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Soon I’m going to the neighboring hotel Tiran, but there are not enough reviews on it, maybe someone here will tell you: 1) Do minibuses go to Naama Bay or can you only get there by taxi? 2) How much does a taxi ride to naam and the old city cost and how much does it cost by minibus? 3) Is there a shopping center or at least a shop outside the hotel? what about nearby? And then we go with HB meals and there is no desire to overpay for water at the hotel ... Yes, and hunting to taste local fruits at a price cheaper than at home ...
15 years ago  •  3 subscribers 4 answers
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6 years ago  •  11 subscribers 15 answers
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Carrefour near Naama Bay is closer to the road, but there is a newer Carrefour, it is bigger, it is located before the Old Market, near the hotel-compound Delta Sharm Farther...
Tell me how much a taxi costs from the hotel to Naama Bay, are there markets or fruit shops near the hotel, thank you in advance for your answer.
7 years ago  •  8 subscribers 7 answers
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Were in December. Prices at the market are cheaper than at Soho by 3 times. This is for fruit, since they have lost a pound. I liked leather bags, also cheaper than ours. Farther...
Throw off, please, geolocation, tk. there are a bunch of unofficial outlets using their logo.
5 years ago  •  10 subscribers 13 answers
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In the airoport. Farther...
4 years ago  •  10 subscribers 15 answers
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sugak70, You probably mixed up the hotels. there is a whole market in Makadi near Stella. I don't know how it works now, really. when you drive up to the hotel, to the right of the square, and a very rather large size - three streets, as far as I remember ... immediately behind the minimarket (it is in the photo) Farther...
Fellow tourists! Who knows, tell me - is it possible to buy a women's wetsuit in the Old Market? If yes, where and how much? What is better - to carry with you (buying from yourself for 120 euros) or buy directly from Charme ??? Thank you all in advance!
14 years ago  •  5 subscribers 15 answers
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We have masks/fins. We are not going to Sharm for the first time, but earlier we were not interested in a wetsuit. This time we decided to go at the end of February, and because. I have a "merzlyachka" wife, I needed this attribute of a diver. The problem is that in our city to buy a women's wetsuit is a problem. Everywhere only men for spearfishing. Buying on order is like a pig in a poke - it is not known whether the size will fit. To sew under the order - we do not have time any more. Therefo ... Farther...
I only heard about the Metro (is it free to enter, not with cards?), we want to bring beautiful and high-quality scarves, oils (aromas for the body), t-shirts, towels as gifts. what are the seafood (prepared) stores in Naama? I don’t want to go to the old city, the sellers are too sticky there. I will be grateful for the answers, thanks
13 years ago  •  11 subscribers 15 answers
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In Carrefour you will find all the food, the famous teas of Egypt: hibiscus, yellow tea, there is a small section with souvenirs, t-shirts with prints in the style of I love Egypt and so on... In the old town there is a fixed price shop - Camel Bazaar.. ... Farther...