olga [anonymous] [19.06.12 18:58:30] IP: 79.164.36.*
Rested with two children from May 25 to June 9 in Rixos Tekirova. The youngest daughter fell ill on the eighth day. at night high fever, severe vomiting. In the morning I went with her on insurance to the doctor at the hospital. There was already a family in the car with a boy with the same symptoms, but they were driving for the second time on insurance. We were put on a drip and released with medicines to the hotel. For four days it was very bad, severe weakness, vomiting was once a day anyway and diarrhea !!! Then everything gradually returned to normal. We did not swim in the pool, we did not go to the mini-club, in the evenings we were only at the mini-disco. On this day, there were 5 people from our hotel with vomiting and fever, and many left still sick. The eldest daughter did not get sick!
аватар PolikSVT
And we arrived on May 31 from Amara Club Marine. Half the kids in the hotel were coughing badly, my granddaughter caught it too, her temperature rose to 38.3. Then I started coughing too. Upon arrival home, having handed over the granddaughter to her children, apparently, she also transmitted the infection along with her. They both got sick and were on antibiotics. I attributed our cold to the cold end of May, but then why did my children get sick too? They also flew with us from Turkey, but rested in a completely different hotel. Looks like an infection...
аватар zama
Side, Club Golden Beach 5*
Maria [anonymous] [15.06.12 16:27:00] IP: 46.146.41.*
Be careful with food and water. We rested from May 22 to June 8 with children, everyone was seriously ill with an intestinal infection, with a high temperature, vomiting and diarrhea. It was possible to cure all this only at home, because the hotel does not allow a doctor under insurance. They don't have a contract with the hotel. And the hotel doctor only takes 90 euros for an examination. Not only we were sick, but also many more adults and children. And we didn't swim in the pool. The infection was either in drinking water or in food.
аватар niona
This is so, for starters ... I still hope that this comment of mine will be the last, because I swore to answer for myself. It is sad that people do not admit their mistakes, when there is a scientific justification for their wrongness, they balk and blunt to the last. And I set the conversation at the level, let's discuss it at a reasoned level, alas ... CHEW!
1) Rotavirus is a disease that is transmitted by many available methods, including through contact-household, and if one of them gets sick, everyone will get sick, with the same success a child from a stove will reward your child with this or dad will bring it from work. In order not to get infected, you need to bury yourself alive at home and keep outsiders out. AND DO NOT GO ON HOLIDAY! NEVER!
2) Stomatitis - have fun! A disease of dirty hands, and is slightly contagious. Wash your hands and your baby!
3) Intestinal infection - a disease of dirty hands and poor nutrition. Since this post was intended for a 10-month-old baby, you again ignored what I wrote. "Heat is a factor for intestinal disorders, perfectly eliminated by smecta, Humana electrolyte charcoal. And you can also wash your hands.
By the way, yes, you need to take jars with you or buy there. In this case, catch an infection
аватар niona
even more difficult. The jars are sterile, and the food is there at one time." A 10-month-old baby is still not an adult, he does not eat adult food!
4) colds, SARS (by the way, these are different things). Here it is more difficult without establishing a truly viral etiology of the disease. But you are a psychic doctor, making diagnoses at a distance. PolikSVT has now established that this is an infection, as people from different hotels get sick. And I’m a mother, who walks a lot in the air with her baby, got seriously ill with ARVI even before the trip (dad and grandmother too) and managed to recover, just in ADV everything was fine. Miracles! Conclusion - not a foot on the street!
5) Well, what can I say, there are reviews that specifically "entice" tourists. And such a car, especially in season. But who goes into details, right?
Conclusion: what I "scribbled" there, you either did not read or did not understand. It makes sense to continue the conversation if all the arguments boil down to "one grandmother said." I really hope that the girl didn’t change her mind about going, otherwise you raised your children and regularly ride in resorts (from the words of PolikSVT), but you advise the rest to wait until an indefinite period and bury at home, just in case. This is called ignorance and selfishness. The session is over!
аватар PolikSVT
Yes, I “ride regularly”, but from the age of 2.5 years, and when I have the financial opportunity to purchase a tour to a hotel worthy for a child. I think that rotavirus and intestinal infection can be picked up at home, so I’m just stating the facts that this is how it was with us today. From all of the above, the conclusion is: there is money for a trip with a baby to ADV - wellcome! No - for now, you should refrain from traveling! And if you are asked to give advice "inexpensively", you should not talk about ADV. You yourself, niona, started some complicated and unnecessary discussion. And we understand the difference between ARVI and a cold, the "stupid" ones do not hang out here, and we wash our hands for ourselves and our children, and discuss at a "reasoned level". It's just that sometimes ambitious experts with the status of "established a conversation" come here and the dialogue is "at the level of" fool - the fool himself ""......
аватар kapitan1084
PolikSVT - well, just SUPER !!!!
аватар zama
"Mom, freed from cooking, cleaning, washing, ironing, caring for elderly relatives (if any)"
"...wait indefinitely and bury at home"
Why is the child here? )) The house is a prison for you, so any trip to rest is an event for you. So they would have written, otherwise the interests of the child, his health. It is you who needs to escape from your family, and the health of the child has nothing to do with it. Will you state the last comment again? )))
аватар zama
Arina 06/28/12 22:28:23
Kemer, AKKA Antedon Hotel 5*
Rest time: May 2012
We rested with a child of 4 years in May 2012 for the second time. The hotel is very good, but because of the number of children, there are so many infections. For 3 weeks, we treated the child with a cough, twice conjunctivitis, tonsillitis and candidiasis on the tonsils and have been treating for the second month. All children and adults went to hotels with a cough, my husband and I also picked up a sore throat.
аватар zama
In the Turkish resort of Belek, 12 Russian children who are with their parents on vacation at the Sirene Belek Golf & Wellness 5 * hotel fell ill with chickenpox, the Interfax-Tourism portal was told at the representative office of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Turkey in the Russian Federation on Wednesday.
“In total, 16 children aged 5-6 years old fell ill with chickenpox in this hotel, of which 12 are Russians. The disease was brought to this hotel by a Russian child. A total of 330 children are now in the hotel, of which 280 are from Russia,” the representative office said.
Be careful when choosing a hotel if you are traveling with children!!!
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