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Were several times with children 7 and 10 years old in Egypt, we think this year in Thailand. Tell me if it's worth changing the place of rest.
7 years ago  •  13 subscribers 92 answers
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Dear Kolhoznic, have you definitely been to Pattaya? Or do you just want to spoil the rest of the family with small children? Or you just have never seen a clean sea, and therefore it seems clean to you in Pattaya. I love Thailand very much and we have been to different places, so I am writing a truthful and objective review. After the Red Sea, people will be very disappointed with the sea in Pattaya. They have a high bar now in assessing the sea. In Tai, there is something similar only on the P ... Farther...
I want a cool sea and in the evening so that there is a place to walk and civilization to be? Well, so that food .....
15 years ago  •  10 subscribers 12 answers
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Go to Tai don't listen to anyone. They go there with babies. No fried cockroaches. Normal food. There are many quiet places in Pattaya. If you want exotic, go to the center in the evening if you feel like it. The sea in Pattaya is really unclear, but people swim everywhere. And where did you see the clear sea within the city limits? :-) Quieter and calmer of course in Phuket. So choose for yourself. The only thing, learn more about the hotel. Although each person has their own opinion. We were i ... Farther...
who travels with small children, please write about your experience, at what age did you start traveling, what were the difficulties ...
11 years ago  •  4 subscribers 5 answers
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You know, we went to Thailand Phuket in 2012 when my baby was 11.5 months old. We celebrated his birthday there! And there were children of his age and even less (6 months, 5 months), but we chose the hotel so that everything was for children! There are 3 pools of different depths (for different ages of children), and the sea is 50 meters. we went march-pagoda was great +28-35. We had our own refrigerator and kettle in the room - they brought 1 liter of water for free, I could dilute instant cer ... Farther...
We are going with a grandson of 5 years to Thailand for the first time. I have heard that the food is very spicy. The grandson eats very badly and then "our" food. I'm afraid I can feed him somewhere. Before that, they were in Turkey, Croatia, the United Arab Emirates. Please tell me where there is Russian food, because on the very first day I will face this question.
11 years ago  •  3 subscribers 3 answers
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No need for Russian food in Thailand... This is the worst option. In Thai cafes and restaurants, mild food is prepared especially for children. What will definitely not be there is potatoes, and everything else is welcome: soups, rice, noodles, meat, poultry, fish, omelettes. When ordering, ask for "No spicy, for child". In "7/11" or "Family March" you can always buy milk, yoghurts (only sweet ones), juice, cookies. Farther...
My family is going to Zanzibar. Tell me who was, which hotel to choose, when is the best time to go and which region or coast to choose. In general, what can Tanzania be compared with (Zanzibar as a beach holiday). The budget is sufficient. Thanks!
8 years ago  •  13 subscribers 11 answers
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I closed this country for myself after a friend died of yellow fever in terrible agony. TO did not even hint about vaccinations. Recently, Europeans can enter without a certificate, alas. The most dramatic thing is that the couple paid extra, changed the tour after the tragedy in Egypt ... and that's where I found evil rock ((( Be sure to take root Farther...
Good afternoon everyone! I plan to fly from mid-February to early March, but I can’t decide where: to India or Thailand? Who was in these countries, where you liked it more? Hotel 3*. We are traveling with my wife. Interested in: 1. The climate at this time of the year 2. Sights (what you can see) 3. The level of service in hotels 4. Prices for tours 5. Prices in the country itself (how much to take with you) Help with the choice!!! We fly abroad for the first time!
13 years ago  •  9 subscribers 10 answers
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1. The climate in Thailand will be milder, in India it will be hotter and wetter. 2. There is much more to see in Thailand than in India. India - exotic, a minimum of comfort. 3. 3* hotels are definitely better in Thailand. Indian 3* is generally recognized as 2* or 1*. 4. Flying to India was not much cheaper. than in Thai. From Ekb. for two for 12 nights in Goa - 65000, for 15 nights in Tai - 69000. 5. In India, food is cheaper than anywhere else. For two we spent 700 bucks with excursions. ... Farther...
Hello! I am considering the opportunity to go to Thailand with my 13-year-old son in December. But I doubt if he will get bored? We used to always rest in Turkey, but this year the vacation is in December, that’s why the trip is only to Thailand (I’m looking for where it’s warmer) Tell me, please, which resort to choose, which hotel (budget 100,000 days for 12) or maybe it’s worth looking for another warm country in December?
12 years ago  •  7 subscribers 22 answers
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At the age of 13, the child will be very interested in Thailand. Pattaya itself may not be the best option for this age, but those sights and excursions that can be viewed from here will give him a lot of pleasure. Farther...