Related questions: Is it possible to export black caviar from Azerbaijan

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We are talking about red caviar, black, of course, no one is going to carry kilograms.
5 years ago  •  2 subscribers 2 answers
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Rules for export from the Russian Federation, see the rules of the Russian Federation. There are also rules for importing into the country, too, consider. Farther...
Was in the Rainbow Castle Hotel 3* food became tin Also in last year's normal: Blue Sky 4* hunger riot, Ares Blue.
7 years ago  •  18 subscribers 54 answers
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The main thing is that you have everything in chocolate, and somehow we will deal with our problems ourselves)). Get out of the role of an expert on Russia already, here is a question about Turkey. Farther...
Hello. Interested only in the opinion of those who have experienced it for themselves! I'm flying to Warsaw. As Ukrainian gifts I bring smoked meats (in a reasonable amount!!...sausage and salmon), red caviar (2 cans of 125 grams each), chocolate (5 pcs of 100 g), sweets and condensed milk (2 cans) . In July of this year, I transported smoked meats, everything went fine. But recently I accidentally read on the Internet that such products have been banned for transportation since 2009, and the day before yesterday they reported on the news that it was “not allowed” ... It would just be a pity that they could be taken away in Poland upon arrival, since the products will not be bought cheap. Who recently transported something similar by plane, please respond ... I will be very grateful
13 years ago  •  8 subscribers 13 answers
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Sometimes you have to not only eat, but also drink at the border. Anything is better than throwing away. Passed the control - and full, and drunk. Farther...
I have heard a lot from the first persons that the customs of Ukraine "goes wild" when checking Russians. Namely, I want to bring up to 1 kg of red caviar as a gift, but I have heard about cases when people either "pay extra" with money or half of the "gift" to customs officers. What documents are needed in order to 100% protect yourself from such inspectors.
11 years ago  •  4 subscribers 4 answers
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By law, you can bring food products for personal consumption into the territory of Ukraine in the amount of not more than 50 Euros. To such quantities: in the original packaging - 1 unit or up to 2 kg of each unit of production, without original packaging - up to 2 kg of one item, without packaging an indivisible product, ready for use no more than one unit of one item. In practice, it looks like this: 1 can of caviar in the original packaging weighing up to 2 kg, or 2 kg without packaging (but ... Farther...
Tell me please: You can carry up to 20 kg in checked baggage free of charge. Is this for one person? And if we fly together, then 40? Does the number of pieces of baggage matter? Can you carry vodka and cigarettes in your luggage? How much weight and how many pieces can I carry in hand luggage?
14 years ago  •  13 subscribers 22 answers
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20 kg for one the number of luggage places does not matter :) you can 1 suitcase for two, then its weight should not exceed 40 kg vodka and cigarettes - in luggage 1 liter of vodka per person hand luggage - 5kg per person Farther...
Please give advice who rested on Sharm about sea urchins.
13 years ago  •  10 subscribers 70 answers
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Hedgehogs can be everywhere. First aid - do not touch, they have brittle and poisonous needles that can remain in the body. It is necessary to wash the wound with hot water, or simply lower the damaged part of the body there. Hot water helps to weaken the action of poisonous needles. With tweezers, you need to remove the needle from the wounds or attach the adhesive tape to the peeled place and then remove it. Sometimes it is necessary to resort to surgical methods. Be sure to shave the damaged ... Farther...