Related questions: what is better to take dollars or euros to greece

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In connection with the crisis, it is better to take euros or dollars. And then the euro has grown something, but the dollar seems to be in place. How about this in Greece?
14 years ago  •  5 subscribers 8 answers
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The national currency of Greece is the euro. what will you do with the dollars there? take euro) Farther...
I have some euros. So I think - take it like that or exchange it for dollars?
16 years ago  •  2 subscribers 29 answers
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In Turkey, in stores, prices are indicated in euros. We arrived from there yesterday, it seemed to us more profitable in dollars. Farther...
Hello. We're flying on May 4th. Tell me, who recently returned from Turkey, which currency is better to take euros or dollars with you? Thank you in advance.
15 years ago  •  9 subscribers 11 answers
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You know, after all the shocks with currencies, I think that you need to pay in the currency of the country you are visiting. In the same Turkey ... they consider everything 1: 1. But in fact, if you pay in lira, they already go crazy and shout the euro. but realistically at the current rate. 1 euro = 1.53 lira, 1 dollar = 1.35 lira, so draw your own conclusions. Tips, souvenirs ..... if you want to pay in their currency, it is unnecessary to indulge. and it’s high time to learn to count everyth ... Farther...
I'm going to Bulgaria. What is better to take dollars or euros? And where is it better to change
12 years ago  •  8 subscribers 24 answers
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better than euro. but they also accept dollars, of course Farther...
What is the best currency to exchange there?
14 years ago  •  8 subscribers 11 answers
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It is better to take dollars and exchange for Egyptian pounds at the airport, so it is more profitable to make purchases, in the bank the rate is 1 $ = 5.54 L.E., and when buying in pounds, they multiply by 5, i.e. 1$=5L.E. Farther...
Tell me, please, in the Czech Republic, are Czech crowns or euros still in circulation? And does the euro “walk” there at all? And if in the Czech Republic you still have to change money for Czech crowns, is it better to take euros or dollars with you? Thanks.
14 years ago  •  6 subscribers 5 answers
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If you need to buy currency - better take the euro, because. sometimes you can pay in euros (change in kroons, although the exchange rate is not so hot) They already wrote to you about the exchange and the commission, in addition, a frequently used psychological trick - they swap the exchange rate columns - we are used to buying on the right, selling on the left, and they put the other way around :) And they often put a pleasant rate, but it is written in small letters below for amounts from 10 ... Farther...
Comrades!!! help me answer this question!!! Is it possible to buy a fur coat in Paralia Katerinis for USD????? I'm going there in the summer with my family (to have a rest) and combine it with a fur coat))) Should I exchange money for Euros in my homeland or can I safely buy a fur coat there for Dollars??? There is little coverage of this issue on the internet. Everyone writes only that the price tags are in dollars, or that they buy skins for dollars. BUT!!! Has anyone bought it personally for dollars? And how did it all happen? At the euro exchange rate or is the price tag really in dollars? Help me please!
11 years ago  •  6 subscribers 7 answers
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The currency of Greece is the euro. It is very doubtful that you will accept dollars for payment. In Europe, they don’t like dollars in general, and they don’t accept them almost anywhere, unlike, for example, Egypt. It's better to take euros after all, because according to the law of meanness, it is in the salon where you like the fur coat that they will not accept dollars, but they will accept them in some shed like Cherkizon. Farther...