Related questions: Egypt or UAE in December

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Tell me where the water is warmer at the end of December.
11 years ago  •  5 subscribers 4 answers
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The average water temperature in Egypt in December is at least 2 degrees warmer than in the UAE Farther...
Can you please tell me if the sea will be warm at the end of November? Which resort will be warmer? Or is it better to go to the UAE at the same time? Thanks
11 years ago  •  4 subscribers 6 answers
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I rested in Egypt 6 times, and always in December. Water byda from 22 to 24, I always carry a thermometer for water with me both in winter and summer. It is windy in Hurghada, in Sharm and Taba, no. Last year we moved to Dubai, were from November 30 to December 7. The water was 26gr., no wind, golden sand, but no living creatures in the water. And what surprised me was that at 10 o’clock in the evening everything was as warm as during the day, that is, warm blouses were absolutely not needed. Farther...
I am planning to go on vacation in March. Help opredelitsya Dubai or Sharm? In Egypt was 1 time, in Hurghada. I want to go to the Emirates more, but I'm not sure that we will feel comfortable with such finances. Travel budget 2000 USD + 500-700 USD with you for two. Or is it better to go to Egypt and leave the UAE until better times?
14 years ago  •  14 subscribers 20 answers
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Of course, Egypt, the Red Sea there is one of the best in the world, and the UAE is expensive show-off and nothing more, there was a dirty and muddy sea in the Emirates, and you pay literally for everything and the beaches are common there! Farther...
6 years ago  •  11 subscribers 29 answers
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The water is cold. Everywhere except Fujairah, there is the Indian Ocean, and it is much warmer than the bay in winter. But if you like walrus, then why not? You can take a dip and even swim. Farther...
What is the water and air temperature? Is there wind?
16 years ago  •  1 subscriber 11 answers
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It is very good in Sharm (Naama Bay) in December. During the day, water and air are +26, in the evening +18, at night you sleep under a warm blanket and without air conditioning - like at home. It is very comfortable, there is no wind (it rarely happens in Naama). The tan is even, without redness, it lays down easily and without torment. In addition, prices fall in December. Farther...
4 years ago  •  14 subscribers 15 answers
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Dubai is not cheap, excursions there are not the cheapest, but again, what you want to see. Dubai is more of an achievement of the UAE - large-scale buildings, skyscrapers, and Egypt is history - pyramids, and so on. In March, it’s not super hot there, it’s the most for excursions. But the sea is not the warmest, the pools, well, if you choose the right hotel in Dubai, it will probably be heated, in Egypt, most likely already without heating, if there was one at all in the winter (it all depends ... Farther...