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4 years ago  •  10 subscribers 19 answers
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In Sharm now they took a dollar. The price is from a dollar to 2.5, depending on the variety and the ability to bargain. Farther...
Where is the best place to buy mango, avocado? And what grows there? Herbs / teas - what is acceptable for the Slavs? Night trades. which centers are best? Spices and spices are local, not Chinese, what?
5 years ago  •  13 subscribers 19 answers
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"Otherwise it's very dumb," the only unpleasant thing in these back streets of the Oldmarket is that the overstayed traders "come in and see" attack lonely tourists, and that's all, so you can safely walk. Farther...
6 years ago  •  6 subscribers 4 answers
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When they tell you the price for 1 piece - $ 1 or $ 2, then say, it’s strange everywhere they offered per kg. We bargained and took $1 per 1kg, where we originally wanted $2 per kg Farther...
good afternoon! maybe someone can tell if it is possible to carry mangoes in hand luggage, and not in a suitcase? I’m afraid that they might get wrinkled in a suitcase, but I don’t want to be taken away at the border either.
11 years ago  •  9 subscribers 10 answers
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I don’t know why the Egyptian mango didn’t please you, it’s very tasty for me)) Farther...
I was advised to buy the above
6 years ago  •  7 subscribers 3 answers
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We were in October. Masks from 8 to 24-25 $, depending on the quality, corals 2.5 $, mango and all fruits (pomegranate, guava, etc.) were in October for 1 $. Now mango is probably more expensive. Transfer to Klunik is free in both directions. Good luck .... Farther...
What fruits are currently available?
11 years ago  •  6 subscribers 6 answers
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In October in Egi you can buy a very worthy mango, I bought and ate it myself! In general, my Arab friend from Sharm said that the season for their local mango begins - I can’t remember exactly, but between June and July it seems that his parents grow mangoes in Ismailia, and when I came to Sharm-on in early July he brought me a crazy taste of mango from his trees full suitcase! if you are interested, I can check with him, and when the rest of the local fruits are still in season, which are from ... Farther...
7 years ago  •  14 subscribers 18 answers
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He brought 15 kg of mangoes and 10 kg of pomegranates. For fidelity, I took greener fruits, wrapped them in toilet paper, secured them with adhesive tape on top. Farther...
7 years ago  •  11 subscribers 17 answers
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Tell me, please, how much is the mango now and whether it is ripe. Farther...