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5 years ago  •  8 subscribers 17 answers
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I have vacationed in Tunisia several times, once through a standard tour with an operator and several times on my own in the off season. Was even already this year in January You can consider 3 *, see hotels in areas and cities with good tourist infrastructure Hammamet, Sousse, Nabeul, Monastery, near the capital of Tunisia Gammarth, Sidi Bou Said and the island of Djerba Personally, I prefer the infrastructure of hotels in Yasmine Hammamet (part of the center of Yasmine January 2019) and ... Farther...
how is it there?? it seems to me that there will be “not very good”, since there are only negative reviews ... the most interesting question is safety! How is law and order there? what is the attitude towards the Russians? after all, there are only Arabs .. and in general, good people who rested there, name at least a couple of pluses of a holiday in Tunisia (if there are any at all). thank you in advance)
11 years ago  •  31 subscriber 64 answers
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I was in Port El Kantaoui in July. I went to Tunisia in order to learn a new country. Everything was even possible to say within comfort. The sea is clean, the sand is of a pleasant structure. I don’t go to the same place twice. So, if you are not capricious, go and don’t think about sad things !!!!!! Farther...
I want to go to Turkey, but I'm terrified that there are sharks there
13 years ago  •  16 subscribers 22 answers
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So what is it now, do not go to the sea at all ?! By the way, dozens more people drown every year because of drunkenness than from shark attacks. But we keep drinking. And how many thousands of people die on the roads, even observing all the rules of the road. And yet we go outside. I think that if there is less fear, then much less bad things will happen. And in Turkey - well-oh-oh! ... Farther...
Tell me, who rested in Tunisia. If you were touched by a jellyfish and a burning sensation on your body, what measures should be taken?
15 years ago  •  7 subscribers 10 answers
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of folk methods, only tomatoes are remembered (I'm not joking) But this is relative to our Crimean jellyfish :) Farther...
I understand that the Mediterranean Sea is not famous for shark attacks, but still they are there. Is there a shark net around the platform in this hotel? And it’s not clear in the photo whether it’s buoys or a network Thanks.
12 years ago  •  9 subscribers 24 answers
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Oleksii64 About nonsense. And why immediately so aggressively - nonsense. I, too, can call your every word nonsense. Do you sell tours there? ...then it's clear.. I, unfortunately, consider it nonsense, the disregard for people's lives on the part of the owners of hotels where shark nets are not installed. And she doesn’t intend to pay big money for a vacation at random, and I don’t advise others until the negligent owners take care of people’s lives. And it turns out that he looked a ... Farther...
My wife and I are going to rest for the new year, and somewhere there sharks are fed by tourists according to the system, everything is brought.
14 years ago  •  13 subscribers 28 answers
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In 3 months, everything will be forgotten. In March there will be no free places in good hotels. Remember when the hotel was blown up. I think terrorism will be cooler than sharks. tours? Farther...