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8 years ago  •  12 subscribers 15 answers
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In Bangkok, you can also buy excellent tea! Just not on tourist trails and not in the center on the "first lines". You can negotiate with the Thais and they will take you to a real floating market. Just not the one that is popular and where they take tourists for divorce! They take them to the market where they sell themselves. And God forbid you seek help in buying something from the "guides"! They will lead you to the point from which they have a strong rollback and at which prices, of course, ... Farther...
We are going in May (in the second half) to Pattaya, they say it's not the season, it's raining. Is it true? Respond who was in May! We also visited Hainan during the rainy season, but there were practically none (several minutes a day)...
14 years ago  •  13 subscribers 54 answers
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lianka40, maybe you will read the answers on this page? :))) here it's about May and specifically about Thailand. Farther...
9 years ago  •  10 subscribers 10 answers
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I really liked the facial peeling, I bought it with pineapple and Moscow. I tried both Korean rolls and Japanese ones, but I liked the Thai ones the most. I also liked the assortment at the Parinda pharmacy, bought a lot of different products, a chic warming balm and cold granules. Farther...
We are going to Tai for the first time, for example, in Egypt they leave a tip for cleaning on the bed, I myself experimented several times, if you leave money on the table, the cleaner will not take it. Where and how much is it customary to leave in hotels in Thailand?
11 years ago  •  5 subscribers 6 answers
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We left tips only in cafes and then not much. Farther...
It is very interesting what is the climate there at this time? Who has experienced this for themselves? Where is the best place to go in Thailand? In general, any advice would be helpful. Thank you in advance. Julia
16 years ago  •  1 subscriber 9 answers
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Duck for tourists - the rainy season, this is not Malaysia. It's been raining here for half an hour. There are many tourists, but only foreigners - our travel agencies were intimidated. Everything is 50% cheaper. Islands, remember, this is a rest for the tortured, boredom is mortal there. And in Potaya, if you don’t climb cheap Walkin Street, it’s quite decent, the main thing is varied. Been there 3 times, fresh every time. I love thai Farther...
Is it so?
9 years ago  •  8 subscribers 6 answers
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We rested in Pattaya in the Jomtien area, regularly drank fruit juices with plenty of ice at the nearest night market and in a cafe, everything is fine. By the way, they cleaned their teeth at the hotel with tap water, on excursions to the Kwai River they also cleaned with tap water, everything was fine. Farther...