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I don’t understand, sharks only bite our tourists? or only ours are swimming there now ...
14 years ago  •  23 subscribers 255 answers
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FUNNY YOU PEOPLE! When a topic is raised in the forum about the PRESERVATION OF THE RED SEA - it touches 6 people, and the presence of an iron, etc. - majority. And then we wonder what happens. WE ARE GUESTS IN THE SEA! Often failing to follow basic rules of conduct Farther...
shark attack
14 years ago  •  21 subscriber 36 answers
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They fed little. Will have to come back and feed some more! After all, they say, they ask, they write ads so that they don’t feed. So no, we, the Russian people, should do everything the other way around! And then we complain that no one loves us, the Egyptians arrange discrimination for us. They probably forgot the benefactors with the Aswan dam and tanks against Israel ... Farther...
I understand that the Mediterranean Sea is not famous for shark attacks, but still they are there. Is there a shark net around the platform in this hotel? And it’s not clear in the photo whether it’s buoys or a network Thanks.
12 years ago  •  9 subscribers 24 answers
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Oleksii64 About nonsense. And why immediately so aggressively - nonsense. I, too, can call your every word nonsense. Do you sell tours there? ...then it's clear.. I, unfortunately, consider it nonsense, the disregard for people's lives on the part of the owners of hotels where shark nets are not installed. And she doesn’t intend to pay big money for a vacation at random, and I don’t advise others until the negligent owners take care of people’s lives. And it turns out that he looked a ... Farther...