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16 years ago  •  3 subscribers 7 answers
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Eilat is hotter than the rest of Israel. Now in Eilat it is 28 degrees (I just asked :), the water temperature is 24 degrees. So come and get warm :) Farther...
Tell me who was in Israel in December, what is the weather like on the Dead Sea, what should I wear? Could it be cold in Jerusalem? Is it worth visiting the diamond exchange, prices differ from ours or not, and what can be bought in Israel.
14 years ago  •  5 subscribers 6 answers
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I traveled in January/February of this year. on the Dead Sea it was +30, on the Mediterranean +20+22 (Tel Aviv, Haifa, Caesarea), and in Jerusalem +8 and snow and rain. Farther...
How is the wind and what is the temperature? Isn't it cold to swim in the sea and is it worth going at all?
17 years ago  •  1 subscriber 10 answers
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Thanks a lot! Farther...
Good evening. Tell me, please, the features of the weather in mid-December in Tel Aviv. What things to take with you? I'm going for 5 days on a business trip. Thanks.
7 years ago  •  4 subscribers 3 answers
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The main feature of our weather in December is UNPREDICTABLE. Yes, yes - it is in winter in Israel that there are sharp temperature drops. It is in December that it rains quite often on the Mediterranean coast ... Swimming in the sea is already problematic - the water temperature is about 15-17 degrees. But this does not mean that the beaches are completely empty, because this will not frighten tourists from the countries of the former USSR :) Take T-shirts and shirts (it can be hot like ... Farther...
I want to go to the UAE, which emirate is better (for the first time) What can I buy there? What are the prices in restaurants? Is there a choice of fruits? Thanks in advance to everyone.
17 years ago  •  1 subscriber 4 answers
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It's worth the trip alone. If the beach and the ocean, then choose Fujairah and you will not lose. You can always go to Dubai. Make shopping. For a whole day you can ride all over the emirates. Prices in hotels are quite high, on average 50-100 USD. on the person, but outside everything is much (almost 5 times less). There are many and varied fruits. There are many pizzerias and fast food outlets outside the hotel. But very tasty "Thai and Indonesian cuisine", although very expensive. You can a ... Farther...
December 7th is my birthday. I want to combine an educational program with a beach holiday. Is it possible and how expensive is it? I live in Kyiv, so I'm waiting for answers about the price of the issue in $ or EURO. Thank you for understanding!
14 years ago  •  5 subscribers 8 answers
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Good afternoon! I recently returned from Israel! an amazing country!!! I liked everything very much! Of course, you can swim in December. The only thing is if you immediately want to settle in Eilat. , Tel Aviv, etc. it will be far away. and in general, I would advise you to initially stop in Netanya for 4-5 days (there are wonderful excursions from there) see all the interesting places, believe me, it's worth it! internal air flight) and to be honest, I regretted very much that I went on a tour ... Farther...