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Related question «Documents and borders»
What documents are needed?
The grandmother is going to Ukraine with her grandson, the parents are divorced (the child lives with his mother). What documents are needed for smooth travel across the border?
Translated automatically from Russian. View original
6 subscribers  • asked 2011-05-0913 years ago
Answers  •  32
аватар oresta52
A grandmother can take her grandchildren out of Russia with the written consent of both parents.
аватар oresta52
Well, if the children do not have their own passports, then the birth certificates of children with stamps on the citizenship of the Russian Federation affixed to them.
аватар atlia
аватар Gedeon
FYI - the answers from oresta52 are COMPLETELY wrong. They are called rumors and have nothing to do with the Law.
The deceit at the frontier is spread by the people as if it were true.
NEEDED: Consent or accompaniment when leaving RUSSIA for a RUSSIAN child under 18 years old - ONE of the parents.
In the absence of accompaniment by a PARENT - consent from ONE of the parents indicating the country of departure (Ukraine, USA, Israel, etc. where the child will be brought before the age of 18) and an indication of the period, and in order not to take a new CONSENT every time (... until age of majority) or (... before the birthday of 18 years old) or (... day, month, year of the birthday of 18 years old). Consent to DEPARTURE and not a power of attorney for export, etc. blah blah blah. Let the notary read the Law on Entry and Departure Procedure, all the FORMULATIONS are written there - he is also a lawyer :)...
It is checked - Russian children ONLY by border guards of the Russian Federation when leaving the Russian Federation. (Ukrainian border guards check Ukrainian children when leaving Ukraine - consent is required until the age of 16 from both parents)
For a Russian border guard, a child travels unaccompanied (even if a grandmother is nearby, because she is not a legal guardian) and therefore CONSENT is given to the child's DEPARTURE, and not a power of attorney (to anyone) for export, etc.
аватар oresta52
I wrote my answers from practical experience, as I had to accompany buses across the border.
Now I will give excerpts from the law of the Russian Federation:
In accordance with Art. 20-23 of the Federal Law "On the Procedure for Departure from the Russian Federation and Entry into the Russian Federation" for the departure of minor citizens of the Russian Federation, the consent of the parents, adoptive parent, guardian or trustee is required.
If a minor leaves the Russian Federation unaccompanied, then he must have, in addition to his passport, a notarized consent to the departure of a minor citizen of the Russian Federation of the named persons.

And your post can not understand anything that you want to say "The deception at the border is spread by the people as true." Why this phrase? And what did you say new, or what did I say wrong?
аватар oresta52
Didn't include an excerpt from the law:
"1. If a child leaves without being accompanied by parents (adoptive parents, guardians or trustees), then Consent is issued from both parents (adoptive parent, guardian or trustee).
2. If a minor travels accompanied by one of the parents, then the Consent is issued by the second parent.
3. If one of the parents has died, a Parent's Death Certificate is required."
аватар Gedeon
at all borders when leaving Russia, when entering Ukraine, when leaving U, when entering the Russian Federation, it is necessary to present an identity document: for children of Russian citizens this is:
A. OR birth certificate (up to 14 years old) indicating citizenship (or 1. seal, or 2. insert, OR 3. indication in the Birth Certificate issued in Russia of RUSSIAN citizenship of BOTH parents)
B. or passport from 14 years old
V. or international passport
G. or an entry about the child in the parent's passport (from 5 years old with a photo)
аватар Gedeon
oresta52 - where do you get all this from????!
аватар oresta52
Since this has already been said at the very beginning, why repeat it?
Tell me what did I say wrong?
What do you pour from empty to empty?
аватар oresta52
I'm working on these issues
аватар Gedeon
What is the procedure for the departure from the Russian Federation of minor citizens of the Russian Federation?
In accordance with the provisions of Articles 20 and 21 of Federal Law No. 114-FZ of August 15, 1996 “On the procedure for leaving the Russian Federation and entering the Russian Federation”, a minor citizen of the Russian Federation, as a rule, leaves the Russian Federation, together with at least one of the parents, adoptive parents, guardians or trustees.
In case of departure from the Russian Federation of a minor citizen of the Russian Federation together with one of the parents, consent to the departure of the child abroad from the second parent is not required, if he did not receive a statement of disagreement on the departure of his children from the Russian Federation, drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the Government Decree of the Russian Federation dated May 12, 2003 No. 273 “On Approval of the Rules for Submitting an Application for Non-Consent to Departure from the Russian Federation by a Minor Citizen of the Russian Federation”.
If a minor citizen of Russia leaves the Russian Federation unaccompanied by parents, adoptive parents, guardians or trustees, he must have, in addition to his passport, a notarized
аватар Gedeon
a notarized consent of the named persons to the departure of a minor citizen of the Russian Federation with an indication of the date of departure and the state (states) that he/she intends to visit. In this case, the consent of one of the parents is also sufficient, if the second parent has not received a statement about his disagreement with the departure of his children.

What information should be contained in a notarized consent from parents, adoptive parents, guardians or trustees for the departure from the Russian Federation of a minor citizen of the Russian Federation?
