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where and how much to tip?
15 years ago  •  5 subscribers 4 answers
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must be given: 1) bell fights (for those who bring your luggage in hotels) 20-40 baht. To snatch luggage from the bottom in order to carry it yourself and not pay a tip is a big mauvais ton 2) on Thai massage, at the rate of 50 baht tips for each hour, they often have a tip the only income, so it's better not to forget everything else is optional, but it is also recommended to tip in restaurants, about 10-15% of the order. The maids can be given once in the middle of the rest (50-100 baht) on ... Farther...
where and how much to tip, and why?
15 years ago  •  6 subscribers 5 answers
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Tipping should be given where it is not provided. Usually no more than 3%. You can leave a motorbike without problems, but helmets can be stolen, this happened to us, although this is rare Farther...
I was surprised to learn about the low rate of small dollars, and immediately a question arose. And then what about tips? It is generally customary to give them in Thailand, and if so, how much is usually left for tea and in what bills. It is clear that in the restaurant this is baht, but somehow I got used to leaving a small baksota to the maids, but here it turns out that it is not held in high esteem. Please advise. Share. Thanks in advance to everyone.
12 years ago  •  7 subscribers 14 answers
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disagree. In Thailand, even change is given up to a quarter of baht. Tips are generally not accepted here and no one will be offended if you do not give them. At least in Pattaya so. And if you give, then, of course, they will not refuse :)))) Farther...
We are going to Tai for the first time, for example, in Egypt they leave a tip for cleaning on the bed, I myself experimented several times, if you leave money on the table, the cleaner will not take it. Where and how much is it customary to leave in hotels in Thailand?
11 years ago  •  5 subscribers 6 answers
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We left tips only in cafes and then not much. Farther...