Related questions: Is it possible to export nuts from Abkhazia

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Strong and not strong? Or is there no export restriction at all?
13 years ago  •  3 subscribers 12 answers
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In duty free you can buy as much as you can carry. Farther...
Is it possible to export fruit from Sochi to Moscow. Are there any restrictions and how to do it right? I could not find such information anywhere, everywhere they write only about exotic countries.
11 years ago  •  3 subscribers 5 answers
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Fruit prices in Sochi and Moscow are almost the same, I don’t see the point ... We brought a few lemons, a few limes, some figs, feijoa, grants for ourselves and treat loved ones, we brought everything in hand luggage, there were no problems. The only thing I like to bring from Sochi is roses, they are sold at Adler airport, already in convenient packaging, they cost up to 2 weeks, they cost a penny. Farther...
For example, I do not like cheeses and sausages, which are usually served in treshka. Can I take a long loaf of smoked sausage with me in my luggage? The question is certainly stupid, but still :) I have reasons to ask it. And in general, what products can you take with you.
16 years ago  •  5 subscribers 14 answers
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Take whatever you want from food, but put it in your luggage. Farther...
what kind of products can be exported from Ukraine and what does the customs let into Georgia (laundry, cigarettes, coffee tea ....) quantity?
12 years ago  •  2 subscribers 7 answers
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in Georgia, upon arrival, no one checks anything. I have been to Tbilisi and Batumi. Kyiv customs can shake for Georgian wine (they also love it), but again, selectively. they didn’t touch me, but there were people from the flight whose things they asked to put on the scanner I do not advise you to bring cigarettes - they are lousy. The coffee and tea was also not particularly impressive. wine and cheeses, yes, just heaven Farther...
I want to go on vacation and buy something. Please, has anyone bought this stuff?
16 years ago  •  32 subscribers 47 answers
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In our stores and shopping centers we sell only Canadian mink coats according to the patterns of Italian designers. We do not have fur coats from Greek and Chinese mink. If anyone wants to buy a Canadian mink coat at a reasonable price, then this can be done in Selda stores. In I-net there are coordinates of the company. Farther...
what can you give or how to surprise your friends from Turkey
15 years ago  •  9 subscribers 25 answers
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NEVER TAKE LIQUID IN YOUR HAND Luggage! if you don't want her to stay with the good border guards forever... for the second year now, there have been rules for carrying liquids in hand luggage - so at first there was a limit of 0.5 then 0.33, and now everything is easily withdrawn ... so alcohol is ONLY IN THE BAGGAGE - wrap the bottles with sweaters (why take a towel with you to Turkey - except perhaps a personal one for your face) and hope for the best ... in hand luggage you can carry, on ... Farther...
Good afternoon, dear ladies! Tell me, did anyone dare to fly on vacation while pregnant? How did everything go? I have been vacationing in Egypt for 7 years in a row, this year I would also like to go to the sea, but is it worth it? I thought that Turkey is still a little closer ... Share your experience, I will be very grateful.
12 years ago  •  10 subscribers 26 answers
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If we analyze everything that has been said here, then the audience is divided into two warring clans: one is those who have never rested during pregnancy and consider it savagery to strive for rest, and the second half are those who allowed themselves such a rest and are very pleased with it, with the exception of one unpleasant case when such a trip ended in failure (I sympathize). And such statistics are quite normal, since there are so many people who have opinions, but I will allow myself t ... Farther...