In accordance with Article 20 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of August 15, 1996 No. 114-FZ “On the Procedure for Departure from the Russian Federation and Entry into the Russian Federation”, in a notarized consent from parents, adoptive parents, guardians or trustees for the departure of a minor from the Russian Federation a citizen of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as a notarial consent) must contain information about the date of departure and the state (states) that he/she intends to visit.
According to the clarification of the Department of Legal Regulation and Control in the Sphere of Legal Aid of the Ministry of Justice of Russia (letter No. 16-1598 dated October 20, 2009), the validity period
аватар Gedeon
the period of validity of the notarial consent in accordance with Article 190 of the first part of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation is determined by the calendar date or the expiration of a period of time, which is calculated in years, months, weeks, days or hours. The term can also be determined by an indication of an event that must inevitably come - the age of majority, the expiration of a passport or visa, etc.
In the part concerning the method of indicating the state (states) that (which) the minor citizen intends to visit, the names of states generally accepted in international relations should be used. If you intend to visit several states, their names should be listed.

How is the citizenship of the Russian Federation confirmed when a child under the age of 14 leaves the Russian Federation with a birth certificate?
In accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated November 14, 2002 No. 1325 “On approval of the regulation on the procedure for considering issues of citizenship of the Russian Federation”, belonging to the citizenship of the Russian Federation can be confirmed by the following documents.
1. Birth certificate with information entered into it
аватар Gedeon
1. Birth certificate with the information entered into it:
- about the citizenship of the Russian Federation of both parents or the only parent of the child (regardless of the place of birth of the child);
- about the citizenship of the Russian Federation of one parent of the child and if the other parent is stateless or declared missing, or his location is unknown (regardless of the place of birth of the child);
- about the citizenship of the Russian Federation of one of the parents and the citizenship of a foreign state of the other parent (provided that the child was born on the territory of the Russian Federation)
- about adoptive parents (adoptive parent) who are (consist) in the citizenship of the Russian Federation, by court decision indicated in the birth certificate as the parents (parent) of the child.
2. Birth certificate with a mark confirming the presence
citizenship of the Russian Federation.
If the birth certificate is issued by the competent authority of a foreign state, such a mark is affixed to the document containing the Russian translation of the birth certificate. The specified document must be certified by affixing an apostille on it.
3. Birth certificate with an insert, I confirm
аватар Gedeon
3. Birth certificate with an insert confirming
possession of citizenship of the Russian Federation (issued in accordance with
previously established procedure and retaining its effect).

What are the rules for filing an application for non-consent to the exit from the Russian Federation of a minor citizen of the Russian Federation?
In accordance with Article 21 of the Federal Law of August 15, 1996 No. 114-FZ “On the Procedure for Departure from the Russian Federation and Entry into the Russian Federation”, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 12, 2003 No. 273 approved the Rules for filing an application for disagreement to leave from the Russian Federation of a minor citizen of the Russian Federation, according to which:
- the application is submitted personally by one of the parents, adoptive parent, guardian or trustee of a minor citizen of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the applicant), to the territorial bodies of the FMS of Russia at the place of residence (stay), or to the border control authority, or to the diplomatic mission (consular office) the Russian Federation if the applicant permanently resides outside the Russian Federation;
- the application is written legibly from
аватар Gedeon
- the application is written legibly by hand or using technical means (typewriter, computer) in Russian;
- the application shall indicate the surname, name, patronymic, gender, date and place of birth, place of residence and citizenship of the applicant and a minor citizen of the Russian Federation;
The application must be submitted with:
- an identity document of the applicant;
- notarized copies of documents confirming parental rights in relation to a minor citizen of the Russian Federation or the fact of establishment of adoption (adoption), guardianship or guardianship in relation to the specified citizen.
If these requirements of these rules are not met, the application will not be accepted for consideration.
In accordance with the provisions of Article 22 of the Federal Law of August 15, 1996 No. 114-FZ “On the procedure for leaving the Russian Federation and entering the Russian Federation”, if one of the parents, adoptive parents, guardians or trustees declares his disagreement to leave from the Russian Federation of a minor citizen of the Russian Federation, the issue of the possibility of his departure from the Russian Federation is resolved in court.
аватар Gedeon
This is the official position of the Border Service of the FSB of the Russian Federation. The position of the State Border Service of Ukraine is similar. Everything else from the Evil One (fraud, extortion, ignorance of the law by those who should know, etc.)
аватар oresta52
1) Passport or birth certificate with an insert or stamp that the child is a citizen of the Russian Federation.
2) The consent of both (because with the grandmother) parents of the parents to leave the child abroad. If the child traveled with 1 parent, then under the new laws, the consent of the second is not needed (if the second did not declare his DISPENSE to the authorities).
аватар Gedeon
I recommend you no longer advise, tk. you can make a mistake and the person will suffer. Submit to the site. Or I ask you to read our website, forum and take part in the discussion of these topics on our forum or Here as an expert, having previously discussed the topic on our forum with experts. If there are COMPLAINTS, ie. a person is READY to write a statement to sort out the conflict - this is my personal work. Those. I am interested in receiving official problem statements.
