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4 years ago  •  15 subscribers 39 answers
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Good people, I ask on the topic, why and why, - this is my personal ..... why is everyone so eager to be clever, If you don't have an answer, move on. Sharm and Hurghada are different, I know it was - but I asked specifically for January and for things !!! THANKS TO ALL !!! Farther...
we are going to Egypt from 01/02 to 02/09. but we hesitate because of the weather...
13 years ago  •  4 subscribers 3 answers
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Cold winds there in February, especially in the evening, you will have to wear a jacket. During the day I calmly swam in the sea, walked in shorts, a T-shirt, tanned like an Indian. In general, read the reviews and answers on the weather in Hurghada on Turpravda, there will be no more questions. Good there! Farther...
4 years ago  •  13 subscribers 13 answers
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You yourself must understand your friends. Let's say if one of my friends says that it's cold outside, I will take measures to somehow warm up. And if another says: dubak, then I won’t even take a micro scarf. Great in Hurghada in February because you can sunbathe and in the evening be not in a down jacket, but in a hoodie. For me, for example, it's great, but I understand that it's great for FEBRUARY Farther...
I want to go in February, I doubt where it is better in Taba or El Gouna in terms of weather. Tell me, please, who knows!!! THANKS A LOT!!!
16 years ago  •  1 subscriber 8 answers
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Yesterday I flew in and felt great - swam every day in the sea and in the pool, sunbathed .... Farther...
how many degrees are the air and water? how is it in the evening?
14 years ago  •  10 subscribers 13 answers
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We were three times in February in Sharm. Every year the weather was different. Plus, it depends on the area in which you rest - there are more windy, there are less. It so happened that the last February arrivals were in the same hotel. And I will say, that the weather was very different. This year it was so warm and calm that we didn’t wrap ourselves in towels after the swims. And in the evening we went in T-shirts. The sea was not stormy and in general it was even more comfortable than in Nov ... Farther...
When does the wind season end?
16 years ago  •  1 subscriber 11 answers
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Personally, I was in Sherm in April and November, I think these are the best options, I was very pleased with the weather, although November was with clouds and a little wind. Friends traveled both in January and February, I didn’t hear any complaints about the weather. It’s not for nothing that they say that summer is all year round in Egypt! Farther...
Interested in the weather in February, is it possible to sunbathe and swim in the Sharm El Sheikh sea? Maybe someone just got back from vacation.
12 years ago  •  8 subscribers 12 answers
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My husband and I have been flying to Egypt for 5 years only in February, on the 20th, it has never been cold, it is always even hot, we take Sharm bay Rasm um el Sid or Naama Bay, there is no 100% wind. It’s just that in February there is an opportunity to go to cool hotels for ridiculous money, so why would I overpay 2-3 times during the season. I generally do not tolerate heat well, and in February for me the most is a very comfortable temperature. At what in the evening, too, I went in a ligh ... Farther...
They wanted to go to Egypt with a child on January 8-10, but many dissuade, they say, the weather is bad there at that time and the sea is cold. Guess who was...
14 years ago  •  19 subscribers 34 answers
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Thank you, Alexander. In general, what is surprising is that our Russian people live modestly in everyday life, they are satisfied with the service in stores, in the south we have housing that is not cheap anywhere, and they lie on towels on the beach, and the weather on the Black Sea is not very hot, the sea is not very hot ... Then they come to Egypt. Not only do they not give a lot of money, they start arguing at the hotel, they blame the service, and the weather is + 26 in January, it’ ... Farther...