аватар oresta52
Do not worry about me, I advise people what I know for sure from practice. And on sites, if people search, there is so much outdated information!
аватар oresta52
tu rossiane Please answer the question, what did I write WRONG? And then you questioned my answers, but we did not wait for yours ...
Only not excerpts from sites, SPECIFICALLY on points!
After all, atlia is waiting for the RIGHT answer, and not quoting from the Internet !!
аватар atlia
I need my son to rest calmly and without nerves this year, oresta52 wrote me clearly and clearly what I need!
аватар oresta52
Russian!! Where did you disappear to?? The man is waiting for the right answer!!! "Everything else is from the Evil One (fraud, extortion, ignorance of the law by those who should know, etc.)" WE WANT INFORMATION NOT FROM THE EVIL !!!!
аватар NatkaNovaya
And we always draw up consent from notaries for a year.
аватар Gedeon
the position of the Russian border service is stated, for all Russians leaving the Russian Federation, on their official website "... the period of validity of a notarial consent in accordance with Article 190 of the first part of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation is determined by a calendar date or the expiration of a period of time, which is calculated in years, months, weeks, days or hours.The term can also be determined by an indication of an event that must inevitably come - the age of majority, the expiration of a passport or visa, etc.
In the part concerning the method of indicating the state (states) that (which) the minor citizen intends to visit, the names of states generally accepted in international relations should be used. If you intend to visit several states, their names should be listed. "...
Bottom line: You can give CONSENT to leave your child ..... full name ... to .... countries .... until the age of majority (18 years old, birthday (date, month, day) 18 years old, etc. .) i.e. not necessarily "every year" and sootv. consent from dad is not needed if the child is with mom (there is evidence that this is so - an entry in the passport)
аватар Gedeon
atlia asked
The grandmother is going to Ukraine with her grandson, the parents are divorced (the child lives with his mother). What documents are needed for smooth travel across the border?
oresta52 replied
A grandmother can take her grandchildren out of Russia with the written consent of both parents.
oresta52 replied 4 weeks ago
Well, if the children do not have their own passports, then the birth certificates of children with stamps on the citizenship of the Russian Federation affixed to them.
In the Law of the Russian Federation "on the procedure for entry and exit .." it says "enough from one parent", and oresta52 answers - both (?).
In the Intergovernmental Agreement "On visa-free trips ..." it is written for children - citizens of the Russian Federation "a certificate indicating the citizenship of the Russian Federation." Types of instructions may be different, incl. stamp. But it's very narrow.
Today, the issue of options for INSTRUCTIONS for Russian citizenship in children is fixed by DECREE N 444 of the PRESIDENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION dated April 13, 2011
1. Establish that the citizenship of the Russian Federation in a child under the age of 14, at the choice of his parents or other legal representatives, is certified by:
аватар Gedeon
1. Establish that the citizenship of the Russian Federation in a child under the age of 14, at the choice of his parents or other legal representatives, is certified by:
a) a foreign, diplomatic or service passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation that the child has, proving the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation outside the Russian Federation;
b) a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation of the parent, including a foreign, diplomatic or service passport, in which information about the child is entered;
c) a birth certificate containing the following information:
about the citizenship of the Russian Federation of both parents or a single parent (regardless of the place of birth of the child);
about the citizenship of the Russian Federation of one of the parents, if the other parent is a stateless person or declared missing, or if his location is unknown (regardless of the place of birth of the child);
on the citizenship of the Russian Federation of one of the parents and the citizenship of a foreign state of the other parent (if the birth certificate was issued on the territory of the Russian Federation);
d) a mark on the translation into Russian of a document issued by a competent authority
аватар Gedeon
...d) a mark on the translation into Russian of a document issued by the competent authority of a foreign state to certify the act of registering the birth of a child, affixed by the federal executive body authorized to exercise the functions of control and supervision in the field of migration, or its territorial body, consular office Russian Federation or the consular department of the diplomatic mission of the Russian Federation;
e) a mark on the birth certificate issued by the authorized body of the Russian Federation, affixed by the federal executive body authorized to exercise the functions of control and supervision in the field of migration, or its territorial body, the consular office of the Russian Federation or the consular department of the diplomatic mission of the Russian Federation;
f) an insert to a document issued by the competent authority of a foreign state to certify the act of registering the birth of a child, or to a birth certificate confirming the citizenship of the Russian Federation, issued in the prescribed manner before February 6, 2007.
аватар oresta52
To rossiane I made a mistake applying the visa requirements of foreign embassies if the child is traveling without parents.
When leaving for Ukraine, you are right, you need permission from one parent (in case the other did not declare his disagreement to the authorities).
It should be borne in mind that the embassies of foreign states, in the case of issuing a visa for a child traveling without parents, may require a notarized consent from both parents.
Otherwise, I answered everything correctly. Briefly and clearly.
аватар NatkaNovaya
In the notary's office, we wanted to issue consent for a longer period, but we were told by law that it is issued only for a year, rossiane
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